Friday, January 27, 2012
Disneyland with Jill
Padres Game Again
Quite a while ago I had a post about our trip to the Padres game and how disappointing it was to the kids because we were so high up in the stadium. Well, a month or so later I was cleaning off Jeff's desk at home and saw a clear bag that had a large bag of Big League Chew bubblegum in it and I threw it away because I didn't want the kids to see the gum and think they needed to chew it. I mentioned to Jeff that I thew it out and he immediately went searching through the garbage. If I would have looked a little closer I would have seen 5th row tickets on the third base line for a Padres Game. Now the Padres aren't anything to brag about but 5th row tickets....You just can't pass that up. I was excited to give the kids a good experience at a baseball game. We had quite the night! It started with the loudest (excuse me for this) fart in an elevator I have ever heard. The elevator was jammed full of people and we all started to chuckle. It was gross but surprisingly funny. Boy was I relieved to find out it WASN'T one of my kids or my husband and I was even happier when the elevator doors opened moments after and we were all able to get out of the elevator. Sorry if that was too much information but it had to be documented. My kids still talk about it.
out that night at the game