Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Thanksgiving Break

Now that I'm sitting down to blog about the break I am, once again, kicking myself for not taking more pictures! C'mon, when will I learn?! My goal for Christmas break is to take pictures of everything. Anyways, we were lucky enough to spend the holiday with Rob and Kristi in Arkansas. I'm so grateful that they only live five hours away now and that they let us crash with them for so long. We kicked poor little Alli Jo out of her room for a full five days. It was sooo great being with family! That's what really made it feel like a holiday. Plus if we would have had to make a turkey for just the two of us we'd be eating it until next year. We spent the weekend eating, relaxing, watching Christmas movies, playing games, and eating some more. Between hours of computer games with Rob, finally getting to watch some Jazz games after half a season with no T.V., and enough yams to fill a dump truck, Brig was in heaven. And while he was busy with that I got to watch some chick flicks (ahh that felt good) and Kristi and I snuck out to see the new Harry Potter movie.
So much food! We were cooking from 9am-2pm but it was worth it. I wish I would have taken some pictures of the cooking process. I wasn't there to see Kristi digging around in the turkey for the giblets but I'm sure it would have made an awesome pic.:)

Even more food. Mmm the first meal and the left overs were all delicious.

Jace scarfing down.

Welcome back to Tennessee.

I took a few more pictures but they turned out blurry for some reason. It was a great weekend, it made it hard to buckle down and get back to school and work on Monday. Brig is swamped with preparing for finals but as long as we survive the next two weeks we're in the clear until January! Next stop, Christmas break.