Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Life According to Emerson...

Emerson: "I have good news and bad news..."

Mom: "OK...."

Emerson: "The good news is I so so want my McQueen lunch box at Target...."

Mom: "OK, what's the bad news...."

Emerson: "The bad news is..... I don't like fish."

...and that is a quick glimpse into the brain of my three year old boy. Interesting... hmmmmm...

Bad Day...

Today Z came home from school and announced that she had a really bad day. I figured nothing fixes a really bad day like a nice kitty cocktail. I told her to get out the fancy glasses, a bendy straw and an umbrella. It worked like a charm. She drank away her woes in no time.
Of course the boys had to get in on the action too.
Cocoa moo has a very soothing affect you know...

Monday, February 25, 2008

The Missing Rugby...

come out come out wherever you are...

Hamster drama...

OK, I wasn't going to blog about this but, I can't contain myself any longer! Our hamster (Scuttles) is having issues. A few weeks ago I noticed that he had an abscess (A.K.A a nasty pussy blister thing) on his foot and I was worried about the little guy. So I called in Tim to help me perform surgery (which is a really lot cheaper than a vet). We sterilized a pin, popped it and drained out the junk. He recovered nicely and all was well in hamster land until.... last night I noticed that it was back and a lot bigger than before. So, we decided he needed professional help. (which I misinterpreted to mean a Vet) (Tim was still thinking cheaper-- woopsies) Being the efficient person that I am, I called the vet and set up an appointment for this morning. Just as I am about to leave Tim discovers where I am going and is less than pleased at what might be coming next (serious $$$$$).
He was totally right. I get to the vet and the vet starts talking about pathology reports and possible cancer (hamster cancer).... after further testing he does not have cancer, just a major abscess. The vet takes Scuttles "in back" for some quick lancing and a few minutes later I'm out the door with several syringes, a hamster bath and a big old bill. Scuttles has been prescribed a syringe a day of special hamster antibiotics and two foot soakings (5 minutes each) a day for the next 10 days. Oh, and P.S. that will be one hundred fifty seven dollars and thirty six cents!!!! YIKES!!!
This is a HAMSTER!!!!!! He only cost me $7 to begin with!!! (stupid hamster) Plus, I'm freaking out because I know I'm going to get a butt kickin' and a huge "I told you so" as soon as I get home. AAAAHHHHHH!!!! He's a hamster, a tiny little fluffy piece of I didn't want him in the first place why did I do this to myself hamster!
I might as well get him a lounge chair and a little pool to float in. I'll bring him his antibiotics in a tiny coconut with one of those little umbrella straws. Do they make cucumbers small enough to slice up for his eyes? Maybe to top it off I'll sew him a tiny robe with my sweet sewing skills and I'll have Jodi knit him a scarf. I'll buy him a tiny bell so he can ring me when he needs something. Geewiz-- stupid hamster!

Summer Blues...

We are officially boycotting winter (again). I sent Tim outside to shovel out the grill and cook us up something tasty. It is actually snowing in this picture and that fog looking stuff is Tim's breath. I can't wait until summer!!!!

Friday, February 22, 2008

B and Z working out...

Their working out alright-- that's what I call team work!

Big announcement!

Hold onto your hats people! Jodi FINALLY started her own blog. Don't think that you will be seeing less of the Bazlows on my blog-- cause you won't. We are together enough that they will be making headlines just like before. To see their blog, check out my newest link labeled "Barlows" below. Go Jo!!!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

all about the Beans...

This kid is just plain cute. She has more personality in her little pinky than most kids have in their whole body. She and I spent a little time capturing that personality in film today. (meaning, she ran... and I followed)

my pretty pretty Beanie...
happy girl!
She is also a piano prodigy-- look out Mozart, here she comes!
I love you Beans!

Z says...

a quick message from Z...

Photo Shoot...

Since I'm totally a professional photographer I thought I'd try and take a few pictures of the gang today. They have today and tomorrow off from school for teacher's convention so we'll be hangin' out and having some fun (all of which I'll be posting soon...) Tiny toes...
lots of cheese...
starting to squish up a little here...
B and Z
Da boys...
OK, it's officially over... (for a little while at least)

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Just another day...

This is for you Cassie....

Z lost a tooth...

