Saturday, March 14, 2009

Jacob Skiing!

Jacob was commenting that all I posted was lame pictures of him on our trip to Hawaii so.... I am trying to redeem myself by posting these awesome pictures of him while skiing!  
Check out that air!
I know, I know but...
Too bad girls - he's already taken!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Maui Pics: 
(these should be posted with other Hawaii stuff - but my posts got messed up so now there is a confusing order - don't know how to fix it so you get to deal with it! - That's what I get for posting so much in one night!:))

Christmas was wonderful!  I love all the holiday activities, spending time with family, talking about Christ and the true meaning of Christmas as well as watching my children's faces light up on Christmas morning.  We are so blessed and so grateful to have family close by and all spread out to share it with!

Adelyn got a scooter from grandma - the one thing she really wanted for Christmas.  After she opened her presents at home she said she was disappointed because she didn't get what she wanted.  I told her that she needed to wait - good things come to those that wait.....  She only had to wait a couple of hours until we went to grandmas house to open presents - then she got that long sought after scooter!  Needless to say - she was excited!

Santa was good to us this year! Eleanore's favorite present was a barbie toothbrush.  Adelyn's favorite present was the Diamond Castle chapter book.  Never mind the piano behind them - Adelyn didn't like that present until we actually got it out, hooked up to the computer and showed her what she could do with it.  Now she loves it though!

I realize I have not posted in quite some time but life is busy and it only seems to get busier!!! 

Thanks to the Croft family - we took a nice trip to Oahu and thanks to the Danner family - we extended that trip to Maui.  We had a most wonderful time.  It was nice to get away from the snow for a couple weeks and lift the spirits with some much needed sunshine.  We enjoyed both islands and saw/did many fun things while we were there!


 These are the boys singing and dancing with the kids the "RGE surfing song"!