Wednesday, November 05, 2008

The One With the open houses

As usual, when it comes to updating events, I'll be the last to update right? Hehehehe..

tapi takper.. yg penting.. haku hapdet kannnn....

Here goes on open houses that we attended, from last week, and last2 week..

Started with Katik's open house at Seremban on Sat..
Sampai je.. aku terus makan...:)) Lapar.. sebab jalan jam... took us longer to arrive than expected because of the jam,
so, aku dah lapar bangat... Food was good... mmg aku makan bebetul lah!! yummieh..
I know Alya had fun there.. siap heret Katik tgk fish berulang kali... hehhehe..
sampai merah2 okeh muka dier sbb panas kat tepi so call fish pond korang tuhh..
And as usual.. the gedik pose ... mesti ada kannnn...

Then, we head to Bangi to Mahathir's house (eh, route open house adalah hampir sama with last year kan..?)
but, we didn't take any photo coz it was soooo hot, and mummy takder mood sangt sbb kenyangggg!!
tapi dalam kenyang2 tuh.. sempat lg makan kek kannn..:))

After that, we went to Puchong for Airis 2nd birthday Bash cum open house..
Sampai2 derang tgh prepare nak nyanyi2... Alya cam biasa excited tgk candle..
but Airis tgh moody, tapi takpe.. sempat lg tiup lilin and all..

Since td tak makan.. so.. skang ler masa nak melantak..
i ate laksa yg sangat sedap.. pastuh... dah kenyang...
apakahhhhhh??? lain mmg tak dapat nak makan sbb perut rasa sebuuuuu plak.. huhuhuh...petanda suh benti jd buruk lantak..:))

On Sunday, we went to Putrajaya to Filla's house..
Filla, aku berbangga sebab jd geng 3G pertama yg sampaii.. (pastuh yg last balik kan?)
hahahhahah.. sabo je buat umah ko cam umah sendiri... Alya siap buat bilik menan kasih cam bilik dier.. main masak2 ngan syahmi...:D
Family pics and also alya sengeh2 tuh.. courtesy from Filla.

I know all of us had fun that day... coz I definitely had fun!
Cian buk pilla sbb penat melayan kitorang ek? Siap tapau2 lagik... tengkiuuu sangat.... food sangat yummiehhhh!!

Friday, October 31, 2008

The One with the tagging game

I owe this tag to chics... hopefully aku takder hutang tag kat sesapa lg... kalau ada.. ampun ek.. mak buyung pelupa!! ehhehe

OK.. here goes..

RULE #1 People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any 1 questions that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves

RULE #2 Tag 5 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by and continue this game by sending it to other people.

1. If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?

- I am sure first thing aku akan terpinga2 cam taktau nak cakap apa... and then, as pathetic it may sound, I will definitely cry.. the rest... so sorry.. my heart sudah broken into pieces... don't waste your time here..

2. If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?

- A dream je ke?? erm.. then it'd be having lots and lots and lots and lots of money.. and no matter how much I spend the money... it will be replaced again.. kire.. cam tak abis2 la duit tuh... hahahhaha... bahagianyaaaa!!

3. Whose butt would you like to kick?

- currently, no one in particular...

4. What would you do with a billion dollars?

- 1 mill nak belanja suka hati, 1 mill for my other half utk buat sesuka hati, 1 mill utk parents, 1 mill utk anak, then bayar all hutangs tak kisah la rumah ke, kete ke, study loan card ke.. apa je hutang... then the rest... invest! (sangat mata duitan kah aku?)

5. Will you fall in love with your bestfriend?

- I think I fall for him after he has become my bestfriend, best buddy, soulmate... and he is still my best friend, my best buddy... and adding to that... my bedmate!! hahahhaha

6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?

- I think it is both.. tapi.. tak ada guna kalau kita ke love someone tapi dier tak love kita back.. or kita being loved by someone yg kita tak bleh love back... u get what i mean? tah la.. at the end kalau both tak love each other, sure cam tak bahagia.. like.. part of u is missing somewhere..

7. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?

