Showing posts with label home. Show all posts
Showing posts with label home. Show all posts

Friday, June 3, 2011

Now that we're home...

it feels like we can finally take a deep breath from the magnitude of it all. Although I'm still in shock of how quickly the Fontan was for us (I had prepared for at least two weeks of being in Seattle with her.) 11 days from home was so much better. This surgery has weighed so heavy on my mind for the past year(s) that I can't believe we're on this side of it now. It does feel as if a huge weight has been lifted even though we have a sore, tired, cranky little girl to contend with. It's great being home and recovery is waaaaay better here than in the hospital!

But the recovery from this surgery is far from over...she's on restrictions from crowds (no church, no groups of people, no public places like movie theatres, no playdates, etc.) as well as some activity restrictions like climbing, riding a bike, no lifting heavy objects, and overexerting herself, so we're back in a bubble again for a few more weeks. We have to try to protect her from getting hurt or sick basically. Her sternal precautions include things like no lifting her up under her arms, no raising her arms over her head, for 6 weeks. We're getting the "scoop" method down. Maddie came home on just Lasix (2x day), Baby Asprin as her anticoagulant, Bisacodyl (for constipation) and Oxycodone & Tylenol for pain. She's been managing fine without the Oxycodone, so we're just sticking to chewable Tylenol tablets. On Monday we'll follow-up with her Pediatrician with a chest x-ray and on Friday we'll head back over the pass for her post-op cardiology appointment with Dr. Chun. We're working on getting her appetite back and gaining back the weight she lost.

We were told at discharge that we may not see our girl again for 2-3 months. Dr. McMullan advised that she will probably regress a little after surgery. The major "regression" was having a bottle at the hospital- she hasn't taken a bottle since I weaned her at 15 months old- but since she was dehydrated and refusing to drink anything, I gave in to this on our bad day. I think I even suggested it since she likes to pretend she's a baby and I was desperate, so I will take full-credit for this one. Luckily, she hasn't had one since early Tuesday morning and thankfully, she hasn't asked for one. She's also back in a diaper 24/7. We'll try potty training again when she's ready. The emotional toll it took on her was probably as difficult or more so than the surgery itself. She had no control over anything, was constantly "bugged" by nurses & docs and she had no say in any of it. At 3, she can't verbalize what she just went through and how she feels both physically and emotionally. I've never seen her be this frustrated and angry before, both with herself and with all of us. It's just going to take some time. When we do get smiles from her, we see our Maddie and does it ever melt our hearts. Just over the past couple of days, I've seen improvement. It's just going to take time and being home is the best place for her. I appreciate the doctors recognizing this long as the child is stable and making some progress, they don't hesitate to discharge them home.

As I wheeled Maddie out of the hospital Wednesday afternoon, I couldn't help but cry. It was bittersweet. We are so very grateful for Seattle Children's; the doctors, nurses and all of the Cardiac staff there...our daughter is here and thriving because of them. Our outcome could be so different, and I'm eternally grateful to them, especially to this man...her surgeon, Dr. McMullan. He is an outstanding surgeon as well as an amazing person. We love him and thank God that Dr. McMullan was given the talent and ability to mend broken hearts.
waiting patiently to get discharged on Wednesday...she would NOT get back in her bed and insisted on clothes and shoes. Thankfully Derek, Carly & Kate brought over some new sparkly flip-flops for her! They also helped load all of the bags from the room and it was a big job. Thanks guys!
No more staring at this!!! The nurses use these white boards in each patients room and erase the goals as the child passes them.
Good-bye Seattle Children's Hospital!

Friday, April 8, 2011

their favorite thing to do is...

play DRESS-UP! I never thought boys would enjoy dressing up so much...every penny spent on these costumes has been well worth it! They have great imaginations with some of the get-ups they come up with and have to always be in "character" with their play. It's entertaining to say the least! And I love that Maddie is starting to enjoy it just as much as her big brothers do!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Friday, February 20, 2009

Not another one...

Look what I found Miss Maddie up to the other day...she found Cade's spiderman mask and was eagerly trying to put it on her head! She has seen more of Cade in his spiderman suit than clothes, so I wasn't surprised that she knew what to do with the spidey mask! And of course, I quickly grabbed my camera to capture it. Good thing her birthday is coming up...the girl needs "girly" things to play with and possibly some "baby sized" dress up clothes?!? Do they make such a thing? I don't think I can handle another superhero in our house so bring on the princesses!!!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Some highlights & happenings...

