My sweetheart turned 5 and what an angel girl she is. Katherine is so fun. She loved to play shopkins, barbies and ponies. Her favorite movie is Equestria girls. Her favorite book is Who's your hero. She loves her mom and dad and every one of her siblings. She really likes to play with everyone but needs to have an hour or two of alone time each day to just have fun and enjoy herself. She is probably the easiest of the four kids.
This year for her birthday she wanted Sabrina to help her decorate her cake.
We started the morning with a birthday donut and some happy birthday songs.
She got to open one present to help her wait until the time when her party would be.
Her party consisted of a peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and mommies homemade chicken soup. Interesting combination. We also had a little lemonade party.
Kate is really the most thoughtful child. She wanted everyone to help her play, build, and unbox all of her presents. It really was a surprising, fun activity. As the time for kindergarten approaches I already know I am going to miss spending everyday with the smiling, kind girl. She blesses me everyday with her sweetness.