- Insya Allah, I will try to elak... or in the first place, SAY NO siap2..
tak nak la... if it hurts you so bad when someone took your love ones from you... org lain pon rasa sama kan? takpela.. bukan rezeki.. carik je org lain!

8. What do you pray each day for your loved one?

- Panjangkan umur, murah rezeki.. semoga kekal bahagia ke akhir hayat.. semoga sentiasa sayang menyayangi antara satu sama lain... aminnn...

9. What takes you down the fastest?

- bila org yg disayangi merajuk... hahahhaha... susah hati ok!

10. How would you see yourself in ten years time?

- 10 years.. erm.. hopefully maintaining my health.. and nak cuba maintain awet muda je... aci tak camtuh? hahhahaha...

11. What do you really want at the moment of responding to this tag?

- Nak buat AHD analysis yg beratus tuuu... tapi.. teringat tak buat tag nieh lagik.. nanti chics sedih.. camne?... hehehhehe

12. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?

- perempuan baik hati yg masak bread pudding yg sedapp..(chics.. apsal aku teringat bread pudding ko tetiba?iskk...)

13. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?

- erm.. susahnyer soalan... tatau nak jawap.. tapi kalau ikut logic, kalau sudah married tapi poor.. adalah tak bagus utk anak2 juga... bukan je kita yg sengsara... tapi.. to bring along your kids into your mess.. adalah tak sesuai sangat ok.

14. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?

- la.... dah siang ke... nak tido lg blehhh???

15. Would you give all in a relationship?

- this, you should ask my partner lah... i think he knows best

16. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?

- I've never fall in love with two person.. sbb nak fall in love with one person pon susah.. ok.. i have very low self esteem whereby aku takut nak fall in love ngan org sbb aku rasa aku tak cantik org tak nak kat aku.. hahahha... pathetic? hahahha.... nasib la kannnnn...

17. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done?

-I'm more to the type yg senang forgive... but i am so sorry... it is soooo hard to forget... sometimes aku rasa.. aku mmg tak forget pon...!

18. Do you prefer being single or having a relationship?

- I have years in my life whereby I am single and not having any relationship.. but I am still happy... but when I meet my bedmate now...and having a relationship with him... i keep on asking myself... nape la aku tak jumpa dier dari lamaaaaaaaaaa dulu ek?

19. Would you leave your family behind just to chase your dreams?


20. When do you feel that you're on the top of the world (your world lah of course)?

- Firstly, when he proposed. Then, when we got married... and now having family with him.

I am tagging

1. Fillanie
2. Ila
3. Moon
4. Mai
5. Laydiefa

So.. apa lagikkkk.. pegi cepat buat!!

Monday, October 27, 2008

The One with the MAC smallest girl

Me and my mom went to MAC sometimes back...
My mission is to get some new colors, and my mom would like to purchase foundation and powder..

But then... look what happen???

Instead busy entertaining us, they choose to entertain Alya...
tersengeh2 la minah tuh kene make up bleh? And pas balik tuh.. mmg pantang tgk mummy make up.. dier pon nak sama...

Anak oiii... kopak la mummy camni kalau awak tuh kecik2 lagik nak layan MAC... sabo je lahhhh...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The One With the makan2....

Some of my frens has been asking whether I will host an open house for Raya this year... last year... we did a small 'makan-makan' session..
sesuai la ngan umah aku pon yg small ittew kan...
I know I can actually host the makan-makan session again, with separate timing, for different circle of frens... but since I am now carrying extra weight... and also with my maid problem before, I think it is not appropriate to host it..

HOWEVER.. i repeat again the word HOWEVER... ehhehe..
if you guys would like to drop by at my place... please... you're more than welcome to do so.. so.. kirenyer.. ini adalah sessi makan-makan openly.. anytime.. but of course, kene la bagitau dulu.. kang aku takder umah korang makan minum pintu umah je la plak kan...

