Thursday, June 21, 2012

An Enchanted Date

This year the theme for the daddy-daughter date was "Enchanted".  The girls dressed up in nice dresses and headed out for dates with dad.  Since there are so many students at the Elementary school, the different grades were assigned a time to go "dance with dad".   Lauren's 1st grade time was from 5-6:30 pm and Maddie's 4th grade time was from 8-9:30 pm.  This worked out perfectly because each of the girls got one on one time with dad and they went to dinner with other dads and daughters in between the two sessions.

 Lauren and Jeff

 Maddie and Jeff
These two are always being silly

 What a great looking family I have!

 Of course we had to get a picture of Jeff
and Parker.  Can't leave anyone out

Lauren was so tired after her date that she came home,
quickly showered, put her on her pajamas and
fell asleep like this while watching tv. 

My little buckaroo turns 4

Parker turned 4 years old on February 6.  I seriously can't believe it's already been 4 years since he was born.  Parker is such a great kid.  He is 100% boy and he fills our home with such joy.  He has a great attitude and a contagious laugh.  He does and says the funniest things.  I wish I could put him in a mason jar and preserve him forever.  I am doing my best to cherish every moment of his fun loving life.  I am afraid that I am going to blink and he's going to be on his way out the door to serve a mission. 

 Showing us he is officially 4 years old
He was very excited for his birthday!

 Breakfast in bed is a MUST on your birthday
Parker loves the round tray and wishes
he could eat breakfast on the tray everyday

 The goods all wrapped up

 Woo Hoo!! Ute soccer and basketball

 A RED baseball mitt

 a batting tee.....hey I'm seeing a pattern here!

 A basketball hoop
Definitely the year of sports - SCORE!
Yep- 100 percent all boy

 Coldstone ice-cream cakes are the best
and so easy to make :)

Happy Birthday little Buckaroo-
I love you so much!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Student of the month

Lauren was chosen as student of the month.  The character trait for the month was Initiative. 
 She's so excited to get her award

 She got a certificate, a pencil, and a very ugly yellow
sticker that we are supposed to put on our van

 Someday my children will learn to stand IN FRONT of
the crowd.  We can barely see our little Lu

See the ugly yellow sticker!!  Even though
it's ugly, we still put it on our van.
We're so proud of you!!

Mr. Popper's Penguins

For our mother-daughter book club in January we read Mr. Popper's Penguins.  It was Maddie's choice and a great read.  If you haven't read should.  It's totally different from the movie.

 A very talented mom made us a delicious treat

We went ice-skating as a group.  It was
fun watching the moms and daughters
ice skate together.  I think the moms fell
down way more than the daughters

Monday, June 4, 2012

Christmas Picture Overload!!

We made the trek from Cali to Utah again this Christmas.  We started our vacation out with the annual Helm Family Christmas Party.  It's always so much fun!!

 Lauren was excited to sit on Santa's lap

 Maddie was also happy to sit on Santa's lap

 Parker wasn't happy to sit on Santa's lap.  His words,
"I don't like that fat man with the white beard!"

 We got to met the future Mr. Jill Allred
Tyler is a great guy.  We love him!!

 Lauren won the limbo contest.
Look at her bend backwards....TALENT!

 Musical chairs started and.....

 Maddie was the winner!! 

Parker and Jeff were the winners of the dance off
Look at those moves :)

 We spent Christmas Eve at Grandma Farrell's house
The girls got travel cases for their American Girl Dolls

 Parker got a Big Buzz.  This made him happy because
it will go well with his Big Woody

Christmas morning was spent at Grandma Georgia's
and Grandpa Karl's house

The kids waiting so patiently to open their stockings

 Grandma, Grandpa, and the gang
They are a HAPPY bunch!

 My cute family all dressed in their pajamas

 These girls are my favorite presents!

 Love his boy!

 Our little fashionista

 Our animal lover

 A laser remote control car. The car follows a
laser - Great invention!!

 I gave Jeff a new wedding ring.
His old one was....OLD!

Luckily for us we got Grandpa Homer with us
on Christmas morning.  It was so nice having
him but oh how we so badly missed
Grandma Merla!!  She loved Christmas.

 Yea!!  Armoires for their American Girl doll stuff-
They have a lot of it and how it can be contained.
I love organization and clean rooms!!

 Lauren, Isaac, Maddie, Connor, Tyler
Rachel, Ian, Max, Parker, Zac

 There wasn't much snow but the kids were
determined to play in it

 Maddie climbed on the rocks

 Parker made snow angles

 Lauren posed for the camera

 It's also tradition to go bowling.  I got a new
camera and hadn't figured out how to use it.
Thus we have crappy, blurry pictures

 Pro-bowler Maddie

 Cheesy Parker

Determined Lauren

 We stopped by the Red Zone Ute store and got new
shirts for the kids and then headed to Grandma's
to make gingerbread houses

 Pedicures are also a Utah must do.
Maddie was in heaven having her toes done
 and reading her book.  Such a book worm!

 Lauren just sat back and enjoyed being pampered

 I love this picture of my kids in Grandma's front
bedroom. I spent hours in this same room 
and have great memories!!

 We went out to dinner on New Year's Eve and it took 
FOREVER for our food to come.  The kids got
bored so Lauren got creative and entertained us all

 We headed back to Grandma Farrell's for a night
filled with games and electronics

Sadly, our trip came to an end and we left our
Grandparent's all tuckered out.  Thanks
for the fun....ENJOY YOUR NAP!