Wednesday, April 16, 2014

10 days early and what a relief!

I don't know if this was common knowledge but I was pregnant and due April 15th. However, at my 37 week appointment we learned the baby was breached. So the doctor came in and flipped the baby back into position, and yes it hurt like the dickins! After almost two hrs of observation (poor Matt was wrestling girls because we thought it'd be a quick appointment and so we took them with us) the baby's heart rate finally got to a good level, he moved again, and they sent me home stating that if they have to flip him again they'll probably just induce me since the bigger he gets the harder it will be to move him.
Flash forward a week: Friday April 4th I have my 38 week appointment and I've arranged sitters so Matt and I could have a much needed date afterwards. We go to my appointment, should only take a few minutes, right? First things first, an ultrasound reveals feet at my pelvis bone, and a head in my rib cage, not to mention a few belly rolls on our unborn lad.  Oh and my blood pressure was 156/116 the first time they took it and 147/98 the second time, not good:/ without hesitation I was given orders to go to the hospital and prepare for another version and to be induced. By the time I got to the hospital my contractions were 2-5 min apart.
To make what could be a long story, laden with TMI, short I'll skip to 12 hrs later at 4:33 a.m. when we welcomed our 8 lb 8 oz 21 1/2 inches long, son. He is beautiful and perfect in every way.
The big relief came as he was born 10 days before his due date and yesterday, on his due date, I weighed him at 10 lbs! I am so grateful to not have pushed out a 10 pounder and applaud woman who are able to do that.
Our little guy is home now and being loved a lot by his four older sisters. His older brothers love him too they just don't swarm him and smother him in kisses like the girls. Everybody loves to hold him and we are blessed with great helpers.
The miracle of life truly is just that, a miracle! I don't pretend to understand it all but I am grateful for what The Lord has seen fit to give us. I believe He has a plan for each of us and that we are unique and because of that few, if any, plans are they same.