Run. Mix. Burn!

Thursday, 29 May 2014

Buah tangan dari Hatyai: Sikarinhatyai Mini Marathon 4

Date: 17 August 2014 | Sunday | 6:00am
Venue: Sikarin Hospital, Hatyai, Thailand
Distance: 10.5km and 4km fun run

Sikarinhatyai Mini Marathon 4

Top5 trophy for all categories. T'shirt all participant and medal to all finishers. Click here for event brochure.

Read my 3rd. Sikarinhatyai Mini Marathon 2013 running report.

For more events, click here.

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Quote of the Day

There is no such thing as an average runner. We are all above average.

- Hal Higdon


Buah tangan dari Hatyai: 3rd SanFunPanRak / Autistic Mini Marathon

An update from previous post.

Date: 29 June 2014 | Sunday | 6:00am
Venue: San Fun Pan Rak School, Hatyai, Thailand
Distance: 10.5km and 4km fun run

Autistic Mini Marathon Medal
Nice medal
Autistic Mini Marathon t shirt

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Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Training Week 2 - May 2014

14 May 2014 | Wednesday
Route: Sport Complex
Timing: 30.25 mins
The Rippingtons: Brave New World
The Rippingtons Brave New World

15 May 2014 | Thursday
Route: Sport Complex
Timing: 40.31 mins
1927: ...ish and The Other Side
1927 ..ish1927 The Other Side

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Quote of the Day

Running is a thing worth doing not because of the future rewards it bestows, but because of how it feeds our bodies and minds and souls in the present.

- Kevin Nelson


Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Catatan 11th Tarutao Retrace Minimarathon 2014 dalam majalah LIBUR

Kali ni catatan Ride Itik: SP To Koh Tarutao 2014 telah disiarkan dalam majalah LIBUR. Sebuah majalah kembara terbitan Kumpulan KarangKraf yang memaparkan lokasi percutian serta gaya hidup penduduk tempatan dan luaran.

Keindahan Pulau Tarutao, Thailand dan aktiviti sampingan seperti permotoran dan berlari 10km mini marathon, menarik minat pihak editor untuk memaparkan catatan ini dalam edisi JUN 2014.

Dapatkan senaskah di kedai akhbar berhampiran.

 photo DSC09979.jpg
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Salinan penuh dalam majalah LIBUR.

Catatan ini juga telah disiarkan pada majalah KAPCAI edisi May 2014.

Insyallah Ride Itik: SP to Koh Tarutao II pada tahun hadapan.

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Friday, 23 May 2014

Update Hatyai International Marathon 2014

A reply email from committee of Hatyai International Marathon 2014 when I asking about event and Hatyai city status.

From: tnan2100 (
To: Abdul Haris Shariff

Date: Fri, May 23, 2014 at 12:24 PM
Subject: Re: Hatyai Marathon

Attention all runners / Dear Runners,.
The 8th Hatyai International Marathon on 25 May 2557 / 2014. Still on schedule. Still going ahead as informed. No postponed, No cancelled.

Mr. Wichan Tri Products Watanakul / Mr.Vicharn. Trisinwattanakul
Running Hat president / president of Hatyai Runner Club.

As shown in picture, Hatyai runner club committees visit 42th Military Region on 23 May 2014 early morning. It has allow Hatyai International Marathon to going ahead. So, No postponed, no cancelled.

Hatyai Running Club committee meet representatives of 42th Military Region.

The event runs as scheduled in morning of 25 May 57/2014.

(a few words translated by google)

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Wednesday, 21 May 2014

3rd SanFunPanRak / Autistic Mini Marathon

Date: 29 June 2014 | Sunday | 6:00am
Venue: San Fun Pan Rak School, Hatyai, Thailand
Distance: 10.5km and 4km fun run

3rd SanFunPanRak Autistic Mini Marathon

In conjunction with World Autism Awareness Day 2014. Medal and t'shirt for  all participants. Top5 will get trophy.

For more events, click here.

