Sunday, April 24, 2011


As many of you know, it's been a really busy month full of packing and planning for the big move.  No, I'm not giving up blogging.  It just seems like I haven't had a spare minute in quite a while.  So here is a quick run down of a few of our activities.
 This princess turned one.  She is on the move and into everything.  It's hard to get her to sit still for even a second.
 We've had to start saying some sad goodbyes.  The kids had their last play date with their favorite babysitter.  She started becoming part of our family when Em was three months.  We're really gonna miss her.
 Rugs turned the big 8 and got baptized.  These ham balls are two of a kind.
 I think he might be just a little like his Daddy.
 This picture clearly portrays their personalities right now.  Can you tell?
 Oh, my little baby-- 8!!  Seriously?  It's just sickening.
 The whole gang.
 Rugs and his very best friend Max.  They staged these pictures themselves-- spy style.
 There is the look of trouble.
Ms. Beans always up to something.  We just love her.

I know lots of you are curious about our big move so I'll keep the pictures coming.  I might be out of commission until we can get all set up, but I'll do my best.