Thursday, February 13, 2025

Snow, Temple, and Sushi

We got a skiff of snow this morning! Yay! It's so pretty next to that red sand and blue water! It didn't snow much, but then it started raining and has been raining all day!

Ty and Tritan planned a temple day. It's hard to get in to do baptisms before or after school, they are always booked. So we opted for skipping a couple of classes. The Babe and checked them out, we did the baptisms, and then we took the boys to lunch!

They chose Panda Express. It was fun. I think they really enjoyed it.

Later I went out with my girls! I had such a special presidency! I think it's rare to be so close to those you serve with, but we all have a special bond. We are all so busy it's hard to find time to get together, but now and then, the stars align and we get to go play! 

That was a huge piece of sushi, but she fit it all in!!! We even convinced Karen to eat 1/4 of a bite of sushi! She hates fish, but she was brave. She didn't love it, but she didn't gag and spit it out either!

We have a great time together! I sure love these ladies!!

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

First Date

 Today is the 25th anniversary of our first date!!! I didn't take a single picture! 

The Babe bought us tickets to the Young Ambassadors from BYU. They sing and dance. It was a great show! I can't believe they can dance like that and still be able to breathe enough to sing! But they did great. It was The Babe and I and every old person in St. George, but hey! We got halfway home and I asked The Babe if we were going to eat, so we stopped off at Culvers and had a super fancy dinner. It was fun! We have been together for a long time. I love The Babe! I couldn't have asked for a better partner to do life with!!! 

Monday, February 10, 2025


I had to go to Quail to pick up The Babe from work because we still don't have his car back from the mechanic. I told Ty to grab his pole and we would fish while we waited for The Babe to finish up. 

It was fun to try out my new pole, but we didn't catch anything. We really didn't fish for very long. 

It was cool to watch the birds fly over the lake. Ty scared them so they took off flying all together. My picture doesn't do it justice. 

We talked to Addie tonight. Will had fun with the filters while he was talking with her!

It was cute to watch them talk! 


Saturday, February 8, 2025

One Egg

Hey-o I got an egg!! We are back in business! So happy about this!

Friday, February 7, 2025

The Hen House

We needed a project, so we are finally putting together a better chicken coop for my feathered girls!

Granted, this is more of a project that I picked for The Babe than a project for me. I just don't have those kind of skills. But he's awesome and he's doing a great job. I'm so grateful that he's willing to work so hard for me.! 

Ty has been loving working on the coop. Even when we don't have anything to work on, he's out there pounding nails and building things. We need to get these girls laying! They have been in their winter molt, but the price of eggs is so high, we need these girls to start laying!! It costs $9.00 for a dozen eggs right now! That's insane!


Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Winter Time Blues

It's February! Can you believe it? The weather has been so nice, but we're getting a little concerned about water! We need some rain!!!
Things are pretty chill here. I'm really trying to soak up the nothingness. But sometimes I just get so bored! We have been on a dead run for months, and I know that rat race is about to start up again, so I'm trying to enjoy the quiet days. But sometimes it's a struggle after being so busy. I'm not even sure what to write about because I haven't been taking pictures. We really are just taking it easy for a minute. 

Will LOVES the Miami Dolphins! He loves dressing up in all their gear. He even has a shark tooth around his neck. He said that's to remind the sharks that if they mess with the dolphins, they will loose a tooth! He's so funny!

 I've been working on a quilt. I think it's going to turn out pretty cute!


Saturday, February 1, 2025

Leighna's Temple Day

What a special day for Leighna. 
She went through the temple for the first time! Her appointment was at three in the afternoon, so we had all morning to play. We had a nice breakfast, and then we went for a hike in Confluence Park. 

Baler loved the chickens, he made himself right at home in their nesting box!

Ty and Wyatt up in the tree at Confluence.

I don't know if I can even put into words the feelings of my heart!
The Babe, Leighna, and I all got there early. My heart was so full as I sat with Leighna. I'm grateful for the choices she has made to get here.

Leighna had so much support from family and friends. It was so awesome to see how many people love her. 
 Grandma and Grandpa Allred and Aunt Marie represented for the Allred side of the fam! So glad they could make it. We know the others were cheering her on too. 

Aunt Marie

Janessa is Leighna's best friend. They planned to go through the temple together but realized that they both had too big of families for them to do it together. So, Janessa went through the 11 AM session earlier today, then she went to the 3 PM session with Leighna. It was super sweet. These two have such a cute friendship!


Adelah got to sit on the front row with Leighna and me. I don't have the words...
Having my girls by my side in the temple was such a special experience, I hope I will always remember how this felt. 

Uncle Jon and his family

Sisters! Sisters! There were never such devoted sisters! 

Uncle Brett and Aunt Holly

The girl cousins...some of them anyway.
Brinlee, Rayelle, and Makayla

Oh that's better! The girl cousins!
Taya, Addie, Leighna, Rayelle, Brinlee, Makayla, and Aaliyah
(of course, these are just the ones that were at the temple that day, there are a lot more girl cousins!)

Aunt Heidi

Grandma and Grandpa Baker

Aunt Mandy and her family
Aunt Sarah and Aunt Katie were also there, I don't know why I don't have pictures. 
The Bakers were almost in full force, we were only missing Camron and his family. 
The Babe and I feel so blessed to have our families and our friends.
 They mean the world to us!

My Favorites!!!