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Monday, 19 May 2014

Mount Stong International Climbathon 2014

Date: 21 June 2014 | Saturday
Venue: StongHill, Jelawang, Dabong, Kelantan
Distance: 14.5km | elevation 1442m

Mount Stong International Climbathon 2014
..image from

Mount Stong Climbathon is back. Please..its climbathon - not road race or trailrun. Do check the elevation or read my 2013 race report or or view 2013 official result.

For more events, click here.

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Quote of the Day

I loved the feeling of freedom in running, the fresh air, the feeling that the only person I'm competing with is me.

- Wilma Rudolph


Saturday, 17 May 2014

Training Week 1 - May 2014

05 May 2014 | Monday
Route: Sport Complex
Timing: 40.58 mins
Mike Oldfield - Tubular Bell III
01-The Source of Secrets.mp3
02-The Watchful Eye.mp3
03-Jewel in the Crown.mp3
05-Serpent Dream.mp3
06-The Inner Child.mp3
07-Man in the Rain.mp3
08-The Top of the Morning.mp3
11-Far Above the Clouds.mp3

06 May 2014 | Tuesday
Route: Sport Complex
Timing: 40.23 mins
Fourplay - Energy
01.Fortune Teller.mp3
02.The Whistler.mp3
04.Cape Town.mp3
05.The Yes Club.mp3
06.Prelude For Lovers.mp3
07.Look Both Ways.mp3
09.Comfort Zone.mp3

08 May 2014 | Thursday
Route: Sport Complex
Timing: 40.30 mins
Bruce Springsteen - Greatest Hits
01.Born To Run.mp3
02.Thunder Road.mp3
04.The River.mp3
05.Hungry Heart.mp3
06.Atlantic City.mp3
07.Dancing In The Dark.mp3
08.Born In The U.S.A..mp3
09.My Hometown.mp3
10.Glory Days.mp3
11.Brilliant Disguise.mp3
12.Human Touch.mp3
13.Better Days.mp3
14.Streets Of Philadelphia.mp3
15.Secret Garden.mp3
16.Murder Incorporated.mp3
17.Blood Brothers.mp3
18.This Hard Land.mp3

11 May 2014 | Sunday
Route: Sport Complex, Ladang Harvard and u-turn
Timing: 1:18.39 mins
Paul Simon - Greatest Hits: Shining Like A National Guitar
02.You Can Call Me Al.mp3
03.Mother And Child Reunion.mp3
04.The Cool, Cool River.mp3
05.50 Ways To Leave Your Lover.mp3
06.The Obvious Child.mp3
07.The Boy In The Bubble.mp3
08.Rene And Georgette Magritte With Their Dog After The War.mp3
09.Late In The Evening.mp3
11.Slip Slidin' Away.mp3
12.Take Me To The Mardi Gras.mp3
13.Diamonds On The Soles Of Her Shoes.mp3
14.Still Crazy After All These Years.mp3
16.Loves Me Like A Rock1.mp3
17.Me And Julio Down By The Schoolyard.mp3
18.Hearts And Bones.mp3
19.Trailways Bus.mp3

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Quote of the Day

Run often. Run long. But never outrun your joy of running.

- Julie Isphording


Thursday, 15 May 2014

Training Week 5 - April 2014

29 April 2014 | Tuesday
Route: Sport Complex
Timing: 41.01 mins
No mp3.

30 April 2014 | Wednesday
Route: Sport Complex
Timing: 40.39 mins
Mike Oldfield - Tubular Bell II

02 May 2014 | Friday
Run with Cikgu+bike
Route: Dataran Tasik Raban, Perak.
Timing: 1:20.57 mins

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Quote of the Day

Nothing is more certain than the defeat of a man who gives up.

- George Sheehan


PAC 42km Night Walk 2014

Date: 21~22 June 2014 | Saturday~Sunday | 8pm~8am
Venue: Starts/Ends at Summer Place Condo (Karpal Singh Drive), Penang
Distance: 42km (U-turn at War Museum)
RegisterFee: RM35 and Non PAC member RM40
Contact: or 012-5435612 |

This is a non competition event and each participant will receive DRI-FIT shirt, certificate, finisher’s medal & entitle for lucky draw after completing the walk within 12 hours.

