Wednesday, November 28, 2012

August 2012

 Breckyn is getting all ready for middle school.  I think she's got what it takes.
 Emerson turned 8.
 I was feeling a little crazy and put a pink stripe in my hair.
 The girlies thought that was cool and followed suit. 
 Nothing like a little zip to start the school year with.
 The night before school started, we had to celebrate with a little custard.
 Awww, what a cutie pie.  This is the face he uses when he wants something from me.  It works every time.
 Pretty Z all ready for 6th grade.
 Breckyn on the first day of 7th grade ready to start middle school.
 We had another addition of the pine wood derby.  From right to left we have Breckyn, Emerson, Rugby, Zoey and Tim.
Tim made another super duper extra fast awesome car.  It was pretty sweet.  If you blinked, you missed it.  It was that fast!

Emerson's Baptism September 2012

Emerson turned 8 in August.  He was baptized in September.
 Proud Mom and Dad
 What event isn't complete without a little muscle?
 We were all so proud of him.  The girlies sang a song and we also had a lot of family there.  Grandma and Grandpa Taylor were there, Catherine and Greg, Grandma and Grandpa Magill, and Cheri, Jeff, Rex and Baden.  It was really special.
 Here we are on the back porch.  All the kids are officially baptized and all grownup.

August 2012

 Rugby and his good friend Beau.  They play together every recess.
 Brothers gotta love...
 Sisters getting so old...
 All the kids
 Rugby has taken up magic.  He even has an outfit for his performances.
Watch out Harry Potter-- this guy looks good.
 What's a summer without a little Taylor pool time?
 (notice we added a deck this year...)
 These kids were golden all summer long.
We put out the trampoline so the kids could use it to jump into the pool.  It worked out really well.
The over sized noodle was also a big hit this year.
 The kids discovered In and Out-- loved it!  Now they have a place to ask for that Dad can't say no to.

August 2012

One of our favorite family fun days of the whole summer was the day we rented a boat in Heber.  The kids had so much fun we didn't slow down all day. 
 Tim was really a party trying to show the kids all of his tricks and daring them to do more.
 My favorite time of the day was when anyone tried to get back into the boat.  It was slippery and complicated and usually ended in giggles and splashes.
 These three spent a good portion of the day right there.
 It was fun to see the boaty side of Mr. Taylor.  He had so much fun.
 This guy was the official look out.  He kept telling us if we were going too fast or too slow.
 ..but he got his turns too.
 Can you see how excited they were?
 They were in heaven.
This is definitely a repeat for next year.

July 2012

We had so many adventures this summer.  I started packing up lunches and piling the kids in the car and heading off to explore.
 We found the Classic Fun Center in Sandy.  That one was an instant hit with the kids.
 We explored Liberty Park in Salt Lake City.
 We took on foam day in Lehi.
 The kids thought it was cool to get all foamy.  But it turns out foam is smelly and doesn't taste good.  Who knew?
 We took plenty of hikes.
 This is a beautiful hike up American Fork Canyon.
 Breckyn was loving all the nature.
 Here's another shot of the canyon.
 We played at City Creek
 The fountains were pretty cool.
 The kids thought the fountains were the best part.
 The statues were pretty good too.
 Wanna dance?
 Z was looking ultra cool to shop.
 Umbrella fountains.
We found this baby bird in our window well.  It was so cute.