Thursday, April 24, 2014

Summer Goal List

I have a big goal this summer to be more healthy (emotionally, mentally and physically) and bring back the good habits that I had before I was working full time and in school. For the next four months, I won't have homework as an excuse to sit on my couch all night every night and not make homemade dinners, so I'm determined to be better. I've set some goals to help me rearrange some priorities and achieve my overall goal.

* Eat a serving of fruit and/or vegetable with every meal.
* Do some form of physical activity every day.
* No TV until 9 each night or until I've finished everything on my to do list for the day.
* Spend time with the piano and my songbooks three times a week.
* Take three hours each week for some me time. (soak in the tub, read a book, give myself a pedicure, etc.)
* Make more meals for my husband and be sure he has something to take to lunch each day.
* Plan fun, weekly date nights.
* Attend a session at the temple at least twice.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

30 Before 30

I've wanted to create one of these lists for a while and I just keep forgetting. My goal was to write it up for my 25th birthday, but when that didn't happen, I decided that my half birthday would have to do. Better late than never, right? In no specific order, here is a list of things I plan to accomplish before I turn 30, in 2018. (Wow... that seems so far away.)

  1. Graduate from college with my bachelor's degree.
  2. Travel to Mexico with my husband.
  3. Find my addiction to running again.
  4. Start our family aka have a baby.
  5. Buy our first house.
  6. Run a 5k.
  7. Go on my dream vacation to Italy.
  8. Go to Spain, Germany and a few other European countries.
  9. Look into grad school, decide if I want to go, and potentially enroll.
  10. Take a girl's only vacation with my best friends.
  11. Go on a cruise.
  12. Come up with ideas for our dream home that we'll build someday.
  13. Get another puppy friend for Howie.
  14. Audition for and participate in one of my top five favorite musicals.
  15. Have two ovens in my kitchen. (This might not happen in the next 4 1/2 years...)
  16. Achieve some of my big blog dreams.
  17. Collect every version of Peter Pan available on video.
  18. Find a vegetable that I enjoy and like to eat without lots of ranch or cheese.
  19. Host an annual barbecue for our family and friends.
  20. Start taking voice lessons again.
  21. Purchase a grand piano.
  22. Attend a session at every temple in Utah.
  23. Look into grad school programs and possibly start my Master's degree.
  24. Visit Harry Potter World in Orlando, FL.
  25. Drive up the Oregon Coast.
  26. See the Grand Canyon and the Four Corners.
  27. Create fun traditions for my little family.
  28. Memorize a song on the piano. (I'm terrible at piano memorization...)
  29. Learn Italian and maybe Spanish.
  30. Find a hobby for Joe and I to enjoy together.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Why I Picked My Major

There are a lot of reasons that I picked Family Studies as my major in college and I have a few different career goals to go along with it. I kind of stumbled upon the program, but a few things solidified my decision to pursue it. This amazing man for one:

To read the story and find out what a Family Studies major does (other than raising a family), you can read my post on Life with Amberly & Joe here. It's something I'm passionate about and what everyone to understand!

Thursday, January 16, 2014


If I were a month, I'd be October.
If I were a day of the week, I'd be Wednesday.
If I were a time of day, I'd be 8pm.
If I were a direction, I'd be West.
If I were a piece of furniture, I'd be the kitchen table.
If I were a liquid, I'd be hot chocolate.
If I were a flower, I'd be an orchid.
If I were a kind of weather, I'd be a sunny autumn day.
If I were a musical instrument,  I'd be a flute.
If I were a color, I'd be purple.
If I were an emotion, I'd be laughter and happiness
If I were a sound, I'd be a summer thunderstorm.
If I were a food, I'd be chocolate.
If I were a place, I'd be the beach.
If I were a scent, I'd be pumpkin spice.
If I were an object, I'd be a soft blanket.
If I were a facial expression, I'd be a laughing smile.
If I were a song, I'd be Brave by Sara Bareilles
If I were an item of clothing, I'd be a sweatshirt.

Idea stolen from Jessy of The Artsy Cajun.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Becoming Comfortable With Who I Am

Back in November, I wrote a post about how moving away from home to go to school in 2007 was the hardest, most rewarding, most memorable and most adventures phases of my life.

