Thursday, August 4, 2011

Summer time

A photo post to wrap up our summer activities thus far...

Crawling and pulling herself up
24th of July started like this...
Morphed into rodeoing...
And ended like this.
First time in the swing. Loved it.
Playing with cousins at Grandma's
Swimming and trying new treats while momma naps. Thanks grandma!
4th of July weekend - Whiting Campground...
& the Ogden Demolition Derby...
& the Fireworks at WHS.
We are finally enjoying the backyard.
It's been great and a whole new world with a baby! She has been so great as we've hauled her from place to place and is always happy and squealy. I'm struggling to keep her hydrated since I do a horrible job at keeping myself hydrated. I need to set an alarm or something to help me remember to give her a drink!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Just because these pictures make me laugh...

*My Dad's face? Priceless.
*I was a bit stressed about directing and being in the shoot so Jon kept saying inappropriate things to keep it light.
These were taken last February when Jon and I came up from NZ for my Grandma Storey's funeral. It was the first time in a long time that we had all been together and definitely time for a new family picture, minus Brett who couldn't get a break from law school.

We're crazy and no doubt have our quirks, but I sure do love this zany group I get to call family!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Spencer remarked the other day that Sydney has more nicknames than anyone he knows. That got me thinking about all the things we call her (and I'm sure I'm forgetting some):
  1. Peanut
  2. Monkey
  3. Monkey butt
  4. Princess Sydney-cup
  5. Sweat Pea
  6. Suki baby
  7. Mon petit
  8. Munchkin
  9. Munchie
  10. Squirmy wormy
  11. Kiwi nugget, or just nugget
  12. Babygirl
  13. Syd the Kid - I made the mistake of calling her this once. Never again.
  14. The InSyderator - I came up with this after this weekend in St George. She kicked herself around in her pack n play until she was stuck in a corner. Now she has a boxing name if she ever wants to pursue that.
Speaking of St. George. We had a lovely weekend in the sun watching the Ironman and swimming in the pool. You can't really tell, but these glasses have glitter in them and I call them her Elton John glasses.

What are your top nicknames for your kids?

Monday, April 25, 2011

4 months, a birthday, 5k, and Easter

Sydney turned 4 months last week and she looked so cute and springy in this dress, I just had to get pictures!
Jon celebrated his 37th birthday. I snuck in and decorated his office. That weekend we took advantage of a bye week in rugby and had a few family and friends over for cake and Krispy Kremes.
I forced my mom to do a 5k with me. My best friend Jess is part-owner in a race company called The Pink Series. They kicked off race season with a 5k in Alpine and I signed my mom up as a surprise. She did so awesome and we ran 2 out of the 3 miles together! Here's the funny thing, as we ran in I told her to smile because finish line pictures where you look like you're in agony are never flattering. But by looking at me, I just can't seem get away from it! :)
Jon was a great supporter and it was the first morning he had to get Sydney all ready and out the door by himself! He did great. A little baptism by fire.
My sisters-in-law and some of Jon's employees also ran it and Spence helped out on his bike making sure none of us got injured!
After the race we all crashed in our beds for a little bit, then I begged my parents to let us open Sydney's Easter present from them. They have a tradition of getting all the grandbabies Build A Bear animals with their voices recorded in them. Sydney's is a cute little bunny with an adorable pink skirt and shimmery floppy ears.
Easter morning we relaxed and watched some wonderful DVDs Jon got me about the Savior and a picture documentary on his life. Then we got Syd all dolled up and took a few quick pictures with her new bunnies. The blue one is from Jon and is so soft and cuddly and bigger than her! I love her smiles and absolute joy when she sees us. She entertains us so easily!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Rollin' with the homies

Yes, I realize that is a totally cliche saying that probably 86% of people use when their baby starts rolling over. Deal with it. Here's a little montage to celebrate her 3 month milestones and her unbearable cuteness. Unfortunately most of the pictures are from my iphone, so don't judge my photography skills based on that, please.

Baby Sydney from Alyson Law on Vimeo.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

3 months

I've been counting down the days til Sydney reached 3 months. I'm not sure why, but I suspect it has something to do with the adorable wardrobe that I know awaits her as she grows and grows! It seems odd to me still that I have a 3 month old, but I am totally loving it! There have been a few days where I need to go stick the bink back in and tuck blankets in around her while she naps in her crib and I just get this overwhelming sense of love and gratitude to be a mom. I really do love it!

She is such a good sport too! I haul her around everywhere, which sometimes interferes with nap time, but she doesn't cry or fuss much and is good to just smile and enjoy the ride. I feel like we're entering a new stage now where she's ready to be up for longer periods of time during the day, and I'm not sure I'm ready for that! She's eating more and pooping less but still growing so fast!
Is it bad that one of my favorite things about Syd is her struggle to poop? Or that I recorded it on my phone because it makes me laugh so hard? Because I did. And I included it on this post so you could laugh too. I love how her brow furrows, her face turns red, she grunts and scrunches her legs up to her belly, then lets it rip! Lately I've been laughing as she does this and she gets confused and tries to laugh and smile while it happens, which leads to a very perplexed look on her face.