So my dear frens.. kalau nak datang... just call ok... I'll be more than happy dengan kedatangan korang... :)

Last weekends, we went to Restoren Melayu at Jln Conlay for lunch treat with Mama, Ayah, Angah and Ayu.. well... it was actually a belated birthday lunch treat for my father in law... Food was good.. and since masih Syawal.. the theme was still like Syawal open house theme.. ada open house budak skolah menengah lagik tu.. so, ada la pertunjukan apa tah... ada nyanyi2 lagu raya and what not... Alya seems to enjoy the performance more than then food.. while i am too busy digging out the food rather than taking pictures.. :))..
With Granny and Grandpa

posing la konon kan

Rajin dier cucuk pipi dier yg cam pau tuh..

later in the evening.. we went to my brother's house at Subang Bistari for another session of makan2... giler keje maaaaaaaaaakkkkaaann je aku..
since I am still full lps makan buffet kat Restoren Melayu.. sempat la snap pics Alya and her cousin, Nadiah.
With Nadiah.. macam2 pose gedik derang buat...


Nie posing pesen apa kak???

Jeling ke kak?

Sunday, I was busy handling my maid nyer exchange and such.. but since it went smooth je... sempat la pegi 2 umah lg... we went to Maya's house.. and Azra's house... but sorry.. no pics were taken as I was erm... lazy! ahahhaha

Nih gambo dari FB Maya, dia geram nak makan Alya yg bam bam..

So how was your weekend?

Monday, October 20, 2008

The One With the maid issue II

I've got the replacement for my maid.. this time, she has working experience..
I just don't know what to expect.. so.. just pray that this time she is okay..

Tired of all these ....
I guess.... it is normal kot.. ada maid issue nowadays...
bukan senang nak dapat yg bebetul ok... just hope that this one is ok..
takder la aku nak pening2 lg kan..

Anyway.. thanks to you guys for the message, email.. and such..
it has been a great help!!


Friday, October 17, 2008

The One With the maid issue

I'm sending back my current maid after almost 3 months she worked with me..
Don't ask me why... I wouldn't do so if there's not enough trouble made by her already...

I know it will be tough for me.. as my tummy is getting bigger each day.. and i feel tired more easily each day.. but this time at least I am prepared..

I've just got the confirmation from the Kindy teacher at my office that Alya is accepted as a transit student until I get a new maid.. so.. my next routine will be sending Alya or should I say.. bring Alya along with me to work.. hehhehe.... I know she will be happy.. but not so sure how am I going to wake her up early in the morning.. and quarrelling with her to get ready fast!

I hope I get the new replacement soon... and with no more hassle and hanky panky thingy happening...

Pray for us that everything will run smooth ya... or if you guys know any good agency.. or have good maid where their relative would like to work here.. or anything like that... pls email me yah?? your help is very much appreciated.

thanks peeps! luv u all...

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The One With the Hari Raya 2008

it is almost half a month we've celebrate Aidilfitri...
but.. i guess.. never too late to wish everyone..

"Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri.. Maaf Zahir dan Batin.. kalau ada tersalah kata... tersinggung perasaan... termakan.. terminum... dan segala ter... sama ada sengaja atau tidak.. kami sekeluarga memohon ampun dah maaf...."

this year... it was hubby's turn.. so.. our journey was wayyy up north..
it was fun, but tiring tho for me.. coz perutku memboyot dengan jayanyer maa.. saket pinggang dok dalam kete lama2.. ehheheh..

and owh.. we didn't get the chance to take decent family pics..
only a few (less than 3 is a few ok) were taken.. and muka aku pon tak semenggah pasal panas.. so.. berminyak2... and hitam cam kene sunburn..
lantak ler kan..

however, i believe alya enjoys her raya so much..
ramai kawan.. ramai org melayan dier.. mana tak nyer happy kan....
skang nieh.. kene control skit makan dier...
coz she is now 18kg!!! tgk perut, muka, kaki and tangan dier.. ahhahaha.. goreng pon sodappp kan?
anyway.. saper2 nak jemput kitorang ke open house..
Insya Allah.. jika takder aral melintang.. takder apa2 masalah... sampai ler kitorang... bukan anak je suka makan.. mummy pon skang.. bleh tahan gak kuat makannnn... hehehhehhe...

owh ya.. jemput ler datang rumah beraya yah?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The One with the nasi dagang

Mind you with another back dated entry...

