Thursday, August 30, 2012

Ok, I like my job.

So after a long and very busy day-  right before it got longer and busier...  there was a knock at my door, and one by one a whole slew of football players sauntered into my classroom.  Most of them current or former students.  They all smiled shyly, and two of them were bearing gifts.   They gave me a dozen roses and a lovely lovely plant.  Sometimes it rocks to be a high school teacher.  It was pretty awesome.
Ok, no, highschool boys dont' just do that for no good reason.  I did the coach a solid last week and painted the football team a mural/mountain thing for the lockerroom for the season... so this I think was both their's and his thank you to me.
Coach calls me his favorite Hippy-dippy.  I laugh every time, because hippy is so much funnier when you say hippy-dippy, like its a compound noun; AND because he really thinks that I am a "hippy-dippy".  I told coach he should let me be capt'n of the team, and I'd let the boys paint a mountain.  He must have thought of something funny at that exact same moment because he just started laughing and laughing and laughing.  I'll ask him again next time i see him.

But for now- my desk is real pretty.  Thanks boys!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Sam. My roommate. An introduction.

There are a lot of reasons why I like my roommate sam.  Here are a few.

This is how he uses the washer.

This is how he protects us.  (red ryder bebe gun)

This is Sam getting Katy ready for a date.

She is READY!

He leaves cute notes for us to find.

 I like lufas. (mine = green)  He likes lufas too. (his = red)

 I have a bike.  He has two.  We both keep them in the kitchen :)

 Sam is real fun.  And shy.
The end.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Life Drawing Studio

I've been taking a figure drawing class for the past few weeks. Its my new favorite thing. I've actually been wanting to take one since coming to arizona, and I finally found one at ASU.

I only ever took one figure drawing class before at BYU, and it was probably my favorite art class ever. Not because it was fun; but because it was hard.

The human figure is really tricky- and to do it from life, adds another layer of tricks. You have to understand the bone structure, how the muscles fall on the bone, how the fat sits on the muscle and how the skin drapes over it all. Then you have to understand the proportions of each part in relation to each other, but from every angle possible. If I were to draw a cat, it could still look like a pretty good cat, and look NOTHING like the original. With people... we ALL know if it looks right or wrong. The smallest degree of change in the slant of a line here, the depth of a shadow here, the shape of this muscle here... the tiniest fraction of inconsistancy changes the entire look and outcome of the body. Why do you think we look so different and so similar all at the same time? Its in the tiny details that we differ.

Each class starts out with about 30 minutes of 2 minute poses. These get us warmed up. I always feel completely overwhelmed and under impressed with myself during the warm up.

The warm up is also where I ponder about the models... Its just so strange. They are just naked in a lit room, standing on a pedastal while 20 people sit and stare at every inch of them. How are they so confident and bold as to be drawn from every angle? Also, how do they sit so so still? So their job responsibilities are to be naked, and hold still for 20 minutes at a time! When I really get thinking about it, its the holding still without moving a muscle, and then after a short break, holding the same pose again that really impresses me! I also find it interesting that during the break they put on robes, and will walk around and chat with everyone. One of my friends pointed out, that it would be really weird if they didn't put their robes on, but at the same time- we've all just been staring at them... so why would it matter? but, the thing is... it does matter, and I can't quite put my finger on it.
Honestly though, some of the models are so amazing and beautiful and good at what they do, while I ponder on them always... I respect them a lot.

Ok, back to class. 30 minutes of 2 minute warm ups, then one or two 20 minute poses. After that they go into final pose which lasts the remainder of the class which is 1.5-2 hours long (breaking about every 20 minutes). In each final pose, I try to do the full body and a portrait. Sometimes we have 2 models at the same time, and I have to desperately chalk fast so that I can do both of them. I hate it when we have 2 amazing and very different models at the same time. So here are a few of my portraits and finished bodies.

I'm about half way done with the course, but I thought I would post some of the ones I have drawn so far... like I said, its real hard, which makes me feel kinda proud when I do a pretty good job.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Archie.. my short lived siamese twin.

It began on Wednesday, Feb 15th at 2am. I woke up feeling like my arm had just been burned by a curling iron. This is what I saw.

My skin does a lot of funny things, but I've never seen it do this before. After taking the picture I immediately set to work stripping my bed and looking for whatever little meanie did this.
My efforts were fruitless. After remaking my bed I laid back down, with Ice on my arm, since it still felt like it was on fire, to wait for sleep that would not come. Another effect of my little white plateau on my arm was insomnia. So I got on the internet to do some light reading:

This is 4am.
Description of a Brown Recluse spider bite that I found: A blister in the middle of a target.
Description of a Black Widow spider bite: puncture holes in the middle of a red ring.

