Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Pinewood Derby Extravaganza...

The pinewood derby was FINALLY today. I have been authorized to reveal to you the world's fastest pine car...

There was some intense testing in the first stages of this car. Tim has submerged the engine in water (running) to break it in. (Personally that didn't look too smart to me-- but hey, the dork at the hobby shop promised him it'd work.)

For all of you technical buffs.... here is his secret weapon!

He made a padded case to carry all of the cars in.

From left to right, Zoey, Em, Rugs, Me, Breckyn, and Timmy.

If you notice, mine has been personalized with my picture. Tim wanted to enter another car but didn't want to hog all the prizes so he entered it in my name. (hence the picture, so there would be no question of ownership)

I found some derby patches and sewed them on a shirt for the big man. They say, "pinewood derby" and "pinewood derby pit crew." He was totally stoked about it.

Tim at the judges table keeping score.

Here are some of the open class cars that were trying to compete with Tim.

Tim had so much fun with the cars and the track. I think it showed-- a little.

These guys were on the edge of their seats the whole time. They had a blast-- especially when it was their turn to race.
Rugs and his secret weapon.
Breckyn and her little beauty.
Some of the gang (OK, a lot of the gang) won awards. It was a day to remember.

Tim's car kicked butt!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Here is a small taste of things to come. The pinewood derby is this weekend and I will have much more in detail when it's all over.

Friday, February 20, 2009

School Spirit!

Today was the last of the dress up days at school. They ended it on a high note with "show your school spirit" day.

Do these two look "spirity" or what?

Her face says, "West Side Rules!"
B's says, "West Side Rocks!"
They were so jazzed to go to school. No one else usually paints their kid's faces so I think they'll look pretty awesome! Rugs decided to opt out of it because he didn't have a W.S. shirt. You know what Tim says, "go big or go home!"

Thursday, February 19, 2009

I can't get enough of this kid's art. He cracks me up.
It says:
If I were 100 years old I would look like this...
I would be sleepy.
I would have wrinkles.
I would have a cane.
I would be grumpy.

Today was career day at the kid's school. They were suppose to dress up in the career that they want to be when they grow up.

Breckyn wanted to be a vet. I tried to talk her into being a mom but she said, "They don't even get paid! I want to be a job that makes money!" I was so feeling the love on that one.
Rugby decided to be Tim. He went as an XP sales guy. He looks so ready for work.
Zoey wanted to go as me. I was so excited. I let her borrow my jewelry and make-up. I even let her use my perfume. It was one of my proudest moments. their own words.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Happy President's Day!

Rugby brought this book home in honor of President's Day this week. It gave me the giggles.
Abe was honest.
Abe was shot. (there is blood for dramatic effect)
Abe was the 16th President.

Very cut and dry-- this guy gets right to the point. No messin' around here.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Pretty Zoey...

Today I did Zoey's hair extra pretty for church.
She likes when I flip my hair out and she wanted to match mine. I think it turned out pretty cute.

Super Dog!

So, you asked for it, you got it. This is our super dog. He is Rusty the Wonder Weenie. He can jump small toys in a single bound. He is an amazing sock biter. He can snuggle his way into any situation. His only fear is-- hamsters.
Here he is, cape and all.
His fearless side-kick Wonder Girl.
Here he is changing into his secret identity at the end of a hard days work. We love you Wonder Weenie!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

my funny little guy...

Rugs made some art-- on his finger. He likes to play with his fingers like they are people and do "stunts" with them. He's very creative, I'll give him that.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sunny Day!

It was freakishly warm today. So the kids and I shed our coats and headed for the great outdoors.

This is how excited Em was! The winter has been far too long for us.
This is the look of a guilty little thing. He did some adventuring in the woods on his first day out in the warm sun. Up until now he can't wait to come back inside because it's so cold. Today was his day to get some much awaited exploring done.
The big man got some rays in on the hammock.
Here is my mini-Timmy. He looks tuff on the outside, but oh so snugly on the inside.
It was a great afternoon. We can't wait for spring!

Monday, February 09, 2009


Tonight the kids and I made their valentine's for school. I found some really cool ideas to print out from (It's under good ideas on my favorites off to the right.)

I printed this one out for Z. All we had to do was cut it out and write her name.
So easy and so cute.
This one was also a quick print out for Emerson. He signed the backs of all of his and didn't really care what his looked like. We used suckers for the snail backs.
B wanted butterflies with suckers. (also a print out) I could have added eyes and antennas but seriously-- 4 kids and over 100 valentines later.... ahhh, no.
I came up with Rugby's on my own. He really wanted to use gum (go figure). So I thought I could turn it into a butterfly-- a boy butterfly. I used a heart punch for the wings, pipe cleaners for the antennas, googlies for the eyes and it's all put together with tape. I let him use stickers to decorate the wings. He went rogue for the tummy sticker. He decided to number his friends instead of actually writing their names. This friend is apparently number 15. Whatever!
Happy Valentine's Day!

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Cutie Tooties...

Breckyn and I have struggles with her cold lunches. She refuses all forms of fruits or vegetables. I send her with carrots, they come right back. I send her with bananas, she claims they are too big and they come back. The list goes on... So, I'm at Walmart the other day and I see these teeny little bananas. As a last ditch effort I buy them because who can refuse such a cute banana? I had success! She thought they were great and so did the rest of the crowd. I just hope Walmart keeps them around.
Keeping with the cutie theme, I bought Rusty a coat. It's stinkin' cold here and I feel bad when he is shivering outside while trying to relieve himself. I think he looks super snooty cute.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Cowboys and Indians

Today Uncle Timmy told Chloe that he had a new game to play with her. Chloe had been causing some trouble around the house and Timmy told her it was time to play Cowboys and Indians. She was all for it.
Step one: Cowboy ties up Indian's legs.

Step two: Cowboy ties up Indian's hands.

Step three: Cowboy leaves Indian to get eaten by wild dingos.

Step four: Wild dingos approach and cowboy is gleeful.
Step five: Dingos chow time (or in this case, licking time) begins.
When asked if she wanted to play games with Uncle Timmy again, this was her face. I know, it seems sketchy, huh Chloe?

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Happy Birthday Timmy!

Happy Birthday to the guy I love. You have brought us so much joy and entertainment. We love to be around you and your crazy stunts. You keep everything so fun. You are a great Daddy and a wonderful husband. We are blessed to have you in our lives. We love you babe! Happy Birthday!

Sunday, February 01, 2009

The Pinewood Derby

Our ward is having a pinewood derby this month and my husband is so excited. When Tim gets an idea in his head, that's all he can think about. He says he believes in "full immersion" when it comes to doing something right. Well, he's got pinewood derby on the brain. We have been scouring the country side for parts and ideas. He has the kids all excited about doing one for themselves (a.k.a. Tim has an excuse to build and design four more). He has even been down loading videos from YouTube and chatting with people about their designs online. He is not only determined to win but he is planning on crushing the competition.
With those facts in mind, I come home from school the other day to find my wonderful husband doubled over in the garage cradling his manhood. He has been researching a way to use highly pressurized air (and other things that he won't let me reveal just in case the competition is spying on him) to make the car go really fast. Well, take number one didn't go so well. He used a Gatorade bottle and tried to pressurize that while holding it between his legs for support. BAM!!! His studliness flashed before his eyes. He said that it hurt so bad he had to check to make sure all of his parts were still there. Perhaps he has crossed the line of craziness but it didn't stop him. He tried again with a soda bottle and had a bit more success. I know there are going to be a lot more tries and a lot more stories. I'll be posting all of it. He keeps our lives so entertained. I love you Timmy!