Those who want to be a marathoner. Click here for detail and registration form.

..emailed by Dr W.W. Cheng

For more events, click here.

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Sunday, 11 May 2014

Training Week 4 - April 2014

21 April 2014 | Monday
Route: Sport Complex
Timing: 30.59mins (recovery run)

22 April 2014 | Tuesday
Route: Sport Complex
Timing: 40.55mins
Wings - MiX songs

23 April 2014 | Wednesday
Route: Sport Complex
Timing: 40.57mins
T Square - R.E.S.O.R.T

27 April 2014 | Sunday
NTCRC Run 2014
Timing: 43.03mins | 9.2km
No mp3

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Report: NTCRC Run 2014

Date: 27 April 2014 | Sunday | 7:00am
Venue: Nibong Tebal, Seberang Perai Selatan, Pulau Pinang.
Distance: 9.2 km | 43.03

Nibong Tebal (NT), dekat dengan kampung - Sungai Bakap. Sungai Baong sebenarnya. Berhampiran dengan sempadan negeri Kedah. Ambik peluang ziarah ayah+mak. Bagitau adik-beradik.. tup2 semua 4 beradik kami balik berhimpun sambil makan bersama ayah+mak yang berusia 83tahun.

Malam tu meriah sembang sebab ada isu Ayah dengan Dato Mohkzani Ismail. Mungkin jarang orang dengar nama Mokhzani Ismail. Beliau adalah pemimpin orkestra RTM dimasa kini. Akan saya cerita pada catatan yang lain.

NTCRC Run 2014
Gambar thumbnail Ayah+DatoMohkzani pada profile/fb Dato.Mohkzani

6 Pagi. Lepas subuh, aku memandu sendirian ke NT. Cuma 20minit aja. Sempat aku warm-up seketika dan bersapa kawan2 selarian sebelum pelepasan pada 7pagi.

NTCRC Run 2014

Laluan larian sama macam acara yang lalu cuma terbalik. Dulu mula berlari ke pekan NT, kali ni mula menghala penghujung Jalan Sungai Daun. Melalui SRJK Pai Teik (antara seteru pasukan bola sepak ketika di sekolah rendah di kampung). Kemudian melalui Jalan Victoria. Laluan mendatar, hening, dikelilingi dengan ladang kelapa sawit. Cukop syiok dan ralit berlari.

NTCRC Run 2014

Masuki Jalan Atas, sekeliling adalah rumah kampung. Dibina berhampiran jalan. Sesekali ada jugak  penduduk tempatan memberi sokong - bertepuk tangan + menjerit.. bagi perangat semangat para peserta sambil meneruskan rutin harian mereka.

Disini ada jeti yang menawarkan para pengunjung untuk menikmati pemandangan kehidupan kelip-kelip di waktu malam. Jika masuki Jalan Atas dari pekan NT, pasti terjumpa papan tanda di sebelah kiri - arah Sungai Krian.

Melepasi jeti kelip-kelip, peserta berlari dalam pekan NT. Trafik dijaga dengan baik oleh pihak penganjur. Sebelum membelok simpang akhir memasuki Jalan Sungai Daun / garisan penamat... Kali ni para peserta dihangatkan dengan pasukan kompang dan gendang seperti tarian Naga - Cukup membantu membakar sisa-sisa kederat bila mana terlihat banner penamat yang terletak hampir 1km lagi...

NTCRC Run kali ni disertai melebihi 2000 orang peserta. Selain menawarkan hadiah wang tunai pada peserta utama, pihak penganjur juga memberi penghargaan pada peserta tertua bagi pihak lelaki dan wanita.

Sarapan yang disediakan oleh penganjur.. cukop banyak. Ada nasi lemak, bihun, telor rebus, minuman sejuk dan panas, roti, soya, van vico, ais krim, mineral. Kalau amik satu persatu.. rasanya sengkak perut ni. Cuma cadangan.. mungkin nasi lemak atau bihun dihidang dalam periuk.. sesapa nak makan ambil pingan plastik dan cedok. Jika tidak.. berlaku pengambilan yang tak terkawal. Manakala kawan kita dibelakang.. tak sempat merasa.

