Sunday, April 15, 2012

6 Months and More

6 Months Already!

So much has happened in the last 6 months.  Meeting our tiny babies, and making it through those first couple of sleep deprived, hectic, crazy months!  We have settled into a routine and feel much more comfortable.  Eli and Amelia have become such a part of our family that we just couldn’t imagine life without them.  We are so blessed to have them. 
So let’s see, what are they up to?
Well, they can both roll in both directions now, but neither one cares for tummy time at all!  In fact, Amelia will roll to her tummy and then get very upset that she is in that position.  She can roll to her back, but most of the time she just cries because she doesn’t like to be on her tummy.  Silly little girl!  Eli doesn’t like to be on his tummy either, and he doesn’t spend much time that way.  His thing lately has been to roll to his tummy and then to his back and then to his tummy and then to his back…… You get the picture. 
The other big adventure lately has been the introduction of solid foods.  And let me tell you, these little twins of mine are very different when it comes to what they like to eat.  Haha!  So far, Eli loves sweet potatoes, pears, green beans, apples, and peaches.  Amelia likes pears, apples, and peaches.  Uh, oh!  I see trouble ahead.  Well, we will keep trying them and hopefully she will come around.  The first night we tried green beans, she didn’t like them at all.  The second night, I tried to disguise them with a little pear and she got down right mad!  She completely refused to eat after that.  So much personality for such a little girl!  Tomorrow we are going to try peas.  Wish us luck!!!
They are growing so quickly, I can hardly believe it! Amelia is now 13 lbs 9 oz and Eli is 13 lbs 14 oz.  Eli is trying hard to sit up on his own and he has just about mastered it.  He loves to spit and has just started growling.  Amelia is also learning to spit.  They think it is so much fun! 
Now for picture overload:
Bright eyes and happy faces! 
 Amelia is such a happy girl! 
 I wish I knew what was going on behind those somber eyes.
 Sweet babies!
 Look at those chompers!
Amelia, you aren't supposed to eat the props.
 Bailee and her entourage dancing it up at Kayleen's Sweet 16.
 Eli and Mama at Kayleen's party.
 Kayleen and old friends at her birthday party.  All so grown up now!
Kaylee, Abbie, Kayleen, & Emily.
 A visit from the Easter bunny means the communal basket is full!
 Little ones digging in... too bad they can't enjoy the chocolate.
 Prom Night 2012: Kayleen and Nathan Habinak
 What a character!!!

And yes, they both wore boots to prom!  Haha!!!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Stationery card

Seeing Double Birth Announcement
Find 100's of cute birth announcements at Shutterfly.
View the entire collection of cards.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Our New Arrivals

Our twins have arrived! Amelia and Eli were born on Monday, October 10. Amelia was born at 2:30 AM and Eli followed closely behind at 2:31 AM. Amelia weighed in at 5 lbs 5 oz, and Eli was 5 lbs 11 oz. Both measured 19 inches. They both went to the NICU and spent some time there. Amelia needed a little help breathing and needed an IV. Eli just needed to transition and make sure everything was ok. Eli came out on Tuesday and Amelia joined us on Wednesday. We all went home together on Thursday. We have been enjoying getting to know our new little ones and we are adjusting to having babies in the house again. It is hard to believe that it has been almost a month, already!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

It's a boy, and a girl!!!

We had another ultrasound on June 9th and we learned that we are expecting a sweet little girl and boy! We are very excited and now that we know what to expect, we are constantly trying out different names. I'm sure it will take the next 17-18 weeks to figure it out. Here's a little glimpse of our sweet little babies in 3D. Baby boy is on the left and baby girl is on the right.

Monday, April 18, 2011


It took nearly a year and we only thought we'd get one, but we are now expecting twins! The newest Gentry's will be arriving sometime Mid-October. So far everything is going good and babies are doing well. Both are growing right on track. We don't know the genders yet, but we are definitely planning to find out. We have a lot to do before this fall. Including adding a 4th bedroom to our house, buying baby supplies and equipment in twos, and hopefully stock-piling a mountain of diapers. What an adventure!!!

Monday, November 22, 2010

'Nutcracker' shows Ballet Frontier of Texas is eager to play in big leagues | Arts | Dallas-F...

Kayleen, Hope, and Eddie were in Ballet Frontier's Nutcracker on Saturday, November 20. It was a great show and they all did really well. Below is the link for the story that ran in Sunday's Star Telegram. I am so proud of my girls!!!

'Nutcracker' shows Ballet Frontier of Texas is eager to play in big leagues Arts Dallas-F...

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Happy Fall!

I can hardly believe that Fall is here again! There is a chill in the air and Thanksgiving will be here before we know it. This year we are going to stay home and enjoy a restful Thanksgiving.