Z wanted all of you to know that she lost a tooth tonight. She was very brave and let me pull it out. (it was hanging by a microscopic thread) Now she has a slight lisp which is pretty cute.
Emerson wanted you to know that he still has all of his. (just in case you were wondering)
Rugby wanted you to know that he is the world's coolest kid. He's my baby Fonze!

California Sunshine...

This week Tim had some business to do in California and I went with him just for fun. My parents were nice enough to watch the kids for a few days and away we went. Tim had work to do for a day and I was on my own. I LOVED it! I can't remember the last time I had an entire day to myself. I hit the mall--- HARD! I stumbled upon the South Coast Plaza which just so happens to be the most amazing shopping experience I have ever had in my life. (and I do a lot of shopping people, trust me) I had the most amazing day going from store to store at my leisure. Then Tim and I hooked up and spent the next day together.
We did a little fancy eating... (This was our banana cream pie dessert for our lovey Valentine's dinner)
We didn't call home much...
We ate ourselves a good 5 pounds bigger and LOVED every minute of it!!!!
We met lots of new people...
...and lots of interesting people...

We had a little too much fun at the disney store after spending the day at California Disney. It was the best couple of days I've had in a really long time. Sunshine, food, no coat, my hubby, shopping and did I mention the amazing food... Thanks for a great break Timmy! It rocked! Thanks Mom and Dad for watching our babies.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Crazy Hair Day...

Every year the school has a week of fun theme dressing to mix it up for the kids. It's perfect timing because winter gets so laborious here in Wisconsin. Today was crazy hair day and the girlies were loving it! CRAZY TIMES!!


Em and I were messing around with the camera and we caught a few good shots of Em's personality.
This is his goofy cheesy lovey grin
my baby...

a shout out to Cam Cam...

Hey Cam, Em wanted to let you know he thinks you are super cool for being a big boy! Good job little buddy! Undies Rock!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Sleep-walker...

So, Breckyn has flirted with sleepwalking over the last few years but, in the last month it has gotten progressively worse. Two weeks ago she tried to get out the front door (luckily it was frozen shut). Last week she started putting on her backpack and going out the back door to leave for school. She has had quite a few others that weren't that dramatic but hey, we've got a pattern going on here. So last night Tim and I were watching a movie downstairs and when it was over we went upstairs to pull up covers, put stuffed animals back in their places (you know the routine...) and Brecky was missing. Her bedroom was all torn apart and stuff was missing. We followed the trail of items to Zoey's room and found her in bed with Z. I think it's gone too far....
There they are snugly strewn across the bed.
Breckyn had taken her drawer out of her side table and put it on Zoey's.
Good thing Zoey was out of it too or she may have given her the boot. What should I do?

Our week at a glance...

Just a few shots of the week....

Baby beans all geared up for the cold.
All four Taylor Babes ready for school.
Another shot of all the snow.
Dad going back to his roots. Trying to convince Z he's a "professional."
Em played Sherriff around these here parts for a day. He looks pretty manly! Don't mess with a man carrying an orange gun.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Let it Snow...

We've gotten some serious snow in the last few hours. It's amazing to see. It's snowing a few inches an hour. It looks like we are living in a snow globe. The kids got a day off of school because we have gotten over a foot so far and it's still coming...

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Happy Birthday Timmy...

Happy birthday to my big boy! I cooked my brains out for the perfect birthday dinner. It was all of Tim's favorite's all rolled into one fun meal.

The giant Ho-ho cake (that was amazing)!
My dad picked out this little beauty and had my mom paint it up to make it more "personal." He now has refreshment while he is grilling out for all of our family dinners. Thanks Dad!
Breckyn made 14 of these birthday hats for all of our guests. Each of the kids made Tim priceless cards that were very creative. It was a great day.

Here's a shot of the new hat in action...

Friday, February 01, 2008

Snow + Grandpa + Speed= Fun

Grandpa had a great idea this afternoon and all the kids loved it (even the big kid)...

Here's the front end... (Grampie and Em)
...and here's the back end. (Caleb and Rugby)
Even Timmy wanted a turn.
It was a bit chilly, but so worth it!

The basic concept was speed and a sled. I'm not sure which boy liked it more, the big ones or the little ones.

Tim thought it looked fun so he gave it a whirl too. (Perhaps he should have slowed down to get a coat and gloves before he jumped on)