December is flying by and we've had some fun along the way. Only 3 more days until Christmas...yikes, let the festivities begin! Here's a few of our recent highlights & happenings...

Jace & Cade's Preschool Christmas Program (cousin Kate in the middle)

They said their lines, sang their songs, jingled bells, and kazooed...all while smiling to the BIG crowd!
More cousins...Jett & Boo

Our fun baking day at mom's. She made us these cute Christmas aprons...boy are we festive!

Miss Maddie & Miss Kylie in their adorable matchy-matchy gingerbread outfits...courtesy of Aunt J
We'll be having a WHITE Christmas after being dumped on this weekend. The boys are loving the snow, especially being pulled behind the 4-wheeler, even in the freezing temperatures (low teens!)

And Maddie has been enjoying the Christmas tree...pulling off lights, garland and ornaments. She's keeping busy!

She's also enjoying table food these days!

Blood Drive:Part 2 was Friday, with another great turnout! This was organized by the Red Cross for the people who weren't able to donate back in October. Another 29 units of blood were donated (Bry & I included). Our little town is amazing and our thanks go out to all that volunteered and donated.

Finally, it's our anniversary today. Here we are 8 years ago, sealing the deal...seems just like yesterday!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Kids+Christmas = Good times

Each year Christmas (and the getting ready for) gets better. The "kid" in us shines through with our little guys and gal. Clark Griswold, aka Bryan, did a wonder on the house. Our lights can be seen from miles away, he totally outdid himself! No really, it looks great and the boys and I LOVE it and it looks much better than when I've put them up in the past! He even brought us home a beautiful, fresh Christmas tree...usually we don't put up the tree until mid-December so we're really early this year. Our house smells so good and Jace and Cade are still waiting for Alvin, Simon and Theodore to race out of it! Here's the kids opening their ornaments this year as well as Jace decorating the tree, he really got into it. Even making a few paper transformer ornaments!

As usual, I had no luck getting Xmas pictures of the kids...what's the trick for getting three kids under 5 to all look at the camera, smile, not blink or make a weird face or gesture, cry, or turn away? Really? This year our card will have to do, minus a smile from Maddie...she's pretty stingy with them. The funny part of taking these shots was having the boys yelling "CHEESE" in unison while Maddie joined in by saying "EEEEEE"!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Pictures & an update

Buzz Lightyear, to infinity and beyond!!! Jace invented his own Buzz dress-up the other morning :)

Cade showing us how old he is now, 3!

Maddie getting some brotherly love!

Teagan, Susie & Gavin came and visited last's the girls, laughing! It was such a fun day with them.

The little sweet'hearts'...

Toes are yummy! I love how Maddie plays with her feet now!

Things are going great for us. Maddie is doing well, despite the fact that she's had 2 little head colds in the last month (may have been the same one, just came back). She's tolerated it really well, which is a huge relief. It's been hard to distinguish whether it's teething too, she's sure a drool queen. We've had a busy couple of weeks and are starting to settle back in to "house arrest" mode again. I have so many projects to work on this winter...quilting, scrapbooking, cardmaking and I have 15 receiving blankets to sew up for Children's CICU. My mom, Maddie and I hit Costco on Monday and we are officially stocked up for the winter with goods. I love on-line shopping and have decided that this year, that's the way I'll Christmas shop. With gas prices the way they are and us living an hour and a half from any "good" shopping, this is the best way to get ready for the holidays. You can't beat $5 shipping! It's a good thing I'm a home-body otherwise, I'd go nuts! Fall is definitely here and apple harvest is getting close to an end, then we will have daddy home with us more! Yay!!!

