Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Merry Christmas!!!

Merry Merry Christmas to all my dear friends!! It's a season filled with lotsa Joy, Fun, Laughter & also Love...

Was still mentioning I can't really remember what I did last Christmas, no resources to recap my memory as well. However, I'm very very sure I'll definitely be able to remember my Christmas Eve, Christmas as well as Boxing Day for 2009 clearly.

I can't post up a picture from my phone while blogging, so I shall post it up again when I have the time. This blog is collating dust/web & too wordy.

Alright I hope everyone have the most enjoyable Christmas ever!! =)

Amanda Chua

Sent from my iPhone

New Email addresses available on Yahoo!
Get the Email name you've always wanted on the new @ymail and @rocketmail.
Hurry before someone else does!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Knock Me Out & Change My Brain...

Sometimes I really wish my brain can be changed. This brain of mine been working really too hard, it keeps working even when I'm sleeping.

I've been thinking alot again these few days (or rather been approximately 2 weeks ?) I dislike myself for thinking too much, but it aint something bad, it's about my future though. Ofcourse recently lotsa activities that require brain storming sessions.

Sometimes I did tell myself, can I be like some of my role model friends. They seems to be trouble-free... maybe it's time for me to try and believe.

Gonna be a really busy & $$ spending December... I have decided to put everything I wanna buy on hold, I just wanna save as much $$ as I can. But ofcourse if the urge of spurging arises, I will just spend... I'm so confused on the things I wanna get, either it's too expensive, or it's not practical/not a need to... therefore I shall just take my time to think thru it... at most I will just set it for my 2010 resolutions... talking about it, it's time to write down list of my 2010 resolutions soon.... =)

Thinker, Think, Thinking,
Amanda Chua