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Alhamdulillah,baby is entering its 7th week.EDD is August 2010 so this little one will be a nice 4th wedding anniversary gift for us.No,it's more than that,it's the most awaited gift of our marriage.When i found out,it was 4.30 am!I just could not believe it, so i ran to hubby and woke him up.Hubby,who usually needs more than 15 mins to gain his consciousness,straight away jumped out of the bed and hugged me ;p.The news kept us awake for the next 2 hrs.I've been storing pregnancy and baby info ever since we got married and when i saw the positive sign on my own test,the feeling was amazing,it's out of this world!

Anyway,I'm doing great,never felt greater.No nausea alhamdulillah.I can still cook and do housework as usual.Everything is normal except that i become so sleepy after lunch.And there's a new pimple appearing almost daily :( I have no craving(yet;p)and eat almost everything.Everyone experiences things differently kan?Family kat msia pulak kecoh tanye ade nak mkn apa2 tak?Balik nie saya mintak macam-macam ya.Bukan lah pregnancy craving,tapi dah almost 1.5 years tak balik,pisang goreng pon rindu ok ;p The Frauenarztin says everything is ok :)We were so lucky that she was willing to speak English with me!Kalau tak mmg depends on hubby lah to translate as my Deutsch is very basic.Hubby ckp baby nie kene belajar Deutsch nanti ;p Hubby lawak la.He kept asking the dr if the baby is really "there".Then comes to the not so happy news.I am going back to Malaysia this Friday.Yerp,alone :( Hopefully visa siap cepat so that hubby can see my tummy growing.
I am hoping everything will be going well and we will have a healthy baby for the summer of 2010.Pray for us,danke!
Herbs and Garlic Foccacia Bread
(source: )
(i halved this original recipe)
2 1/2 cup of flour
1 tsp salt
1 tsp of sugar
1 packet (7 gm) dry yeast
1 tsp dried oregano
1 tsp dried parsley
2 tbsp olive oil
1 cup lukewarm water
4 cloves garlic - chopped
2 tbsp chopped rosemary
1 tsp salt
3 tbsp olive oil
1. Mix yeast and the sugar into the lukewarm water. Set it aside until it is foamy. In a mixing bowl, add flour, salt, oregano and parsley. Slowly add in the yeast m ixture to the flour. Knead till the dough pulled together. Add in the oil. Continue to knead until the dough is smooth and elastic.
2. Lightly oil a large bowl, place the dough in the bowl, and turn to coat with oil. Cover with a damp cloth, and let rise in a warm place for an hour or until double it size.
3. Punch the dough down and place the dough on greased baking sheet. Pat the dough into a 1/2 inch thick rectangle. Mix all the topping ingredients together. Put the t opping all over the bread.
4. Bake the bread in a preheated oven for 20 minutes, or until golden brown. Serve warm.
Broccoli Cheese Soup(source: )

Ingredients (2 servings)
- 1 tablespoon butter
- 1/8 onion, chopped
- 1/8 package chopped broccoli
- 2/3 can chicken broth
- 1/8 loaf processed cheese food, cubed
- 1/3 cup milk
- 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
- 1 tablespoon cornstarch
- 2 tablespoons water
- In a stockpot, melt butter over medium heat. Cook onion in butter until softened. Stir in broccoli, and cover with chicken broth. Simmer until broccoli is tender, 10 to 15 minutes.
- Reduce heat, and stir in cheese cubes until melted. Mix in milk and garlic powder.
- In a small bowl, stir cornstarch into water until dissolved. Stir into soup; cook, stirring frequently, until thick.
Been a while since the last food entry.
We had a quiet dinner @home on hubby's birthday.Why did i say quiet?Sebab both of us were starving,lapar sgt,mkn tak berckp ok ;p Hubby ckp he's going to eat one whole chicken,guess what,he really did.Yerp,i'm married to a monster hahaha.
Honey glazed roasted chicken

Herbs and garlic focaccio bread.I love this bread!It goes really well with the soup and super easy to make too!I'll put up the recipe later.
Broccoli and Cheese Soup

Oreo cheesecake

Over the weekend,there's a potluck party with the rest of die Augsburger to celebrate December babies.Did i tell you the Augsburgers can really cook?We had ayam coke,ayam paprik,ayam rosemary,kari ikan,mee bandung,vegetarish satay,popia basah,smoked salmon bruschetta and cheese cakes.The birthday girl prepared her own mocha cheese cake and i brought along New York Cheese cake with strawberry topping.Semua sibuk makan,tade gambar food pon!;p

