I'm simply loving this short semester. Learning a new language (Japanese) and Malayisan Literature. Monday and Tuesday are the days where I learn new words, pronunciations, phrases... in Japanese. Thursday and Friday are the days when I get to read story after story.
Dear course mates who are taking Mandarin, have fun!! "bo po mo fo..." hehe... I still remember Ju mentioned this in mamak sometimes ago, which Vivien reminded me in her blog, "Wo jin nian yi shi er sui!" (she was trying to say she's 21, but said she's 12) Joker betul la Ju! Then as I was trying my Jap, I replied Ju: "Anatawa ju issai!" (means you are 21 years old) Mana tau that Ju heard 'Ju eat sai!' *sweat* Hahaha....
Basically, what do I focus these days during this short semester are just 2 things: practice my Japanese language and read stories. How can I not love this life? I have waited for this moment long enough...
FUN!!!! Yes... BUT short semester means the usual long semester 14 weeks of lessons are to be completed in 7 weeks. In other word, we have shorter time to complete our lessons. Imagine other people learn Japanese language in 14 weeks, whereas we have to learn and master the basics of a new language in 7 weeks. INTENSIVE learning I would say. However, my Japanese lecturer thinks we are progressing well so far.
I have 5 books with me now (pic above), even though we are currently in only Week 3. There are 2 books for Japanese lesson, 3 for Msian Literature. I heard there is another one coming soon. I have spent the most on books alone in this semester in fact. More books means more to spend and read!!! Aiks*
Oya! I'm back with The Return again... AGAIN!!! Hahaha... My form 5 literature. I did not finish my reading of this book even though I have sat for SPM. Pathetic right? I guess this time I cannot run away from it again, haha... *finish it, irene!*
CF is moving into a new direction. There are lots of plannings and discussions going on every now and then. Busy? Yes. Yet, we are doing all these for Him. =) I really hope we can all work together to achieve 'Sharing Love, Impacting Lives'. Let's do our best and follow the great commandments. I'm really blessed to be able to serve the Lord with all the brothers and sisters in Christ. *HUGS*
Another wonderful good news that really cheer me up since a few days ago, even until now... Can hardly get over it, everytime I think about it, my face become this --> ^______^ Will post it up probably in December, stay tune =P