Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Family Reunion

Jeff's side of the family - The Helm's - had a big family reunion this year at Bear Lake. Because of the funeral, we missed part of it but we were able to catch the last two days. We arrived on Sunday where not much was was Sunday and we were trying to observe the Sabbath. Anyway, we decided to join some of the group and go on a hike. Supposedly it was short and easy and took you to an amazing lake. Well, as luck would have it, there was too much snow and we couldn't get near the lake so we played in the snow in our shorts and flip flops.

As you can see from the look on Lauren's face,
she wasn't happy about it. She wanted shoes
and not flip flops and she was cold. I didn't
plan on snow so I didn't pack for it. SORRY!

We did finally make it through some of the
snow and found huge puddles. After some
rock throwing, the kids were happy

We all had matching shirts and they were pretty
clever. The back said "Helm's Angels" and the
front said "Helm of a Reunion"

The Allred girl cousins
We always have to take a silly one

and of course the pioneer's tradition!

Lucky!! I want kisses

My kids on the float

Yes, we were ALL in the parade. All 80 of us.
This is one of the floats. The kids
had a blast throwing candy to everyone

Our "ring leader" put together a flash mob
dance that some of us participated in when
we stopped on the parade route. It was quite
a sight to see. Can you spot Jeff?
Hint...he's near the bubble

Maddie and Lauren enjoyed dancing in the streets

Oh, there's Jeff. What's he doing? Totally
different dance moves?? Good thing he
doesn't make a living dancing!! Let's just
say he's a better dentist than dancer
ha, ha, ha.....he's such a good sport!

What's the difference between the red and blue shirts?
Nothing, just the blue ones were an UGLY color!!
Sorry, it's true & everyone knows that RED ROCKS-

Footloose and Fancy Free

Even Parker Boy joined in on the dancing
and he followed the moves just fine
(He gets his dancing skills from his mom)

Parker and Jeff

We also did a little 4-wheeling. It was
great fun and the kids really enjoyed it

Maddie and Jill

Lauren & Amy - Oh wait, I was behind the camera
Note to self....remember to wear goggles when
following other 4 wheelers on a dusty
dirt road. Our eyes will never be the same

Saturday, August 20, 2011


Just a warning....this is long. I included a lot because this is going to be turned into a book and I want to remember it all!!

Remember my last post that talked about all the wonderful things the kids and I had planned while mom was visiting? Well here's what really happened....

Saturday we were at the Padres Game. Sunday, June 26, 2011, we went to church and then took it easy the rest of the day. My mom talked to my dad on the phone for just a few minutes but we were in the middle of getting dinner ready so mom told dad she would call him later. Well.....we got busy and mom forgot until it was about 10 pm Utah time. Mom decided not to call him because he might be asleep and she figured she would just talk to him Monday morning. So, we all got ready and went to bed around 10 pm California time. We were all just about asleep and the phone rang around 11 pm. It was my dad. I thought to myself....well, he must have really wanted to talk to mom because it was midnight in Utah. It was at that moment my life changed forever. A phone call I will never forget!!

Dad told me that my absolutely perfectly wonderful Grandma had passed away just moments ago. WHAT THE HECK?? The tears started to stream as I asked him again what he said. I thought for sure I had heard wrong. You see Grandpa is the one who has the bad heart and he's living on borrowed time. Grandma, on the other hand is about as healthy as you can be for an 82 year old lady full of spunk. By no means do I want Grandpa gone but what in the world happened? As Dad explained, all I could say was NOOOOO! I really didn't want to believe it. I handed the phone to my mom where she received the unfortunate news about her mom. I felt so bad for my mom because she was in California with me instead of Utah where she needed to be. It would be morning before we could get a flight and she could get home to Utah.

It was the longest night of my life. I spent it changing flights for my mom and Maddie, getting flights for myself, Lauren and Parker, packing for the entire month I knew we would be gone, trying to comfort my mom, talking to my aunt and siblings on the phone and wishing I could be in Utah, wondering how Grandpa was, all the while crying like crazy and wondering how my heart could hurt so intensely. By the time I got everything done it was 3:30 am and I knew I had to be up by 4:00 am in order to be ready to leave for the airport and make our flight so I just sat in bed and felt numb. How could this be happening? Grandma was one of my best friends!! We talked on the phone nearly everyday. She was happy and cheerful and loving and positive and lovable and perfect and healthy and young and beautiful and wise and thoughtful and spiritual and classy and elegant. This wasn't supposed to happen for at least another 10 years. I wasn't ready and it was so sudden. I didn't get to say goodbye and tell her that she was my hero and that I loved her so much. Grandma, you must be needed. I am sad, I miss you, and I LOVE YOU!

Merla Jaques Foust
"Grandma Homer"
1928 - 2011
Isn't she breathtaking??

Grandpa Homer & Grandma Merla
in 1946. They were so in love

Grandma died on the eve of their
65th Wedding Anniversary.
Wesley, Ryan, John Charles, Charley, James,
Jeff, Brad, John, Chris, Jake

Since the kids and I flew to Utah with mom,
Jeff had to drive up by himself. I felt bad but I
am so glad he made it. I couldn't have survived
the funeral without him. I was one of the
speakers and while I was grateful for the
opportunity to speak & tell everyone how I
felt about Grandma, I needed his support.
I was a crybaby. Isn't he so handsome?!

Grandpa with his only two daughters

It broke my heart watching Grandpa take off
his flower and put it on the casket of his sweetheart.

Grandpa, Aunt Vicky, Georgia

Such sadness in his eyes!

Grandpa and me-
This is such a terrible picture of me.
Flat hair, red eyes, tear stained cheeks, crying face.
But it has to be documented!!

May we always hold hands tightly!!

The casket and flowers are so beautiful and elegant!!

Zac, Isaac, Connor, Maddie, Tyler, Ian

Lauren, Ian, Isaac

Rachel, Wesley, Ian, Isaac, Brigita, & Max Robertson

Parker, Jeff, Lauren, Maddie, and Amy Allred

Ryan, Connor, Zac, Michele, Tyler Robertson
(love the green gum mustache)

Rachel & Wes cleaning off Great Grandma
& Grandpa Foust's headstone

Grandpa & my favorite cousin Jill. I just
love the feeling in this picture.
Brad, Sherilyn, Vicky, Jill, Charley
(my aunt & cousins)

Wesley, Jake, Dad, Mom, Amy, Ryan
Best family ever!!

Grandpa Homer Victor Foust

It's strange to be at Grandma's house and not have her
there and know she's not going to walk through the
door. She filled the house with love, laughter, and lots
and lots of chocolate chip cookies! She was famous
for them & they were delicious.

I love this picture of Grandpa sitting in his chair in
his white undershirt. It's just his style!

The cousins had a great time playing games in the
yard after the funeral. Grandma would have loved it!

Over Mother's Day weekend, I was in Utah spending
time with my family. I went up mainly to be with
Grandpa since he was in the hospital with his heart.
I never imagined it would be my last moments with
Grandma. This is just a candid picture I took of her
sitting by Grandpa's bed. She took such great care
of Grandpa. Now it's our turn to care for him. Oh
how I wished I lived closer so I could help out. It
makes me happy to do the things that Grandma
would do. It somehow makes me feel closer to her.

Mother's Day lunch at mom & dad's house
So grateful I was there with Grandma

Grandma was such a good sport. Parker wouldn't smile
so we all decided to be grumpy.

Until we meet again Grandma....Oh, how I love you so!