Chet's in the double digits! This boy has changed so much this last year. First, the obligatory birthday interview:
1. What do you like most about yourself right now?
Probably that I try my best to be fair.
2. What do you think your future job will be?
I have no idea. I would like to live on a ranch, but there's lots of hard things that come with that. A bunch of fun stuff and a bunch of hard stuff.
3. What do you love to eat?
Spaghetti and Hawaiian Haystacks (Chet has gotten pickier this last year. He used to eat anything and everything but now he's a little more particular...I blame COVID.
4. How do you like to spend your time?
I like to spend time outside as much as possible and if the weather isn't the nicest I will sometimes read or do origami.
5. What are you good at?
I feel like I'm pretty good at soccer and basketball.
6. Who are your best friends and why do you like each other?
Probably my family. I like them because they usually support me in what I'm doing and they're just fun.
7. Who is someone you look up to?
My dad. I just like what he does and I feel like it's usually the best choice and I just feel like he tries to do his best.
8. What makes you sad?
When people are unfair, that makes me upset. But what makes me sad is when people aren't being kind and when I haven't been kind.
9. What is your favorite outfit to wear?
Basketball shorts and t-shirts
10. What makes you really annoyed?
When people aren't fair. (If you couldn't tell, Chet has a strong sense of justice...he's trying to learn to let things go for the sake of peace at times.)
11. What makes you feel proud?
When I fix stuff and when I make a good choice. (Chet loves fixing things around the house. He'll work hard for hours if it's something he wants to do. But often emptying the dishes or cleaning the living room seems like the hardest thing he's ever done...but he is getting better.)
12. What makes you happy?
Being outside and playing sports.
13. Which of your nicknames do you like the most?
14. What’s the best thing that’s happened to you lately?
Probably during soccer when I played really well on defense and in the goal.
15. What do you do when you feel sad?
Sometimes I go into my room and take a break or I go outside.
16. What's your favorite thing to do with Mom?
Talk with you and listen to stories that you tell.
17. What's your favorite thing to do with Dad?
Talk with him and play games and sports with him.
18. What's your favorite thing to do with Mariah?
Have her read with me or play sports with her.
19. What's your favorite thing to do with Austin?
Origami and play sports with him.
These boys never let us forget about Mario Cart on Saturdays. Chet and Austin are almost always together. |
20. What's your favorite thing to do with Eliza?
Listening to stuff she says because she says funny stuff without even trying to. And watching her play with Vivi.

21. What's your favorite thing to do with Vivi?
I just do stuff with her, whatever she wants.
Vivi was having a hard day and went into our room to cry. Chet followed her in and in no time she was giggling. She loves her big brother and it makes her day when he plays with her.

Chet still loves to fish and is so good at helping his siblings. He is just as happy as they are when they catch a fish.
So grateful for Bethany getting these awesome pictures.
Chet brings Josie into his bedroom every night to sleep with him and if she doesn't want to be on the bed, the boys join her on the floor. When I asked him how he could sleep with a stinky dog he said, "I can't breathe through my nose so I can't even tell that she's stinky."
He is quite the jokester and loves to make people laugh. The other day he tried to do the "smolder" and I laughed at his attempt. Now he just randomly flashes the face to see me smile.
Chet is an amazing helper. He often comes to me when I'm making dinner and asks how he can help. He makes lunch and breakfast when I'm busy with Asa and he loves to organize things in the house. He was helping so much at his birthday party and when I told him that he didn't need to help and should go play with his friends he said, "I like the feeling of being in charge." Mariah quickly replied with, "I can tell." He has wanted to be in charge since he was a toddler.

The night before Chet's actual birthday Asa didn't go to bed until almost midnight. Just as I was getting into bed I remembered that I hadn't decorated for Chet's birthday like I usually do but I was so exhausted that I just hoped he would be ok without the decorations. He was the first one up the next morning and sweetly told me that he didn't mind at all and had never been a fan of the gold tinsel curtain that I always put over the doorway of the birthday child. I had forgotten to get bacon for his birthday breakfast and so I asked him if he would be ok with donuts instead of pancakes and he was excited about that. Mariah and he made his lunch and he helped me with dinner as well. Which is just the way he likes it.
It has been so neat to watch Chet grow and mature this past year. He has such a strong desire to do what's right and has been learning to apologize when he makes a mistake. I am so grateful to be his mother and can't wait to see him learn and grown for another year.