Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Spring Break

Spring break seems like it came (and went) so early this year. It was at the beginning of March. I had all sorts of fun plans but I still had work and Brig ended up logging a lot of hours at Vanderbilt plus a full day fixing the nice dent I made in the car.:) We did take a full day the last Saturday of the break to have some fun though. We got a groupon to go ziplining at a place about two hours North in Kentucky. The ziplining was right next door to Mammoth Cave National Park so we also took a tour of some of the cave. It was the first time we've spent a full day alone together, doing something other than studying or running errands, in a looong time! It was pretty sweet. Plus the weather was great and it was so beautiful. Being out in all the trees made me crave a camping trip something fierce.
When we got to the place it looked pretty po-dunk. They have a huge bonfire going cause they were chopping up and burning a barn or something. The office was a shack. Made me a little nervous to trust them to tie me to ropes in the air. Our guides were really nice though and we had quite a few people on our tour. It ended up being great. Plus the helmet were sexy.

 Brigham zipping through the trees. It take a few seconds for him to come into view. Also I don't know why it's sideways. Sorry about that.
All done with our first ziplining experience. The only scary part was jumping off the platforms, once you were in the air it was kinda soothing, like a giant swing.
Entrance to the cave. We had to take a bus to get there. It felt like we were on an elementary school field trip, added a whole new element of excitement.:)

Going Down
Slightly out of order picture of the park sign, why is it so hard for me to move pictures around on here?

This picture might look like it's sideways but this is actually the way it goes. There was a big section of the cave that was huge and open with a flat floor and flat ceiling. It was weird, like being in the middle of a sandwich.

It was a pretty sweet cave, different from the ones we've been in before. We had a good time.

To finish off the day we stopped at a bbq place in Nashville for some dinner before heading home. Unfortunately this not so good photo is the only one we have, but I guess the pig is appropriate cause the Southern style bbq pork was amazing. This is a new favorite restaurant.

Thought I'd throw this picture in as a bonus. This is Brig fixing the car in the garage of the family I nanny for. Max loved "helping." Brig probably had more help then He needed. If you want to see more pics there are some on facebook.
Break is over and just one more month until finals! Time to strap in!

Monday, March 19, 2012

December...and January...and February

Eeesh. Obviously a bit behind on the blog. Lost motivation for a while there but finally I've spent enough time enjoying other people's blogs that I decided I should finally update my own. Wow I can't believe I haven't put up Christmas pictures yet! Christmas feels like a lifetime ago. Thank goodness for pictures or I wouldn't be able to remember anything about it. I don't want to make this an eternal post so I'll just pick a few pictures that show some highlights from our last three months.
Christmas lights!

Christmas Eve gingerbread houses. Please note the festive, and sexy, red turtleneck.

Now we know why you're supposed to use a wooden spoon to make the frosting

The traditional Cook family Christmas dinner. It only took us two weeks to eat it all.

Our first Christmas tree!

Moving on to 2012! On January 2nd we celebrated our 2nd anniversary by visiting a neat Nashville museum, doing some shopping, and going out for a nice dinner. Seriously, some of the best steak we've ever had. More milestones should be celebrated by eating choice meats.

Welcoming in the Year of the Dragon!

For Valentines Day we had a fancy homemade dinner and watched a romantic movie. Brig and his buddy from school got both of us wives massages to use together as part of a girls day. Very romantic. He done good. Wish I had pictures from the girls day, is was so nice and relaxing. We ended the day with a group dinner and game night which was so much fun!
Fancy V-day desserts.
That about catches us up to March. More on Spring Break to come!