This was at 6am on my way to school. Notice the "blister" also the "target" looking "red ring" around it. Archie was born.
After showing the nurse and my biology teacher, I was immediatley sent home/to the emergency room.
The emergency room doctors didn't think it was any big deal, they said it probably wasn't a scorpian because I didn't have any numbness or pain in my arm. However, they also didn't really think it was any scary type of spider... just a mean-A something bit me good.
They gave me some antibiotics and sent me on my way.

Then archie grew up. And I covered him up.
There he is, just peeking out from his blanket... just glowing... its weird...

This is Archie, outside of the blanket... just getting bigger, and weirder everyday...

Then Archie got REAL BIG, and he didn't fit under his extra large bandaid anymore.
Lets be honest, it looks like an egg yolk on my arm. ewwwwwww. But, no pain, redness gone, just really weird Archie hangin off my wrist.

Then I woke up this morning, (Sunday 19th) feeling like I wet the bed, nope... Archie died a violent but quick explosive death. I'm not going to lie... I put the far away picture here, because close-up, it is pretty gross. All the time me and Archie were hanging out, I was completely confused at what may have bitten me. But now, it really does look like the brown recluse spider bites.
So we will see if it heals or not.
I certainly hope so. This boiled mess of skin is NOT pretty. Although it does fit nicely under a bandaid. RIP Archie. It was fun while it lasted. I'll remember the good times.

I will also submit that after 2 years of living in this house I have only once killed a tiny baby spider in my entire house. I've never even seen another spider. I have also never seen a scorpian, and is Arizona, if you don't have scorpians, you don't have scorpians. I have also now cleaned and vaccuumed my room from ceiling to floor literally.... and found nothing but dust.

I am still creeped out by it. I was sleeping with my wrist right next to my face while I lay on my stomach....eeewww maybe I ate it. ;lakdsjf;alsdkfja;dkfjasdj chills.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Mormon + Starbucks gift card = Awesome!

We needed to do some planning, what better place to plan a road trip then in Starbucks? It seemed very hipster, and I had a gift card.
My order was being taken by a lad that looked like Jacob off of Twilight, he was no older then 18.

On the menu there is a section called, "Cremes." These are advertised as be coffee-free.
I asked "Jacob" what a "creme" was like.
He said, "Its like a Frappuccino only without the coffee"
I said, "Oh. . . . . (thinking face). . . What's a frappuccino like?"
Jacob: (dumbstruck face)
Me, "Is it hot?"
Jacob, "No... (dumb face)... its cold.... its like a Frappuccino"
Me, " uh.... so.... is it.... like.... milky? or.... thick like a shake?"
Jacob, " Well, (slower now, because obviously I'm impaired).. Its LIKE a Frappuccino, SO, its thicker like a shake, because its milky but with Ice in it"
Me, (thinking face), "So its milky....... AND..... like a shake"
Jacob, "Yes. (triumphant face)"
Me, "Are Cremes the only thing on the menu that don't have coffee in them?"
Jacob, "I can make you ANYTHING decaff"
Me, "No, I said without coffee... not without caffine"
Jacob, "And i SAID, I can make you anything without coffee"
Me, "oh.... i wasn't sure what you meant by that"
Other Starbucks employees... (off in the distance staring with thinking and dumb faces both)
Me, "So..... uh..... what's a macchiato?"
Jacob, "I don't understand the question"
Me, " Yeah, I'm just going to stick with a Creme... Vanilla"
Jacob, "You just want a Vanilla Creme?"
Me, "Yeah... i'm in the Frappuccino mood I guess"
Jacob... (Bizarred face)

I got my Creme, Jeff got his Steamer, Fej showed up with pepto.... We may not have known what we were doing when we got there- but we are certainly PROS now. Starbucks- I got this.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Long Overdue: GIRLS Reunion VACATION.

Ok, so perhaps due to the trauma of last year, I think I may have overlooked a few of the more beautiful moments. I feel it my duty to give a report of sorts of a fantastic reunion- that needs to be planned again for this year. (with more participants hopefully)


The Cast: Jo. Erin. Autumn. Jacki

The place: Salinas California; somewhere between Santa Cruz and Monterrey

The Activities:

Autumn didn't get to ride all the rides, on account of her belly.
They didn't like people with round belly's I guess. (?)

The Mystery Spot!

The mystery spot WAS very MYSTERIOUS! Its basically a vortex that science cannot explain.

There are a few strange anomalies that occur.

The first is that everybody begins to lean at a very strange angle.

