Friday, May 28, 2010

Love this picture, my little explorer....we thought that we would take advantage of the nice weather and go on a family hike up the Mountain as Izzie would call it. We want to get outside as much as possibly before it gets too hot, surpirsingly we have only had one 100 degree day so far and thats good compared to last year at this time we had like 15.

As I was telling my mom when she was here "if you want to go garage saleing we would have to get up really early to beat all the people with their trucks and trailers" I mean it literally, people will come with a truck and try to buy out everything!! So one of my friends called me up with a tip on this slide and I had to get it. Not bad for a $5 dollar purchase. We put it in her pool for fun and Izzie couldn't wait for breakfast or even for her swimming suit and swimmer diapers. she was still in her PJ's and I think she had half the water from the pool in her diaper.
Drayden at two Months.... he is 12.2lbs and is just over 23 inch long. He was in the 30th % when he was born and now the 60th. What a growing Boy!!!

The water park has been open for a Month now and we are taking full advantage of it!!

Drayden in his muscle shirt enjoying the shade like his DAD does!

Hey Look I'm a Big Girl

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Conversations with Izzie

When we eat at the table we look outside in the backyard and you can see a street light on the street just over from ours. Every day there is a bird that sits on it and Izzie always points it out, Well this day in paticular we were talking about it and the conversation went something like this

Izzie: I see da Birdy
Mom: Oh ya what do you think he doing
Izzis: Da birdies Talk'n
Mom: Who do you think he's talking to?
Izzie: To Birdies
Mom: What do you think he saying?
She looks at me and says
Izzie: Chirp chirp

Duh, what do you think a bird would say!?!

Ok, the other conversation was about Birthdays, she just had a cousin celebrate her birthday and we were practicing the Birthday song so she could sing it to her. We have also talked about her Birthday and that she soon would be turning two, this is how our conversation went.

Mom: Izzie how old are you going to be?
Izzie: TWO.... old

I love this little girl she always has something to say that makes me laugh everyday....please don't ever get TWO old or grow up too fast.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Just some FUN pic's of my little Kiddo's

Play-Doh, our new obession

Grama Carol got Izzie a pool before she left, and we had been waiting for HOT weather to fill it up or by the looks of this picture some rain?? Ok this might sound weird but I love days when you can see a clouds in the sky or it's over cast....I mean I do live in the Valley of the Sun and cloudy day's are rare so we like it when they come along every once in a while.

IT GOT HOT and she loves her pool, she spent hours outside just playing in it...Thank you grama now I can maybe get a few things done!!

Drayden ONE MONTH old!!!

I love the look of a sleeping Baby, so peaceful
Ok, I really need to get better at updates....right now I would rather sleep than work on my that bad? But it never fails the days that I don't take a nap my kids sleep really well and the days when I really need one (who am I kidding I always need one) they are either on different schedules or Drayden is up every 20mins cause he has gas...ahhh life with a new a

Anyways here are some pictures that I wanted to post a long time ago when Lehi's Mom was still here.....I guess I'm a bit late as it's been almost a month... better late then never!!

Izzie's 1st time on a horse

She loves animals and loves petting zoo's, I have been looking for one to take her to and can't find any....... we found this one at the county fair.

If you haven't noticed I am having issues with my any of you have the same problem?? It happens when I try to put a bunch of small pictures on and move them around I either get large spaces between pictures or my comments get all messed up, as you can see with this last's driving me crazy!!!

P.S I was just working on a few more posts and figured out why I was having so many problems.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Draydens Blessing Day

I searched high and low for a blessing outfit, I wanted to get something that he could wear again. Why buy something he can only where once.....and yes mom, I found what I needed. We do live in Arizona and it was really hot that day so a pair of white shorts were fitting I thought (thanks Grama Carol for the tayloring them), a white shirt and a tie I sowed up the night before and the softest white blanket that I weaved a light blue ribbon through. Many of you couldn't be here for the blessing even though we know you wanted to, so I thought I'd go a little into detail on what he looked like. He was so good he slept through the blessing and didn't fuss and Lehi gave such a good blessing....Lehi always has a way of making his words sound so elequante it was just really nice to hear his blessing.

Three Generation Picture


Can you believe it, Lehi and I have been married for Seven years....time has gone by so very fast. We have done a lot in the last few years and since 7 is a lucky number I hope it's just a good as the last 6. Ok, so we may look a little tired and maybe picture shouldn't be taken 6 days post pardom but we loved having our little third wheel join us for dinner, he was really good and slept the whole time we were there.

All About Izzie

It might sound funny but "Geen Beens" are one of Izzie's favorite things to eat, Grama was amazed that she would even eat them cold.

Izzie going outside to look for eggs hidden in the backyard
Easter Sunday Girls are so much fun to dress up.

Happy Easter!!

She loves to help cook she always says "I'm cook'n" Thanks to Grama she has here very own little Kitchen but it's just not the same as the real thing

I think she saw Drayden wearing his touque and even though it was like 86 outside she insisted that she wanted to wear it. that and her little mits.

World Wildlife Zoo and Aquarium

Well most of the family was dealing with snow storms for spring break my Brother and his family came down to warmer climates.....Life with three boys is busy and they sure made an 8 month prego gal tired but then that really doesn't take much. Izzie loved being with her cousins and being at the Zoo. Thanks Dean and Jo for dragging me there it was lots of fun.

Thursday, April 22, 2010