Since I was getting much better with my morning sickness...
Rasa nak makan tuh mula la dah ada...

and.... tetiba rasa nak makan Nasik Dagang...
and I know for sure... a dear friend of mine is a hell good cook for this special dish...
tak lain tak bukan... MOON la kan ... saper lg..

So, dengan tak malunya.. I YMed her.. and tell her my cravings for her nasik dagang..
Sebagai kawan baik yg tak nak menghampakan harapan kawan...
she cooked the yummylicios nasik dagang ever.... for buka puasa one day..
BEST GILER!!!! tak caya tanya Moon.. I ate 3 plates of Nasik Dagang okeh!
and seme org mmg setuju ... sbb takder sorang pon yg bawak camera gedabak tuh g amik gambo food...
seme muka tak angkat dari meja nyer stock... ahhahhaha..

It was really good.. even while typing this.. I could still remember how good it was..
meleleh air liur mak bebbbbb! hehehhe..

The buka puasa thingy was planned weeks ahead.. and we picked 13 Sept..
and secara kebetulan masa pick tuh... Filla told us that is was Radie's birthday..
So, besides having buka puasa... we also had birthday celebration for Radie..

Happy Birthday Radie..

Sorry...anak aku mmg pantang tgk kek... tak pasal korang ada tambahan anak sorang dalam gambo ekk..

Since ppl say... Pics say thousand words... ehhehhe... korang tgk je la pics di bawah nieh erk.. courtesy by Moon.
for more pics... pegi je FP Moon

Thursday, September 04, 2008

The One With Raya Cookies

Cam biasala... kalau nak raya.. sebok la ngan persiapan raya walaupon baru beberapa hari je puasa kan?

As for me.. tak ketinggalan sama... and as usual, I will be helping my sister in law in selling her yummylicious raya cookies... mind ya.. some of it.. i even bake them myself! hehehhe... ha... rajin tak rajin... jgn tak tauuu!

Orders will be open until 19 Sept, so.. hurry up and make your orders now ya?

Details on the cookies.. pls visit my Sales blog now...

Sneak preview......
jgn ada yg meleleh air liur dah la ekkk....

So.. apa tunggu lagi... order la.... hehhehehhe

Monday, September 01, 2008

The One With Salam Ramadhan

Hi peeps...

It's first day of Ramadhan and I would like to wish all Muslim..

"Salam Ramadhan..."

Semoga puasa kita tahun ini mendapat keberkatan... amin..

As for me..
I tried to berpuasa penuhla tahun ini..
tapi taktau la akan larat atau tak kan...
sekarang baru kol 12 perut dah munyik2...

hopefully I am strong enough to berpuasa..
kalau tak dapat hari2... selang2 pon ok kan?

Got to go... I'm at office, working today.. sedey kan?
tapi takperla... kalau keje tak rasa sangat kot erk lapanyer...

Friday, August 08, 2008

The One With 080808

080808... nice date yah? I bet a lot of ppl been waiting for this date..
yg tgh ngorat2.. time nieh lah nak declare..
yg dah couple time nieh nak tunang..
yg dah tunang time nieh nak kawen...
yerla.. dah date pon cantik kan..
ada ong lagik plak tuh kan..

for those declaring your love today... have you guys find the sweetest love.. everlasting one..
for those proposing today... may your relationship and love grew stronger..
for those tying their knots today... "Selamat pengantin Baru.."
and not forgetting... "Happy birthday" to those celebrating it today...

Tonight, I know 2 couples will be tying their knots...
to Mysara and Phyruzze... and also Syah and Sya..
"Selamat melayari alam rumah tangga.. semoga berbahagia ke akhir hayat"

and today.. I know a dear fren for us is celebrating his last year of having the no 2 in front of his age..
to Zai,
"Happy birthday.. semoga panjang umur dan dimurahkan rezeki... dah semoga segala impian jd kenyataan.."