Since a week before raya haji,every weekend ade makan2,sukee!There's one house warming tomorrow and another makan-makan next week yeayy!
When it comes to playing in the snow,everyone loves it!Creating snow angels and snow mans and having snow fights with friends are sure lots of fun but the freezing temperature is not.I can still tolerate -5 Celcius but definitely not -15C(day time ya).When it gets to this cold,i just want to stay home,hide under the duvet and watch TV!Believe me,traveling is the last thing i want to do.Tambah pula susah nak solat,zohor is @12pm,asar @2pm,maghrib @4pm and ishak @6pm!Mana boleh jamak 4 waktu huhu.But when you have guests coming all away from Malaysia,you can't just ask them to stay in and play cards with you ;p.
As planned,we brought them to Salzburg and Schloss Neuschwanstein.I'd warned them before hand on the chilling wave the weather forecast was predicting.My darling friend seemed to struggle with the super low temperature the moment she stepped at the Muenchen Hauptbahnhof.Well,who does not?The chill can even sneak up the locals.But hey,you can still travel during this season and enjoy the snow,just make sure you prepare ahead to protect yourself from the cold.Get a bubble jacket like mine!hahaha it's so comfortable albeit hideous and bulky.Winter offers the chance to see the places in a whole different set but with dimmer light.And hotels are generally cheaper as winter months are the off-season.
But if you're not ready to shiver your bones,scrap out Deutschland from your list.The less chilly countries like Greece,Portugal,Spain and Italy(southern) might be the better options.Stepping away from the comforts of our own place is always a good adventure but do not overkill yourself.I should thank to the Indiana's extreme winter,which was (and still)even worse than this,there was this one time when the temperature dropped to -20 C,brrrr.In a way,it prepared me to this condition,hmm I wonder how did i survive the big freeze during those years huhu dah la kurus kering ;p. Despite the chill,a walk through the snow is always magical and a snow scape is always beautiful, a charm of its own.
Our third visit to the castle.I'm glad everyone had fun hiking up the hill and throwing snowballs!!

p/s: Summer is always a better season to travel.
Salam Maal Hijrah to all of you,
This is my final post on our recent trip to Barcelona.
Right after breakfast,we made our way to the La Rambla,the main walkway in Barcelona.Everything blend together here;the locals and the tourists,souvenier sellers and pickpockets,the street performers and artists and the aroma of Catalonian delicacies and scent of flowers,walla!
It was still quite early that most of the stalls were still closed.

Tapas Bar

First stop was the Mercat De La Boqueria,the busiest food market in the city.
I love going to the market and strolling through the aisles full of fresh farm products,so i was looking forward for this one!Just look at these fruits,fresh juices and vegetables,so mouth watering,kan?i even asked hubs if we could bring back some vegetables from here hehe.Of course lah hubs tak kasi, kat Augsburg pon ade asparagus ;p

Fresh juices.Got ourselves Kiwi+orange juice yummmyyyy.

Wabbit anyone?
125 Euro/stuck,crazy!

To the left of La Rambla is the Barri Gothic(Gothic Quarter).This district is known for dark and narrow alleys and the medieval cathederals.Santa Mar is one of them but there was construction going on.

Right across the market is another Gaudi's building,the Palau Guell.But this one is currently closed for construction work too.
Walking down towards the port,there's Placa Reial on the right.The central lamppost at this square is Gaudi's first commission in Barcelona.
Then to the port again!
Monument a-Colom,to commemorate the return of Christopher Columbus from his trip to the Americas.Guess where's he pointing to?
Port Vell is even more lively during the day.Hubby and i spend quite sometimes here,enjoying the sunny weather.If you're thinking to feed the seagulls,just forget it.You don't want your jacket to be splashed with bird poo,do you?hehe ;p Hubby even took a 30 mins nap kat sini.There's Maramegnum,the floating shopping mall,but this was rather a short and packed trip that shopping did not fit in the schedule .

Maramegnum shopping complex
Came lunch time,we went to search for the this kebab restaurant listed at but to our disappointment,that lot is now a hotel!Never mind,we could do with just anything except McDonald's fillet-o-fish.Owh seriously i tak boleh mkn dah,i can't even stand the smell.I had enough of this fishy burger during my 4 years stay in the States.Hubby suggested we look for the mosque first and alhamdulillah just across the mosque tue ade halal fast food!Dinner pon beli terus huhu.
Spent the rest of the afternoon on the top of Mont Juic,the city's local hill,waiting for the sunset.The view was beyond words.
Cats!There were many of them!Geram nak angkut balik eiii

An evening in Barcelona

We left Barcelona to Girona Airport at 7am the next day.And i was thankful that we had a safe trip.But just before we boarded the coach to the airport,i witnessed how a group of pickpockets stole a phone from this German guy.Hubby and i tried to help,but there were so many of them(4 if not more),and they passed the phone around.They managed to slip away and lost in the busy crowd.Poor guy,but if he knew the reputation of the city,he should have keep his iphone out of sight and not in the trousers pocket.
Our flight was on time and we arrived Memmingen 1.5 hours later Alhamdulillah.
Italy and Spain top my jalan-jalan list now.Next trip to Spain(if there's any) will be to Andalucia.
The coast of southern France
Crossing the alps,subhanallah,cantik.