Kita yang tamat awal ni... ambik la.. takat mana nak makan. Jangan membazir.

Akhir sekali.. NTCRC Run cukop menarik untuk disertai. Menawarkan yuran penyertaan yang murah tanpa menepikan keperluan asas para pelari. Disamping itu peserta diberi vest lari yang menarik, cantik untuk dipakai, pingat penamat untuk semua peserta, hadiah cabutan bertuah dan penghargaan pada warga emas dan penaja.

Terima kasih pada En.Khoo Bak Kiang, setiausaha NTCRC atas kebenaran merakam senarai keputusan rasmi larian.

NTCRC Run 2014
NTCRC Run 2014
NTCRC Run 2014
NTCRC Run 2014
NTCRC Run 2014
NTCRC Run 2014
NTCRC Run 2014
NTCRC Run 2014
NTCRC Run 2014NTCRC Run 2014
NTCRC Run 2014
The Itek Riders
NTCRC Run 2014
NTCRC Run 2014
Hadiah cabutan bertuah.
NTCRC Run 2014
NTCRC Run 2014
NTCRC Run 2014
NTCRC Run 2014
NTCRC Run 2014
NTCRC Run 2014

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Friday, 9 May 2014

4th. Andaman Satun Mini Half Marathon

Date: 15 June 2014 | Sunday | 6:00 Th time
Venue: Pak Bara, Satun, Thailand
Distance: 21km, 11km and 5km

Last time I knew this event in 2011, too short period. Left 10 days from date posted - tak sempat.

This year.. make me Re:Think about Hatyai Marathon. Nampak gaya.. berat belah Satun.

Detail and registration from @website above.

For more events, click here.

 photo SatunHalf14A.png

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Quote of the Day

But I also realize that winning doesn't always mean getting first place; it means getting the best out of yourself.

- Meb Keflezighi


Wednesday, 7 May 2014

10th. Lang Suan Minimarathon

Date: 29 June 2014 | Sunday | 7:00am
Venue: Lang Suan, Chumphon, Thailand
Distance: 3.5km and 14km

Don't ask me what category or prize offered in written form. In side kepala now... "How do I get there?" "Are we there yet?" question is spinning. I had enough info about this event. Read alot about Chumphon+LangSuan+transport 2 months before the form published.

It's on first or second day of Ramadhan. Maybe I could break fasting with local foods or together with local muslim in mosque.. How is Ramadhan in Surathani?..

Anyway.. In June, it low tide season. Visitors could walk or running to Koh Phitak. Water level is around 30cm.

10th. Lang Suan Minimarathon
..image from 10th. Lang Suan Minimarathon
..image from 10th. Lang Suan Minimarathon
ThaiRailway schedule. My plan: Train from Gurun (7am) - Hatyai (11am) and Hatyai (4pm th) - LangSuan (10pm th)... maybe by van from Hatyai = backpacker!
10th. Lang Suan Minimarathon
Visit my football team..

For more events, click here.

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Heritage Walk 2014

Date: 22 June 2014 | Sunday
Venue: ?, Georgetown
Distance: 6.5km
Contact: 04-8275678 or 04-3330999

Heritage walk to raise funds for Red Crescent

HERITAGE enthusiasts can take part in the Malaysian Red Crescent (MRC) Heritage Walk 2014 on June 22. The walk, jointly organised by the MRC Penang branch and Kwong Wah Yit Poh, will be held for the sixth year.

Event organising chairman Loh Nam Hooi said the walk this year would incorporate an additional 1.5km to the route.

“Heritage lovers can enjoy a 6.5km walk in George Town.

“The places they will pass by include the Yeap Kongsi, Poh Hock Seah Temple, Dr Sun Yat Sen Penang Base, Penang Islamic Museum, St George’s Church, Kuan Im Teng (Goddess of Mercy Temple), Sri Mahamariamman Temple and Masjid Kapitan Keling.