Ahahah... I wrote the above post on 080808.. but punya la delay arini baru nak post ek?
basi giler dah citer... ahhaha..

anyway... here some pics of Syah and Sya's wedding ceremony that we attended...

"Selamat Pengantin Baru" again...:)

Thursday, July 31, 2008

The One with the 'conteng-conteng' session

Entry nieh patutnyer dah basi sangat dah.... tapi sbb aku biasala kan.. suka mengembalikan nostalgia lama...
and furthermore... suka aku je la nak tulis menda2 pon kan.. ahhahah... so here goes..

Owh.. before that, before I forget.. hehehhe..



hehehhe... semoga berbahagia hingga ke akhir hayat...

We went to both sides (KJ and Kuala Kangsar) as both were our close frens..
Tho having so called 'morning-sickness' during that time, tidakku melepaskan peluang pegi!

And furthermore, for the reception ceremony at Kuala Kangsar..
aku dah berjaya menjadi tukang mekap tak bertauliah.. di bantu oleh Ika..

nak tgk hasilnya???
hehhehehe.... camner? ok tak??? hehehehe... first time nieh nak mekapkan org..
dah ler mekapkan org kawinnn.... gelabah cik kiah sampai peluh2 ketiakkk..
tuh la.. saper suh dah pregnant 2 bulan lebih pon sebok2 nak pakai kebaya lg..
mau tak berpeluh2 ketiak kannn... hahhahahha..

Anyway.. I enjoyed doing kerja menconteng ini...
and of course, I enjoyed their wedding so much..

Semoga korang berdua dimurahkan rezeki..
dapat anak2 yg comel2 belaka...


Note: nak tgk gambo kawin derang yg lain... pls visit here

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The One with the tagging game

Kene tag nieh by Moon... lama giler dah.. baru nieh dapat nak bayar utang..
sowie ek..

apa yang anda suker tentang suami anda...
him... just being him...

i don't even know how to say it... but... i know a lot of ppl will nod if i say he is a very good fren.. who'd be willing to do anything to help another fren who is in need.

back then, when we were 'just frens'... he showed me that he is a great fren..
he'll always know when to be there.. and when to help.. even when I didn't ask for it..
trully much appreciate what he has done..

even when we were together... he showed me.. that he never change..
always there... even when it is not a convenient time..

and now... when I am the most difficult person to handle..
he is still there... smiling.. helping me in every way he could..
even when he is tired after a long/odd working hours...
he will always ensure i am fine....
and comfortable...

so... is there anything not to like? you tell me!


adakah anda seorang yang romantik?
ahhaha.. apakah soalan inniew??? ya.. i think i am the most sloopy lovey dovey person....
hahahahhahha.... minah jiwang karatz yg sangat karatz... aku tau laki aku dok sengeh2 dengan pengakuan ini.. tapi takperla... baik i ngaku je kannn...

adakah suami anda seorang yang romantik?
YUPPPP... he is!! owh... even thinking of what he did... makes my heart melt..
he might not be good with writing ... giving cards.. commenting my blog.. etc..
but is his very own way... unexpectedly... he's full of surprises...
and trust me... it just melt me like butter!!! no no.. like icecream kene panas!

luahkan perasaan sayang yang lahir dari hati yang ikhlas untuk orang tersayang...
I am never good with expressing my words.. and I know... I haven't said "I love you" enough.. coz with you... it is never enough...

I love you... and will always do...

apa yang anda mahu dari pasangan anda...
susah nak jawap la soalan nieh... basically i just want you to be happy...
that's it..

so.. here goes ...
kan dah cakap.. tak reti nak tulis2 nieh sangat... nieh pon sure dah jd cam tahap jiwang the karatz and maybe ada jugak org yg akan montah darah... :))

i'm tagging:

1. chics
2. belladona
3. darling8tabby
4. ika
5. and sape2 yg tak pernah kene tag lg... hehehheh

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The One With His Special Day...

Happy birthday Baby...

May your birthday bring joy and happiness..
May your dream which is approved by me come true..(hehhe)
May you become healthier, and wealthier...