(this is Jacki holding onto the bar on the roof, and just dangling "strait" down)

The next anomaly is that of shrinkage. When inside the vortex one appears smaller.
This cement plank crosses through the vortex, so the person on the right appears bigger.

Its really strange. You are 4 feet apart, and visibly shrinking.
very mysterious.


Icecream delicioso

a mirror maze that made me want to vomit and seizure
followed by a
lazer obstacle course that was really tricky!

apparently everyone had families or something they had left behind?

Ocean Magic

Autumn Magic

Jacki Magic

Us Magic

So- Ladies with the babies... you get first pick of where and when we go. It is the new year. I KNOW you are marking vacations on your calendars. Please lets mark this little weekend get-a-way down now. SUCH A GREAT IDeA.

I know that it's green mom, but what else is about it?

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Ovaries are in the Stomach...

"The ovaries are in the stomach. We all have them" was the sentence that perked my attention. As a teacher I have honed my ears to listen and filter approx 20-30 voices at all times. I usually only focus in when I hear my name, or cuss words. This was too intriguing to block.
As I looked up at them and smiled, the girls asked sheepishly, "did you hear that? do you know what we are talking about? Do you know about ovaries?"

There are lots of moments as a teacher, where you see a big empty hole, that you know you are about to fill. This was one of those moments.

They were working on homework for health. They had a list of vocabulary words that they had to just mark, F, M or B. (Female, Male, or Both) There was a B next to Ovaries. I came to the rescue.
"Only girls have ovaries." I said.
"Are you sure?" They asked.
I gave them one of my "special" looks.

" who has getiminals?"

"B. Everyone has Genitals. . . . (looks) I PROMISE"

"What about... Ecka...eckalotion?"

I looked at the paper.
"Thats what boys do."

There faces looked at me trying to read if I was messing with them. "I promise, its a boy thing"

"What about fall... fol.. something tubes? I've never even heard of these..."

"Cervix? Girls"

"How bout Menstruation?"
another girl quickly answered, "oh that's easy, that's boys. It says "MEN" right there."

At this point I had a moment of poignant thought... how sweet and dumb and innocent my little 9th graders are, and yet, how most likely 3 out of the 4 of them would be pregnant within 2 years.

I quickly fixed the menstruation incident...

"Did you like, really REALLY pay attention in your health class or what? how do you know all this stuff???" One asked me in complete awe of my quick and correct answers.

"No ladies, I am a girl. Once a month, every month, I have an egg that drops from my ovaries. It magically goes down my fallopian tubes and lands softly in my uterus. When my egg finds out that there were no "sperm" that were "ejaculated" into it, the lining of my uterus sheds, making me bleed out of my vagina. Most girls also experience this same process every month for the majority of their life. (they shift uncomfortably. the boy pretends to not be listening intently) You should make it a point to listen in health class. I don't care if you ever find out about ejaculation or any of those other "boy words" --- but, well.... ovaries are not in our stomachs, and no, boys don't have them."

"You're real smart Miss."

"claro que si"

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Street Light Phenomenon

Have you ever noticed street lights that go out right when you walk or drive under them? Or if it is out then it will turn back on when you walk or drive under it? And sometimes, if you are coming back the same way, it will either turn back on or back off when you pass under it again?

Once in a while... no big deal, but 3 out of every 10 times you venture out on to dark streets, makes you start to notice... then, 3 out of every 10 lights- when they consistently change at the time I walk or drive under them, while there are plenty of other people passing under them- but it is me they choose to flick on or off for.......(?)

This is "The Street Light Phenomenon" This is something that I have noticed for a long long time. Its a curiosity to me. Sometimes I think I must be charmed- other times I think perhaps I should stop assuming life is so magical.

I often ask people about their experience with street lights are to see if this is more common than I suppose, and more often then not, they end up looking at me like I'm a bit ridiculous. So it empowers my belief that it is rare, and I am charmed. Surely I can't be the only person who notices this on a daily basis.?

My theories:
1. Random coincidence. The street light is faulty and it just so happens to be faulty when I approach. Total coincidence. Consistent randomness.

2. My aura is strong and directly effects street lights. As you can see in the photo below, I have a very strong yellow aura. The reader jumped when he saw it and exclaimed, "We've got a live one here! You are a firecracker! LOOK AT THAT!"

3. A little sign that tells me I'm in the right place at the right time on the path of my so called life.

4. Guardian angels are near.

That's all I got. Depending on how I'm feeling at the moment determines which of my theories is probably right. Truthfully I don't believe in random coincidence. I just always make it an option because I'm a reasonable hopeless romantic. I tried to look it up on the internet to see what other people thought, but I couldn't find anything. I thought I would have more to say but I don't. I guess I'm just curious if anyone else has noticed this sort of thing- has an opinion, or has experienced something completely different, yet just as curious.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Catching the wind in a jar...

