Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Random Sampler

My first thumb sucker. Ahhh. Cute now, but I might not like it so much in a couple years.

Such a precious little spirit!

Sweetest picture of Grandpa.

Leighna learned to ride her bike with no training wheels. She can't stay off of it now. She's outside first thing in the morning cruising around. 

Two weeks old. How does time go by so fast AFTER they're born?

Kids have to get as close as possible. How did Porter grow up on me? I thought he was little!

The hill behind our house was ablaze last night. Facinating to watch, although it's sad to see things go up in flames. 

Girls night out. We had our traditional Girls night while the boys did Fathers and Sons. We had a good time. The girls look forward to our little outing every year. I got a "you're the best mom ever!" So mission accomplished! The older my girls get the more fun it gets to go on outings with them.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Our Family Has Grown by Two Feet

Ty Jonathan
May 8, 2012
7 lbs 15 oz
19 inches
We are all loving our new addition!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Addie's Fieldtrip

Today my dear little Adelah is on her first fieldtrip that she gets to ride on a bus! She has been SO excited. She took two days to plan and pack her lunch. Her friends came over yesterday to see if she could play and she said, "I'm sorry, I can't play because I have to get packed for my fieldtrip." Now that is excitement! She has been so cute about the whole thing. They are going on a hike in Zion so last night she asked me how to spell Zion because she wanted to google it. So she googled Zion and looked at pictures and watched videos because she wanted to know all about it. I thought it was so cute. I was shocked when she told me she wanted to google it. What first grader knows you can google something??? I guess I'm just way behind in my technology knowlege. I hope that she is having the most amazing day on her fieldtrip. I can't wait for the report!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


It's been awhile since I've blogged. Everything has changed! I feel like I'm starting over in the blogging world.
The Babe's boss gave my kids baby chicks for Easter! They were thrilled beyond measure! The baby chicks are no longer small enough to keep in the house, so they have moved on to greener pastures, or more like greener chicken coops. The kids were very sad to see them go. Especially Porter. He keeps asking if we can have real live baby chicks again. And I tell him maybe someday.

Meet my new sister Sarah Dawn. She and Camron are getting married on June 29th. We are super excited for them! She will be a great addition to our family.

And last but not least, ONLY 6 MORE DAYS!!!! Our little boy will be here in six more days! Those six days feel like forever, but I'm looking forward to holding him in my arms and giving my back and ribs and hips a little break!