I am never good with words..
but I would like to say thank you for always being there for me..
no matter how hard or stubborn i am.. you are always there..
thank you for loving me that much..

I really hope you enjoyed your birthday...
Tho this time around there isn't any special celebration..
but I hope, you still did enjoy our small family dinner..

Both me and Alya loves you so much..
and of course... our new baby too!!
thanks.. for being a great husband, a great daddy.. and a great son!!

love you so much!!!

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

The One With the big M

So many things had happened.. but the big M datang lagi....!!
hahaha... dunno whether no time to update, or just plain lazy to do so..

My morning sickness still comes and go..
sometimes... i can eat... sometimes.. nothing seems to satisfy my tekak!
sedih gak..sbb i enjoy food so much.. tp skang mmg memilih lah nak makan..
alhamdulillah.. buah2 seme ok.. boleh terima.. so.. if teruk sangat cannot swallow anything..
makan je buah... abis citer.

Anyhow... alhamdulillah.. baby is ok..
last checkup when I was in my 12 weeks.. baby seems fine and ok..
syukur... alhamdulillah..

Alya has been great too..
but sangat suka menangis!!!
and terlebih mengada...
apart from that... she has been great...
if I am tired or having bad headache.. she will pat me on my back..
or picit kepala (siap kire 5 kali ok!)
caring lah kire2nyer..


owh ya...
before i am off...
here's for you....

I cannot promise how soon i am going to update.. but.. stay tune.... i'll try to update more!! hehehhehe

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The One With the.... urgghhh!

No.. I am not complaining..
pretty much... er .. er... ngadu aci tak?

I feel tired more easily nowadays..
tho my body weight is decreasing.. (yes, you read that right, decreasing)..
but the tummy's apperance is somewhat visible dah..
huhuh... but according to dear hubby..
i look more like a fat lady then a pregnant lady..
durhhhhh... :P

The all-day-sickness is still there..
but pretty much getting better..
There are times I can really eat..
but... sometimes(or still most of the time?),
food isn't my best friend..

I practically can't make a wrong choice of food..
or else.. the day is over for me... hahahha..
abis seme yg aku makan kuar balik!

But again, no.. not complaining..
just... mengada-ing.. can rite?

all these happens for a good reason..
a good cause aight?

Yes, I am happy to have this baby in me..

and owh..
congrats to Ika and Zai too...
Qais Amir nak dapat adik dahhh... wohooo!!

well, I guess I just got to start doing my work..
I really hate it when the Development System is so slow and I need to do some testing before I could transport my changes to the Test System..


Friday, June 13, 2008

The One With the melting heart

I had a lonng day yesterday...
Went back home around 930pm, feeling hungry, tired and having bad headache..
Felt like whole body of mine is aching actually.

Worse part, I can really swallow anything..
Seme rasa nak terkeluar balik!
So ended up, I just ate plain white bread...

My head was spinning like nobody's business..
So, I head to my bedroom and laydown..
Then come my little princess...

"Mummy sleep? Cian mummy, mummy penat.. baru balik work... mummy pening.. mummy sleep yah?"


My heart melt...

I can't believe how fast she has grown up..

Mummy loves u alya!!

I fall asleep after that... and woke up around 12.30pm when hubby comes back from work..
I know he must felt really tired and hungry...
and yet... he still took his time to give me a good massage...
so I could sleep better...

Urgghhh... my heart melt again..

Thank God... for sending these two most wonderful person to me..

Syukur.. alhamdulillah..

Thursday, May 29, 2008

The One With the month of blessing...

I've always love April...
Yes, I was born in April...
and therefore I will always look forward for April to come..
for me to get my birthday party, and also lots of pressie..

but not only that... for me... my good fortune always comes in april..
like.. getting my first job.. it was indeed a last minute thingy..
I was among the last to get the confirmation for my practical training..
but the good thing is... the company would like to hire me...
so.. I'm actually already working while doing my practical training..

even for my 2nd job.. I also got the interview and offer in April..
heyy.. even my 3rd job I would say....:D
lucky month i suppose?
i guess so..

owh ya... the best thing that happened to me was having Alya in me..
and you guess that right... it also happens in April...
hehhehe... great huh?

and it happens again...
in the month of April...
I'm blessed with another baby...
Syukur Alhamdulillah...
Allah memperkenankan doa kami...