“We expect to raise more than RM150,000 for the MRC Penang branch to fund various humanitarian projects,” Loh said. He added that the walk was to mark the sixth anniversary of George Town being declared a Unesco World Heritage Site.

Loh said one of their humanitarian projects provided community-based ambulance service in three areas — Permatang Tinggi, Jalan Raja Uda and Batu Maung.

“We also need funds to train our members in first aid and rescue skills, disaster relief and management,” he added.

Registration forms for the walk are available at the MRC Penang branch at 26, Grove Road, and at the MRC north Seberang Prai Ambulance Service Office in Jalan Raja Uda, Butterworth. Registration fee is RM30 per person.

Each participant will receive a Heritage Walk T-shirt which has to be worn during the walk in order for the participant to qualify for a lucky draw.

The forms should be submitted by June 20.

Well-wishers are also welcome to donate to the event and those who give a minimum of RM300 will be entitled to take part in a ribbon- cutting ceremony.

For details, call MRC Penang at 04-8275678 or MRC north Seberang Prai at 04-3330999.

For more events, click here.

..from TheStar

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Quote of the Day

'No pain, no gain' does not mean that pain systematically equals gain. It's easy to go hard. It's hard to go smart.

- Erwan Le Corre


Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Where did I jog? - Tasik Raban

Series of "Where Did I Jog?" posts.

Date: 02 May 2014 | Friday | 6:50am
Start/End: Dataran Tasik Raban, Lenggong, Perak.
Distance: 14km (Base on Google Map) with Cikgu+bike

Tasik Raban 2014

It was public holiday conjunction with Labour Day on thursday. Friday is school holiday in Kedah. Including Saturday+Sunday.. we got 4 day of holiday. Horray!! That is for me but Cikgu got 3days :)

I joined my brother company trip with his staff.

Tasik Raban. A nice place to relax and CTL+ALT+DEL. Away from tourist attraction/spots during school or public holiday. Fully paid package by my elder brother. Just fill-up the petrol, PLUS tol charges and bought some ole-ole for my neighbours.

We stay in Bangunan Terapung, Dataran Tasik Raban. Free to use all equipment provided by host for 3D2N. We row kayak, hours use of boat for fishing+visiting rural kampung, cycling around kampung Raban and 5 meals each days served by local caterer.

Tasik Raban 2014
Tasik Raban 2014
Tasik Raban 2014
Night fishing trip up to Sungai Perak
Tasik Raban 2014
Tasik Raban 2014
Tasik Raban 2014
Tasik Raban 2014
Heading to kampung where no road reached
Tasik Raban 2014
Remember - Iklan Raya 7 Beradik (Petronas). This is the shooting location. The mother of 7 kids is owner of the house.
Tasik Raban 2014
Drop at local surau.
Tasik Raban 2014
Tasik Raban 2014
Petik buah mempelan dari bot. Batang+akar dok dalam tasik
Tasik Raban 2014
Tasik Raban 2014
Air terjun Lata Kekabu, cukop berbaloi jika ke Tasik Raban
Tasik Raban 2014

Jambatan Raja Muda Nazrin
After subuh. With Cikgu on bike, we start from Dataran Tasik Raban to Kg. Kuala Chegar. Got number of stalls selling ikan pekasam. It is school day in Perak. Kids were waiting for bus and some of them sayur us with motocycle. Passing kampung Belukar Kunyit, Lata Papan and Kg. Kuak.

Passing local stalls selling kuih-muih and kedai kopi.

View Run@TasikRaban in a larger map

After Kg.Kuak.. ran thru small jungle and climbing the highest peak of route. Cikgu left behind. She start tuntun gerek. Could do short-cut but ended in 9km - tak best. Continue and passing kampung until T junction heading to main road - Grik.

Main road. Fast cars. Ran following traffic. Hoping the drivers celik2 belaka. Because I can't cross to other side of the road. Took photos at Jambatan Raja Muda Nazrin and ran back to Bangunan Terapong @Dataran Tasik Raban.

Tasik Raban 2014
Tasik Raban 2014
Tasik Raban 2014

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