Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Cozad Here I Come!

A few months back I learned that an art-in-residence I applied for came back positive! And so the time is near, I'm excited to share I'm leaving Los Angeles for Cozad Nebraska Sept 24th via 1998 Toyota 4-runner for two weeks teaching and proselytizing about painting in the Spirit of Robert Henri for the Robert Henri Museum there in the city of Cozad, founded by his father in 1873. Robert Henri was a renowned teacher of painting and I feel that is something I have a talent for as well. I'm excited!!

I plan to TEACH America to PAINT! Starting from the Middle!

Unlimited Data, a new for me, starts the same day the roadtrip begins so expect to see streaming from the road and all new AV gear to take interacting with you live to the next level. Special Thanks goes out to the Contributors who are donating (and essentially buying art at the same time) for helping us get this cool new equipment! STAY TUNED! 

Contribute TODAY go to

Friday, August 17, 2018

Live Stream Practice and Painting in Laguna

This was at Crescent Bay Point Park in beautiful Laguna Beach. Went for the big bold Lay-In with the intention of taking the piece back after its dries. Good Times! Also did a live stream with my Streaming Rig. Needed field testing to help figure some things out for future de-bugging and fine tuning.

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Plein Air Painting at 7th and Grand, downtown Los Angeles

 This painting has a good number of people and the suggestion of cars in it, that makes me feel it's done. I took this one out for a few hours a couple times last month, worked on or started other pieces in the meantime. This last stab at it finished it off good! :) ... oil on canvas 22 by 28

Monday, August 6, 2018

Plein air painting in Laguna Beach

Plein air view from West St Beach. oil on canvas, 16 by 20. I started this with Blue Blocker sunglasses and it made me paint too much yellow. I left it to dry and painted blues over most of the yellows.  Much better! I wish I'd taken a picture of the piece as influenced by the dark orange sunglasses but I forgot. Imagine all the whitecaps being yellowcaps and the sky nearly green!

Saturday, August 4, 2018

I have not posted a Burning Bank in a while...

Not that they don't deserve it. Here's a work in progress Wells Fargo consumed with the fire of their own white hot criminal activity. I cannot tell you how disappointed I am with complete absence of any sort of justice for the Financial Crimes that crashed the economy. And now, ten years later the statute of limitations is passed. They all got away with it. No Justice No Peace. I will never understand why the American Public gets outraged`about Welfare and Social Programs but tolerates trillion dollar handouts to Criminals on Wall Street...

Thursday, August 2, 2018

the Battle of Anghiari

     Here's me whacking away at my depiction of the famously lost painting by Leonardo da Vinci, the Battle of Anghiari. The painting was doomed from the start, abandoned by the artist and left a dripping mess on the wall for decades; the centerpiece of the composition was least ruined and copied numerous times. I'm working from a few of these copies, particularly the most famous by Rubens, to resolve a painting on my own. It's a different type of "master copy" for me. I'm going El Greco with it, he's one of my favorite "old masters".
     It's fascinating to work on, I feel like I'm learning so much more about how and why he came about the composition himself... the refining of a moment of unbridled passion. Here's a couple earlier work in progress shots of this current work in progress, oil on linen 30 x 40

A Workshop Update and a Painting of People Drawing

It is not going to be easy to get back into the habit of posting to my blog because it's just too easy to do it to facebook and instagram! Gaaa. Well here's a much needed blogpost. First off

THE WORKSHOP IS NOW ONE DAY ONLY: Sunday Aug 19th for $200 and you still get a free ticket to Pageant of the Masters that evening! It was too much to ask for three days; one day only is much easier. Check the REVISED post below...

Here's a recent painting I've been working on. It's a painting I've started of a drawing I posted a little while back. I'm composing the color and light from memory, working with the composition from original drawing, and then some of the parts of the painting are left over from a previous composition but still feel like they work for me. This is "in progress" but it's coming along! oil on canvas 24 by 36