I am now 9 weeks pregnant...
it is still a long way to go...
Though I had a rough start.. and still having those all-day-sickness thingy...
I am hoping for a smooth pregnancy.. and safe delivery..

Pray for me and my baby yah?

erm... I've got to go...
see u guys soon!

Monday, May 26, 2008

The One With the unwell...

Thanks for all your wishes....
Ya.. I do wish I will get better soon..
But I guess I just need to be patient for another 4 weeks to go..
Hopefully by then... I'll be fine..

Have been on medical leave since last wednesday..
arini masuk keje rasa nak muntah tgk email byk gile..
nak cuti sebulan boleh tak????


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The One with the unwell

I'm not at my best now...
I haven't been feeling well lately..

sorry for my late updates...
late and rare updates...

i still go blog hopping..
just that sometimes or most of the times..
I didn't manage to leave comments on your blog..
so sorry for that...

till i get better...
i'll make it up to you guys ya???

take care!!!

hugs and kisses...
cak! pics credit to Moon from Cyberphotog

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The One With the recovery

Alhamdulillah... my brother has recovered from his dengue....
He told me that the experience was like... "mati hidup semula"

We weren't really sure where did he gets his dengue as he was not at my hometown during his semester break..
He did went to my place and stayed there for few days when i was out of town..
and right after we come back, he went to his frens house at Shah Alam..

So, it is either my house or his friends house...

His fever starts on Wednesday.. and he only comes back to my parents house on Friday night.. around 11++pm
telling us he felt like he might have dengue... we monitor his fever that night... and send him to clinic on Sat morning.
The blood result came out in the evening.. and his platelet count went down to 22..
We straight away bring him to UMMC, and took another blood test... and the result came out as his platelet count went further down to only 8!

He was warded, and within 24 hours.. his platelet count went down to just 2, went up to 8 and went down to 6... and still it is a single digit. He can't really eat, coz his stomach was really in pain.. and he vomits alot.

On sunday, his gum started to bleed, he started to cough blood, and his platelet count is still either 6 or 8.. no much improvement and we were told if his blood pressure and oxigen level in his blood went down.. there's a need to do blood transfusion..

On Monday, he was discharged, when the platelet count went up only to 11!! Yes, believe me, he was discharge when the platelet count was just 11, and his gum is still bleeding..
There were too many dengue cases and they have not enough bed.. and since his platelet count is more than 10 now, he could be discharged!

He went back, spend the night still feeling pain... and the next day he was brought to PMC and admitted there. Spend 2 days 1 nite there, were given medication for his liver and what not.. and alhamdulillah.. he recovered.

It was a tough time for us especially my mom... who has been crying a lot, thinking that she might not see her son anymore... But thank to Allah, he survived... amin...

So you guys out there... please be careful! If you had fever for few days and it doesn't go away, do a blood test!! Better be safe than sorry!

Thanks for all your prayers!! I really appreciate it!

Monday, May 05, 2008

The One With the prayers

My younger brother is down with Dengue...
he is now admitted at PPUM...

I really hope and pray that he'll be better...
Please pray for his speedy recovery, yah?


I am not in the mood to write...
coz I am worried and sad...


I'm praying he'll be better soon...
Hope you guys could do the same..

thanks so much!!

Thursday, May 01, 2008

The One With the back at home

we arrived safely at home...
the journey was great..
the accompany was great...
the food?? if it is not great, why are we still eating until the last minute...
ahahhahaha... just don't want to miss the chance to taste most of the tasty food there..

tho, there's also some issues on the food... (i dare not describe here)..
but heyyy..... food there was really tasty.. kan kan kan?

I haven't got the chance to transfer the pics..
not that I took a lot of pics anyway...
but I will update soon...!

got to go...
got to finish unpacking! hahahha