Salam Maal Hijrah to all.
Anyway,how did we spend the break?Lepak rumah aje,did some house cleaning with hubby,pegi Ikea beli new pillow,buat coursework and tgk TV.Hubby plak dok try his bday pressie vroommm vroomm huhhh.I am one supportive wifey after all kan,layan jer hubby suke Liverpool ke,gaming ker hihi.Actually dah bosan,asik2 kasi hubby shirt la,belt la as pressie.Hubby pon kotnye dah bosan dpt bende2 macam tue hahaha.So why not bagi sth to do with his interest/hobby kan?

Sebab dok kat rumah jer kan,tgk tv jer lah.Unfortunately kat sini,MTV and CNN are the only channels in English,so kalau tgk channel lain tue,hubby lah translator nye :) .Let me warn you sth about the german's channels,kalau tiba2 di tgh hari buta,tgh tgk documentary channel,ade adegan 18sx w/o sensor sket pon tue biasalah.Hubby ckp if our children were to grow up here,kitorang tak beli TV kot,byk sgt yg tak patut tgk ;p,sakit jantung.Talking about MTV,i just knew about this dating game show called Shot at Love with Tila Tequila.I'm not sure if the show is aired in Msia or not,but i hope it is not!!It's about a bunch of lesbians and guys competing for Tila(she's a bise*ual!!),haaa show macam tue pon ade ker??!!
Anyway,semlm tak masak dinner,sebab i was out of idea nak masak ape,and hubby plak offered to dine out.We rarely makan luar kat sini sebab limited choice of halal food.Kalau keluar makan tue,our one and only choice adalah Turkish Restaurant,makan kebab.Hubby had Donner Kebab while saye pulak mkn Donner Shale or sth namanya( lupe =p)

Our new year celebration?Maybe just stay kat rumah kot.Last few years,we joined die Augsburger for new year countdown depan Rathaus(Town Hall).But since then,saya sudah tak berani nak pergi :p It's not crowd or the beer smell,but the fireworks!Burning your own firework is legal in Germany and tau tak,mase celebrate new year tue,one of the fireworks went up high and high,tapi tak meletup!Instead,it fell down,jatuh atas saye!!!Nasib tak meletup,semua org dah lari tinggalkan saya once nampak the firework tue jatuh balik,except hubby lah,who was trying to pull me Cuakk hahaha.So itulah ceritanye,will see if i have enough courage to join the crowd again tomorrow.
Happy New Year readers!