Friday, December 13, 2013

November Update..

 This guy is such a trooper. Besides still learning how to manage and control his allergies and asthma, he took a tumble down his aunt and uncle's stairs. The fall caused him to buckle his collar bone. The dr. told me a little more pressure and it would have snapped. He had to wear a sling for weeks and it had to be wrapped at night. He seems to have bounced right back. It's pretty crazy because his clavicle has formed a bone bump around the crack- just like scar tissue.
 The first snow fall of the year. He is so persistent! He begged his daddy to
 "help him" build a snowman. Of course, Mike did it all.
 Here's the big, preschool boy helping Grandma Diane and Mommy make pie crusts.
Soy Boy's 9 month stats: 30 1/4" +95%, 21 lbs. 60%, head 18 cm 70%
He is usually our calm, tall, skinny, perfect boy! Just recently he's shown his picky side, his only mommy side, his be awake multiple times at night side, and his vim and vinegar side!
We love this boy!

Halloween 2013

 Stockton as Lightning McQueen (Mike made the costume.
 I'm putting him in charge of costumes from here on out.)
Zoey Ladybug (Ry and Jess' first) and Sawyer Lion.
 (These cutie cousins are only 12 days apart.)


Here's a hodgepodge of my favorite pics from our Disneyland Vacay (in no particular order)! My mom and dad took advantage of my dad's banking conference the last week of September. We stayed at Disneyland Resort, and I must say Disney sure knows how to make things magical! The boys, my mom and dad and I flew out on a Sunday night. My dad was in conferences but the rest of us explored the resort and Downtown Disney for the day. Highlights: Breakfast with Mickey, Monorail Pool, lighted firework display on the headboard of the bed, dinner with Lins at Rainforest Café. The next day held more meetings for my dad. We headed for the Aquarium at the Pacific in Long Beach. The next 3 days were spent in Disneyland and California Adventure. Ryan and Mike flew in and my dad finished up his meetings, too. Fun Memories: Radiator Springs (Stockton still says this is his favorite), the parades, World of Color, meeting Cruella de Vil at the Halloween villains' tent (I think Stockton almost peed his pants), Pirate's Lair on Tom Sawyer Island with the talking parrot and Capt. Jack Sparrow, Splash Mountain & the Matterhorn, Squishing Pennies, the SCARY (seriously..those things are pretty twisted) kiddie rides, fast pass/stroller pass, more adults than kids, and collecting autographs! I'm so glad we went with Stockton at this age. He was just tall enough to go on all the rides but 2. The whole experience was super magical for his 3 years! Sawyer was super accommodating- he seriously is the best baby! And...I would go again the last week of September for sure. There wasn't many people there at all. Our average wait for rides was 10 minutes (even the big ones). Our last day was spent in Long Beach with Lindsey and Joseph. Stocky just had to get in the water and we didn't have his swimsuit on us- hence the undies swim. Best trip for kids ever. It was by far my favorite Disney trip. It's true of what "they"'s always more fun to do kid things with kids!

Summer Adventures


Hogle Zoo: Stockton and Cayson (3rd Generation Friends)
Mommy's Boy!
Lagoon: Stockton and Bella (Best Cousins!)
4th of July Extravaganza: Head Boys (sans Kyle)
Donut Falls: Hiking with Uncle Ryan
The cutest water baby!
Swimming Lessons!

And...just cuz he's so darn cute.
Here's the daddy's boy.
Paris, Idaho: Kayaking with Pog over Labor Day Weekend
Cub River, Willow Flats Campground: Head Annual Campout