Friday, November 19, 2010

It's Official...

 Well, it's true, the 'rents are gone forever from Wisconsin.  We packed them up on Wednesday and sent them off to Utah.  This is Chloe in the back of the moving van.  She was determined to help move stuff.  She picked up random things and put them in all by herself.  Thanks for all the help Bean.  You are amazing.
Another major happening for the Taylor family has made this girl pretty happy.  Breckyn got her first cell phone.  She hasn't stopped smiling since yesterday.  I think she would have slept with it if we hadn't pryed it from her little hands.  She texted us a gazillion times just to "practice."  One of her first texts was, "wow, I don't even have to walk anymore, I can just text you."  She finished off the night by texting us, "good night guys."  She may never speak words again.

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

A glimpse at real life around our house

Scouty graduated from his intermediate dog class.  We are on our way to a trained household.  Now if we could just do the same for the kids...
I love watching the boys be boys.  These are my little men in action after school getting out all of their pent up energy.

This is Flash chasing shadows.  It's one of his favorite things to do.  He loves the laser pointer and any shiny reflection.  You can forget about using a flashlight around him-- he goes nuts.
B raked up a HUGE leaf pile for the boys to jump in.  Pretty sweet huh?

So that's us on your average afternoon.  Stop by and see for yourself sometime.

Monday, November 01, 2010

More Halloween Fun

The kids had about seven million ideas about Halloween.  They each changed what they wanted to be every two seconds.  So on Sunday we were over at the Barlows and they went nuts trying on outfits.
 Zoey sportin' a poodle skirt.
 Rugs and Mads as Mario and Luigi-- my personal favorite.
 Em and Max did a nod to Star Wars and Chloe wanted to be a monkey because Em likes monkeys.
 We even had some action to make it more real.
 Breckyn was in love with Jodi's Cleopatra outfit and pranced around in it all night.
Last but not least-- baby Hulk.  Watch out, you won't like her when she's angry.