Happy 3 month celebration day, Syd! Love you so much!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


When I was pregnant I had all these grand dreams and ideas about doing lots of photo shoots with our little peanut to document how she changed and grew. Well, I've been close but it hasn't happened as I expected and now I can't believe how much she's changed! I mostly snap photos on my phone so I can send them to family (that's what the first 2 pics are. crappy iphone pics). But today I broke out my real camera after bath time because she just looked so darn cute! She's putting weight on nicely and is starting to chub up a bit.
I love this little monkey so much and am having so much fun being a mom. I feel so blessed to have been given such a sweet little angel who is so content and happy. She really makes this motherhood thing pretty easy!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Crazy February!

I can't believe it's the 1st of March already! February was a crazy whirlwind and a life-changing month for sure! Here's how it all went down:

I took lots of photos of baby on my iphone. We've had fun playing dress up. She loves her tubby time and is always smiley and happy. She is a good eater and an even better sleeper! What a tender mercy from the Lord!

At the end of January, Jon had to fly to Vegas for some rugby meetings. I headed north to my mom's for the weekend. Sydney had started perfecting her smile that week and grandma was a master at getting it out of her!
I also met up with friends that weekend and had fun meeting new babies, exchanging mommy stories, and catching up!

The next weekend we made a last minute decision to flee to some southern warmth and the boys got in a nice bike ride while becky and I got some good girl-bonding time in!
The next weekend, Feb 6th, Jon blessed little Sydney at our ward then we threw a nice little lunch/super bowl party at our home. It was stressful and fantastic and I wouldn't have been able to do it without such amazing family and friends!
Jon coached his first game as the head coach of the super league team, the Utah Warriors. They played against the U and had an awesome game! It's fun to watch Jon coach. Even funnier when he throws his clipboard! I was waiting for a hat throw, but it never came...
The next weekend we headed back down south, this time to Vegas, for a rugby tournament. My parents joined us and Sara and Wade drove up from AZ too. It was such a great weekend full of sun, rugby, food, and fun. Sydney got her first taste of swimming that weekend and was in heaven! I also got to meet up with my friend Sonna, who I met in NZ, and catch up with her and meet her new little guy. It was so wonderful! I miss her and all my NZ girls!
Cheering on South Africa with Becky and Shane at the USA 7s tournament.
It was nice to finally spend some time with Jon that weekend! We saw him for a few hours each day until Sunday night.
Don't kill me for posting this picture, mom and Sara. Definitely not our finest, but it's what I had and I secretly love it! I loved spending time with Sara and Sami. Jon and I used to pray that we'd have a baby as smiley and happy as Sami. So grateful we've been blessed with that! Um, please excuse Syd's bright red cheeks - I had a new mommy moment and didn't even think of sunblock while we were at the rugby tournament! We tried to keep her in the shade the whole time, but guess there were some times we missed! Sorry baby. I felt guilty every time I looked at her.
That Sunday night/early morning of Valentine's Day, February 14th, will always stick in our hearts and minds as a day of fear/terror/relief/love/and gratitude. As I mentioned earlier, I hadn't really seen Jon all weekend, except at his rugby games. Other than that he was with the team until they left Saturday afternoon. Then he came back with me to the condo my family had rented to spend the night and drive home the next morning. (Nothing says Happy Valentine's Day like a drive home from Vegas, right?!) I was just grateful to have the help for the early morning feedings! Anyway, at 4:30 am I had just finished feeding Syd on one side, Jon had burped and changed her, and was about to crawl back in bed when I went into a Grand Mal seizure. Now, I don't remember much about what happened. The gaps have been filled in for me by Jon and my parents, who have had the event forever burned into their memories. Needless to say, it was a horrifying and terrible experience that ended up with me in the Spring Valley Hospital ER with the drunks of Vegas. The day all seems to be a haze to me. We didn't end up leaving vegas until about 2 pm, and the drive home required a lot of stops for me to feed the babe, try to stretch my aching muscles (I never knew how much it hurt to have every.single.muslce. in your body contract at once. Ouch!) and we were all just sooo tired!

Looking back, although it was such a scary thing in our lives and Jon hasn't slept through the night since then, I am so grateful for the tender mercies the Lord blessed us with. I was so fortunate to seize when I did - not the day before when I was driving all around Vegas with a baby in the back seat, not while I was up and walking around tile floors holding the babe, and not while I was swimming with sweet Sydney; instead, Jon was by my side, my parents were in the room next door and swooped right in to take Sydney, I was sitting up on a soft cushy bed and Sydney was lying right next to me, not in my arms. Really, if this was the wake-up call we needed, I'm so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who made it as easy on us as he could. I'm also grateful for a great cousin/epileptologist, Tim, who brought so much peace into our lives with his knowledge and expertise and caring concern. I think the night we talked to him, almost a week after the seizure, was the first night Jon actually dared to sleep!

So here's how it's been life-changing: I can't drive for 3 months; and that first 2 weeks after it happened, I couldn't be alone and Jon was super jumpy any time I moved! Things are getting better now. I have an Rx for meds now so hopefully Jon will relax, I'm okay to be alone, but still have lots of kind people checking up on me during the day and offering to give me rides when I need them. Thankfully, I'm more than happy to be chilling at home right now, cuddling up on the couch with our little peanut, and taking in these sweet days with her! She's getting so big and has almost outgrown her bassinet. We broke out the monitors this weekend and are moving her into her nursery this week. Yay!