There will come a time you'll see, with no more tears.
And Love will not break your heart... and dismiss your fears.
Get over your hill and see, what you find there;
With grace in your heart and flowers in your hair.

-The Storm by Mumford and Sons

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Dear Dad,

I thought I would write you a tribute... but, that sounds so...impersonal all of the sudden. Maybe thats why I haven't attempted until now. So I thought I'd write you a little note, even though I don't think you get email anymore.
It has been real hard watching you hurt and be sick and fight and try to stay optimistic and lose then win then lose again. I can't imagine how miserable and scary it must have been for you- I only know selfishly how miserable and scary it was for me. It really sucked dad. Your supposed to still be here. I haven't grown up yet. I know you'd still be here if you'd had your say... but I miss you dad, and I miss you for everything you won't be here for. But I'm glad I had a year to begin to say goodbye.
I got to be the last to say goodbye to you. I got to watch you leave. I felt real privileged for that. So thank you for letting me be with you, you waited for everyone else to leave.
Did you know that Mom sent out a mass text saying a little later saying, "her gone" that morning. I watched her type it in, i thought she was going to spell check it, but instead she sent it to everyone in the world. It was really funny dad. "her gone" that's funny.
The funeral was real beautiful. We played our music like you asked us to. Matt sang, Katie violined, I guitared and sang, Luke guitared and sang, John rapped in the chapel, just like you asked, Nikee and katy sang, and Matt and Mark said funny things. Afterwards it was said, "Wow, that was the best funeral I've ever been too. You guys could have charged money for it."
You rode away in a glass carriage, just like cinderella.
The National guard gave you a 21 gun salute and played Taps on the trumpet for you.
They gave mom the flag.
And your casket was blue, just like your corvette.

You definitely went in style dad. I was real proud of you :)

I understand now what they mean when they say, "they'll be with you in your heart" It always sounded trite and empty to me before, I've never kept anyone else that has passed before kicking around in my heart... but you are, and in a way, you feel closer then you've felt since I was little. Maybe its because you got a free ticket inside my walls... or because you're in a position to protect me and help me again...
Some people say that our guardian angels are made up of the people who love us most.
Dad. There is a peace in thinking you might be looking out for me now from over there.
I love you dad.
2 months.
Feels like 2 seconds, and forever all at the same time.

This Video is my last favorite memory with you dad...
I was singing you to sleep, and then without warning, you woke up and started singing with me.

pps. Me and luke and my roommate katy wrote your Obituary. It was pretty good.

Glenn Frank Cook

1948 ~ 2011

Our beloved father, grandfather, and friend, Glenn Frank Cook, 63, passed away peacefully on Sunday, July 10, 2011. Glenn was born May 21, 1948 in Shelley, Idaho, to Glenn Franklin and Emma Gerber Cook. He married his true love, Deborah Ann Johnson, on April 1, 1976 in the Manti Temple.

Glenn grew up working hard on a farm in Idaho from morning 'til night, developing a work ethic that would serve him and others for the rest of his life. He served an LDS mission in London, England, where he was extremely dedicated to the principles of the gospel. However, this dedication would pale in comparison to the harrowing effort expended in capturing the heart of the ever elusive girl of his dreams, Debbie. Together they took on the world and seven children, which would prove to be his greatest adventure.

From developing government buildings, to drilling natural gas wells, to discovering the next gold mine, all of his dreams were tangible, for to him, nothing was beyond his reach. He was constantly learning new things and lived to help everyone around him by sharing his knowledge. When he wasn't working, you could find him in the fields of his farm, on his horses, in the mountains and always with his family. No matter what he was doing he always made it a priority to let his kids know how proud he was of their accomplishments (no matter how small). He always let his family know how much he loved them.

He is survived by his loving wife, Debbie; his beautiful children (true some are arguably more beautiful than the others): Matt, Amie Jo, Luke (Jessica), John, Mark (Kellie), Nikee (Scott), and Katie; his precious granddaughter Millie, who will miss her "Papa"; his mother, Emma, and 13 loving brothers and sisters.

All the millions of friends that Glenn made in his lifetime are invited to the funeral services, which will be held Thursday, July 14, 2011 at 12:00 p.m. in the Lindon 9th Ward LDS chapel, 1050 E. 100 N., Lindon. There will be a viewing Wednesday evening from 6-8 pm at the Olpin Family Mortuary, 494 S. 300 E., Pleasant Grove and at the church on Thursday from 10-11:45 am. Glenn will be laid to rest in the Lindon City Cemetery.

Happy trails, Dad ...see ya soon.