Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween

 We carved up our pumpkins and everyone was very excited.  This year we let the kids cut out their own.  They were each very specific about how theirs should look so we let them go at it with some safety knives.  They were very proud of the results.
Can you guess who did what?  Well, here's a little help.  See those smilie faces?  So proud.

Happy Halloween

Saturday, October 30, 2010

We finally found really good Mexican food in Wisconsin.  The only problem was the burrito was as big as Tim's thigh.  We have to go hungry for sure.
I thought you might enjoy a video of our little princess.  She is getting so old-- she can even roll now!  She is a smile machine and she loves to babble to her Mommy.  We love you Libs.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Yet another busy week in the Taylor house.  Here's a quick run down.
 We went for our annual visit to Pearce's Farm.  The kids just love the hay maze.

 And of course the corn maze.
 This little guy ran his guts out.
 It was apple day at school-- hence the apple cheeks.  This is classic 5th grade attitude for ya.
 Rugby is in love with baby Libby.  He wishes she was his sister.  He is so cute with her.
 Awww... what a cutie.  He thinks he has a special gift to calm her down.  It's really cute to watch.
 What's a post without a dog?  B with her trusty steed.
 Jodi and Chris went to the Halloween party as Cleopatra and Mark Anthony.  They looked great.
We were a little bit weird.  As a last minute throw together, we were Betty and the Hulk.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Taylor Tales

The Taylor house has been full and busy lately.
 Emerson lost his first tooth.  He has been asking all sorts of questions about the Tooth Fairy and is hoping for some big bucks.
 The next tooth over is pretty wiggly too and he is really excited about it.  He can just smell the money!
 After I took a picture of Em's teeth Rugs wanted in on the action.  I asked why and he thought you guys would want to know that his teeth have grown in and he doesn't have a hole like Em's anymore.  Wheew!  I'm glad we took care of that urgent news.
This is our new little baby Flash.  One of the kids shut the door to his kennel and so he couldn't decide where to nap.  He chose what seemed to be the next best spot-- little Scout's bed.  I'm pretty sure it's too small for Red Riding hood here.  But, what's a guy to do?

Monday, October 04, 2010

Conference Weekend

It's that time of year again-- General Conference.  That means the Taylors have big breakfast to start the day off right.
 I got little smokies one of Tim and Zoey's favorite breakfast foods.
Here's the gang with the big spread.  We had a great day filled with food, family and great talks that will stay with us for a very long time. 
Between sessions we headed outside for a little fetch with Flash.  I thought you'd enjoy seeing him in action.
Happy Conference Weekend!

Saturday, October 02, 2010

Meet Flash

Yes, it's true, we have a new member of the family.  Meet Flash.  He is an adorable 2 1/2 year old German Shepherd.  He is really smart and unbelievably obedient.  We are in love.  He is super friendly so if you stop by for a visit he'll be begging you for some love.  He is a little under weight at about 87lbs.  Don't worry, I've already started helping him in that department.  He should end up somewhere around 100 lbs or more.  Isn't he so pretty?  I know-- right?
Jo and I went shopping at Old Navy this week and Chloe made some new friends while we were there.  I love it!