One of the most challenging parts of making such a huge change in my life was being confident with who I was. I had lived in the same neighborhood for over eight years, I went to school with the same kids for years, and I was comfortable being myself because I knew that people liked me for my quirks and knew that they contributed to the person I was! Being in a town with lots of college kids and only knowing a handful of them was scary. I lived with three girls I’d never met and went to school with over 100 girls that I didn’t know either. I remember one of my first days in my new apartment, I was listening to showtunes while I unpacked and I caught my new roommates giving each other a look that said, “Who in the world is this crazy girl!?” My heart dropped to my stomach and I immediately became self conscious. Would people think my hobbies and interests were weird? Would the five year old that lives in my heart make me seem immature? What if I didn’t make any new friends?

My roommates and I quickly became really close. We were four completely different people, but we had a lot of fun together and we loved each other for our quirks. I wouldn't say we always got along and there were definitely some rough moments in our apartment, but the memories we made were the best! Italian soda and chick flicks in the clubhouse before BYU-I students got to town, midnight runs around town when everyone else was home because of curfew, spontaneous girl's nights/days, grocery shopping together (when grocery shopping was fun), girl talk after one of us would go on a date, etc. We had so much fun together and I consider them some of my best friends! My random quirks became something they loved about me and vice versa.

There have been moments when people have an issue of some kind with my personality or who I am, but I'm completely comfortable with myself and I always picture Joe and Mia talking in The Princess Diaries, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." I have respect for others, I am tactful, and I know when to keep my mouth shut in certain company, but I refuse to suppress who I am and be untrue to myself. Don't let anyone make you feel like your interests, humor, personality or quirks are anything to be ashamed of, be who you are and be proud of it! People will love you as a unique individual and you won't regret it.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014 Goals

I set a bunch of goals for myself at the beginning of last year, and I stuck to most of them, but there are some things that still need a lot of work. For 2014 I decided to continue some of last year's goals, adjust others for the new year, and add some new ones that I've been wanting to work on.

My Word(s) for 2014: Slow Down
I was inspired by a few blog friends when coming up with my word for 2014. I am really good at staying busy and never slowing down, but I always end up stressed, frustrated and sometimes sick. This year I really want to work on being better about that and take a lot of time for myself.

- I will be more diligent with my scripture study and remember that it's more important than my homework. I will read and study the entire Book of Mormon and Doctrine & Covenants this year.
- I will make visiting teaching something that I look forward to and want to do every month. I will look for ways to server or include my visiting teaching friends all throughout the month.
- I will stay aware of promptings and act on them.
- I will make an effort to get to know people in my ward(s) by attending church activities and meetings and acknowledging people whose comments or actions have an impact on me.
- I will attend the temple more regularly, with my husband, my family, my friends and on my own.

- I will spend quality time with my husband every day because my relationship with him is more important than anything else on my plate.
- I will stop letting my stresses and frustrations affect how I treat my husband, and I won't use them as an excuse.
- I will have one date night a week with my husband. I will plan activities that are fun and strengthen our relationship. I will give him my full attention during our dates, no phone, no social media, just me and him.
- I will not be selfish. I will let my husband pick our movie, take control of the remote, and have a night off from doing chores sometimes.
- I will laugh more and not take my husband so seriously all the time.

Physical Health
- I will get healthy this year and get all of my underlying issues under control. I will put being healthy above my crazy schedule and remember that my health comes first.
- I will do some sort of physical exercise every day. I will be more active and move more throughout the day, despite homework and my desk job. I will not come home and immediately sit down in front of the TV every night.
- I will eat more healthy. I will create a meal plan every week and avoid eating out more than once a week. I will stop munching when I'm bored and minimize junk food eating.
- I will be happy with who I am and how I look. As long as I'm making healthy choices and exercising, I will know that I am beautiful!
- I will eat more vegetables and find ways to make them yummier to me.

- I will continue with my schooling and work toward the bachelor degree that I've been planning.
- I will raise my GPA this year.
- I will stop worrying about my timeline and how long school is taking me. I will worry more about taking my time and doing my best in each of my classes.
- I will be diligent with my studying and not get discouraged or distracted. I will not be lazy and I will give my all to study for tests and complete homework assignments.
- I will join a student group that relates to my major.

