My Clara turned six yesterday! Clara has grown up so much. She has changed from my little fireball to my little sweetheart. At six her favorite activities include coloring, playing with "Friends" legos, playing with horses or ponies, reading or playing house. She is always willing to help momma cook and is excellent in the kitchen. I would say that her most amazing talent right now is her art skills. She is a great artist. For instance her cake, I showed her a picture of what I wanted it to look like, she told me it was too plain, and she created a masterpiece! Everyday she gives me beautiful cards full of exceptional artwork and words of love. She just melts my heart. Academically Clara is excelling in Kindergarten. She already is writing simple stories and her behavior is outstanding. Religiously Clara loves her father in heaven. She asks me lots of questions regarding scripture stories and I am enjoying listening to her learn and understand how important Heavenly Father and Jesus are in her life. Early this month she and the neighbor got in a little tiff because Clara pronounced that Obama was not her president. President Thomas S. Monson was!
We started the celebration as soon as we woke up with homemade chocolate muffins and hot cocoa.
Clara's Party was Butterfly themed. I filled balloons with Confetti and strung them around the room. During the party we popped the balloons to finish the decorating. For those of you with older children you have got to try this! When you pop them the confetti flies everywhere! We loved it...well Clara was slightly terrified, Jacob was very upset and Katherine was in her room with the door shut. I don't want her to develop a fear of balloons.
For dinner we had a little tea party with all of Clara's favorite foods.
Well Katherine just played with the duster.
Clara loved her presents. After opening each one she would yell, "How did you know I wanted this! You can read my mind!"
Jacob, Sabrina and Clara also enjoyed their little gifts Grandma sent them. (Sabrina liked her so much I got a very big hug and had to remind her it was from Grandma not me!)
Katherine enjoyed everything...minus the cake. She just wanted a piece of cake and I wouldn't give her one.
The cake was of course a huge hit! Clara had an amazing design and was so happy I let her decorate it alone.
Happy Birthday Sweet Clara! We are so happy to have you in our family!
By the end of the day we were oh so tired...and so ready for bed. I might add that we sure do enjoy sleeping in our new home. We have been here almost two weeks now! The unpacking is nearly complete and we are loving every inch.