Friday, September 24, 2010

Two Peas in a Pod

Best of Friends
love playing dress-up
love to giggle
love to play...anything
love movies
love each other!

"'cause wook at her, hers smilin at me!" ~Leighna
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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Call Me Crazy

I've decided I'm going to potty train Porter. Last week he refused to wear a diaper and went and got the girls' underwear so he could wear them. I decided that he probably needed some manly boy underwear of his own before we got started, so we went to Wal-Mart and got him some Vroom underwear. He was so proud of them he put on a pair, took them off, put on another pair, took them off, and then put on another pair. Then he walked right over to the bookcase, struck a pose, and exclaimed, "CHEE!" So how could I resist!

My dad boughts some cowboy boots for Wyatt, but we forgot to drop them off in Cedar. Port found them though and I had to laugh when he came in sportin' this outfit!
So if anyone has any great advice on potty training, I'll take it. I confess it's the worst thing about being a mother (in my mind). But something we must do. So if you have any suggestions, please leave a comment!
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Monday, September 20, 2010

All Aboard

Tonight's Menu:
Yummy Potatoes. AKA Funeral Potatoes.
Banana Squash.

Porter and Leighna scarfed theirs down. They loved it! Leighna had 3 helpings, which was awesome because lately I can't find anything that my kids will eat. Addie ate the squash, but she struggled with the potatoes, but she told the Babe that if he fed her, she would eat it. So The Babe, in all his clever witty-ness, was making some pretty funny comments as the potatoes flew around Addies head on her fork.
"One small step for giant leap for hash browns."
"Four score and seven years ago, these hash browns entered our freezer!"
"These are funeral potatoes, but no body's dead."
"Entering the cave of mysteries."
The kids would laugh and giggle after every comment. Even Porter, he had no idea what we were talking about, but when the girls laughed, he laughed. After several goofy comments, Leighna pipes up and says, "Hey dad, watch this." She made a big swoosh with her fork and then just before it got to her mouth she yells, "ALL ABOARD!" It was so cute. We all cracked up!
I think she may have her father's witt!

The Highlights

My family got together for our annual cabin retreat. We had such a great time together. Sarah got a new camera for her birthday, so I guess we must have used her camera a lot because most of my pictures are of us working together to cut up some firewood and restack it.
I'm not quite sure what Sarah was up to in this one... just being goofy, like usual! Ha ha!
Katie brought Sarah's B-day gift up to the cabin....It was 3 goldfish. She didn't really know what to think about that. She kept saying, "what am I supposed to do with them." Luckily she didn't have to worry about that for too long because all three fish were dead after 2 days!!!
The best part about this picture is that Kevin wasn't posing! He was just walking past me!!! It was so funny!
My mom showing us all up by working so hard.....again!

Port...doing his fair share!

I love watching my dad work!

Port.....using his resources!

Mandy with Sarah in tow....forced motivation!

This is my nephew Landon.

The firepit at the cabin is at least 2 feet deep. We enjoyed sitting around the fire so much, that by the time we left those 2 feet were completely filled with ashes.
Brett...I think he needs a girlfriend....anybody know anyone????? :-)
Our Family Picture....just so you know we are not balanced, The Babe had to hold himself up...I just want to make sure you know that!
Jon and Ruth...EWWW
Cowgirl Mom! This is actually the awesomest horse I have ever seen! It's awesome! I fall off everytime, because I over rock! But it's totally fun!
At the end of the day....Uncle Craig's Cabin is one of our favorite places! We love to go relax and have a great time spending time together! It was awesome!


Saturday, September 18, 2010

Hopeless Romantic

The other night I was lying in bed next to my sweet hubby. We were watching Letters to Juliet. The song that I have had on my blog for a few weeks now, started playing at the beginning of the movie. I told The Babe how much I love this song. I told him if we could go back ten years, I would make this our wedding song. (if your volume is turned off, you may want to turn it up or you won't know what song I'm talking about!!) The Babe so tenderly leaned over to me and said, "then we will just make it "our song". I was so touched. Silly stuff like that just doesn't matter to a guy. But My Babe is such a hopeless romantic!
And I love him for it!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

My Newest Nephew

Meet Philip Kade Carlile.

They are going to call him Kade. But Philip is after my dad. That's pretty cool! He's so tiny and cute almost exactly the same size Leighna was. 7 lbs. 11 oz. 19 3/4 in. He has the longest fingernails I've ever seen on a baby!

He looks just like his big brother Wyatt, except with hair! He's cute. And Heidi is doing well!
When we got to the hospital, Mandy and Kevin greeted us. After a few how ya doin's Mandy asked who cut Porter's hair. I said I did. Then I looked a little closer and exclaimed I did NOT!!! I told the girls they needed to clean their room before we left so apparently while cleaning their room, Addie decided 'Porter's bangs looked funny' so she proceeded to fix them! She also trimmed one of her stuffed animals! I think I need to shave all of their heads, then maybe they will learn their lesson about cutting hair! What am I going to do????

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