- I will stick to the envelope system we've created and try to set aside a little money of my own each month.
- I will stay excited about saving money and remember our ultimate goal.
- I will be more aware of what I'm spending money on and think about it before I do. I will make sure it's something I REALLY want before I spend the money.
- I will look at our goals often and change direction if what we're doing isn't working.
- I will find ways to save more money on a daily basis. I will make better use of coupons, sales and gift cards so that I can get the most bank for my buck.

- I will be a better friend. I will stay in touch with friends and keep up on what is going on in their lives.
- I will be a better sister and daughter. I will spend more time with family and accept invites to do things even if I could spend that time doing personal projects or studying.
- I will make time for myself and try not to overbook myself with things. I will read books, take baths, lay on the couch and watch a chick flick, etc.
- I will write in my journal at the end of every day, as part of my bedtime routine so that I don't have to play catch up months down the road.
- I will be more aware of the people around me, the things they are accomplishing and the joy they contribute to my life.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Why I'll Never Play Candy Crush

A few months ago, I had a conversation with my good friend Lisa (she probably doesn't even remember having this conversation with me) about all of those popular games that people play and send you Facebook requests for.
Lisa: Do you play candy crush?
Amberly: No... do you?
Lisa: I just downloaded it right now.
Amberly: I've heard a lot about it from people, but I just got rid of Words with Friends a few months ago and at one point was addicted to Farmtown or something. I vowed never to get addicted to another game. I spent at least 3 hours a day harvesting and planting my own crops and working on other people's farms. Such a waste of time hahahaha.
(Obviously my Farmtown addiction happened when I had a lot more free time, before school, marriage and full time jobs.)
Lisa: WHAT?!
(Yep, I was pretty much pathetic...)
Amberly: A friend in cosmetology school introduced met to it and I was addicted. I didn't really have much of a life for a few months after I graduated because all of my friends were on missions, away at college, or married, so I'd sit in my room and work on my virtual farm hahaha, it sounds so ridiculous!
Lisa: wowwwww
Good thing you discovered blogging so you can waste time on that! ;)
Amberly: That was like four years ago though, so don't judge me too harshly ;)
At least blogging is a sort of productive time waster right?
I had so much money in Farmland..... if only I could have been that productive and rich in real life...

I will admit, I played Angry Birds for a few weeks, but only four five or ten minutes a day and I usually ended up handing my phone to Joe so he could pass the level I was on because I didn't have the patience. For a while I played Words with Friends during my lunch break and every night before bed, but then I got really into blogging (my marriage blog) and kept neglecting my games with people, so I just got rid of it.

Games like that are super addicting, you play and play and feel so productive and really, you haven't accomplished anything worthwhile. I decided that for me, that just wasn't something that I needed because I have other things that I'd rather spend time on and growing virtual crops just isn't one of them.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

I'm Thankful for the Simple Things

November 27: A Simple Pleasure

Sometimes it's the simple things in life that make us happy:
  • Bubble baths and a good book
  • Chick flicks and junk food
  • Chocolate and Gilmore Girls marathons
  • Planners
  • Soft blankets and hot chocolate
  • Puppies
  • Laughter
  • Snuggling with my husband
  • Laundry fresh from the dryer
  • Mail from a friend

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

I'm Thankful for Criticism

November 26: Criticism You've Received

I don't do well with criticism, no matter how constructive or nice it is. I'm my worst critic and other people's criticism tends to make me worse. I'm hard on myself and I feel really incapable in a lot of areas of my life. 

But I am thankful for criticism from myself and others because it encourages me to be a better person, no matter how bad I might feel about life after I've received it. I wish I would take things less personally and realize that most people are really trying to help me out, not put me down.

Monday, November 25, 2013

I Am Thankful for my Knowledge of the Gospel

November 25: Something You Know

I am the daughter of a Heavenly Father who loves me and I love him. I will stand as a witness of God at all times, and in all things, and in all places. To find out more about what I believe, you can see my profile here