Friday, June 13, 2008

3 Months Old!



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It's hard to believe that Maddie is already 3 months old today. In most ways, it has flown by yet it feels like she's been a part of our lives for a very long time. Finding out prenatally about her heart defect made this so...I quickly became very attached to the little life growing inside me because I then learned how fragile and miraculous life really is. This also brought my attention to many things I took for granted; good health being the major one. Having Maddie has taught me to cherish every day, to live in the moment and to not take things for granted like I used to. The motto that I've been reciting to myself daily is "don't let tomorrow take away from today". It's easy to worry about the complexity and uncertainty of Maddie's heart, and I've found myself despairing over what 'could' happen and the fear that I feel is like none I've ever experienced. But I'm learning this gets me no where, except spiraling down. While worrying and crying over 'what could happen', I miss out on the precious moments I have with her and the boys right now. Since being housebound, life has slowed down for us and what blessings have unfolded from this! Our days are much simpler now, I don't feel in a rush like I used to, and it's a very peaceful feeling. I know life will pick back up for us again, but having a taste of this for the past three months has surely opened my eyes to what is really important. I'm truly grateful for this time I've had. And when things pick back up again and I find myself digging that hole, I will remember how to find this peace. So thank you, my pretty girl, for teaching me how to live more wisely and well and for making me pay attention to the precious time we have here. My heart is truly full and I couldn't be more blessed.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Maddie's Many Faces

Look at little miss and her photo shoot this morning! Finally, I caught a big smile...dimples and all!

We're doing well...the boys and I have had a little head cold and Maddie shows a tinge of it too. She's still eating and sleeping well and acting normal, so I'm not stressed. Just watching her very close. There's really no visible sign, you can just hear a tiny bit of congestion here and there. I'm hoping this is the extent of it. Maddie is really starting to respond. Yes, she's a bit behind but we have to take into account that she was born a little over a month early and laid in a hospital bed the first 18 days of her life...this can set a girl back a bit! We're still staying home...although we've made it to a couple of family functions this past week. It really is nice to get out and "show" our daughter off! Although we're keeping Maddie from public places where there is a lot of people traffic. With the measles outbreak in our county, I'm not going to risk going to the store with her! I've enjoyed being at home with nothing planned. The boys entertain me with their they are on their "pirate ship" yesterday.

When Jace and Cade play well together, it's so nice!!! They can't wait for "MJ Watson" (aka Maddie) to actually join them in playing Spiderman someday!
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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Nursery Nook

Finally...the nursery nook is complete! We've been home a month and I have just completed her "corner of a room". (Double click on the pictures to get a closer view)When Bryan and I got married, we never thought through our remodeling job, so here we are, 8 years later with 3 kids in our two bedroom Maddie's room is officially the corner of our bedroom. Even if she had her own room, I doubt I'd let her sleep in it until she's like 16, so having her with us is just perfect! These are also the quilts made for Maddie by my girlfriends, my friend and cousin Carly, my friend Alisha, and my mom (clockwise, in that order). What a lucky girl! Being a quilter myself, it was such a treat receiving these quilts and knowing how much time, thought, love and hard work was put into making them for our little girl.

Friday, April 18, 2008


This is what our house looked like tonight...and here's the culprits right before bed, looking a little delirious. I only took 1 picture of the mess to give you the "gist". Jace and Cade invented a new game today that they called "Cowabunga" and this is the aftermath. All the cushions off the furniture are piled up and then they do pile-drives on them, yelling COWABUNGA as they dive off the highest piece of furniture they can find. Fun huh?!? There was another pile of pillows on the other side of the room (every pillow they could find in the whole house) and they use these to "builg fings" (as Jace says) then destroy their creations by jumping into them (usually, 1 kid gets lit on in the process). Here I'm stressed on keeping Maddie out of the hospital, maybe I should reconsider what I let these two play? ER visit in our future? It's easy to stay home when you have these two to entertain you!I also had to post this picture because my friends always laugh at me in disbelief when I say our house is always messy...see, it really is!!! Do you believe me now...and it's looked much worse!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Happy 1 Month Birthday!

Today Madison is 1 month old! Wow...time has flown by! This past month has really been a blur. So today I stood by her crib while she was napping, camera in hand with my trigger finger ready, as she was happily dreaming away. I love how babies dream: they smile, their eyes flutter, their quick little breaths and even a giggle here and there. But what do they dream of? So fun to watch. I love my digital camera but it's so slow...all you're gonna get is the end of her sweet smile. Here's to our happy baby girl on her happy "1 month old" day! (By the way...Maddie's due date was tomorrow-April 14th! Maybe this is what she's smiling about! She fooled all of us! I prayed for a strong willed baby...think I got one!)