Thursday, May 31, 2007

Mom and Dad Update...

Mom and Dad are adding onto Yaya's house and plan to move in by the end of the summer. We are all very excited because it will most likely work out better for all parties involved. On Tuesday Dad and I trench poured the footings and it was perhaps the most fun I've had in a long time. There is something to be said for a good hard days work (and working with someone that doesn't sas back, demand to be wiped, or fed) I enjoyed just spending the day with my daddy for a change. Here are the results of our work...

Here is the driveway, garage, and the part that is closest to the house will be the family room. They will be popping out the window and putting in a doorway that will connect the kitchen and two bedrooms. (they will also add a doorway to seal off Yaya's portion of the house) It should be pretty cool when it's finished.
...oops how did this flower picture slip into here...
oh, woops another one-- you'll be forced to enjoy my pride and joy.... :)

Outside Fun... again...

We had the whole gang around to play yesterday. This is about how I think it will look all summer long...

the boys in the little pool being crazy silly...
the big girls in the big pool...
Caleb firmly planted on the go-cart...
Chole waving her famous big girl greeting...
she is such a little princess... I'm just embarrassing her-- how modest!

Fun with Otis...

We had a great time while Otis was here-- the kids thought he was super cool. They all wanted to have his attention and he was a great sport about it. He helped reconfirm that BYU is a really cool place to go to school-- thanks O.

Here the girlies are around their friend...
They were all really impressed with his wheels. He let them climb all through his car and they loved it!
Here he is with the whole gang-- don't worry Cheri, we didn't have too much fun without you. We are still waiting for the whole Henson clan to come and play. Thanks for letting us borrow Otis for a quick visit. We loved it! Come again soon...


Yesterday Mom and I tried to get hair appointments and our girl was booked until Tuesday. TUESDAY!! Now, we Magills have never been known for our patience so she says, "Why don't you just cut it..." I'm thinking sure-- what could happen? Well our brave Mother let me strap her into a chair and take a pair of scissors to her head. It didn't turn out too bad...

This is the part where she is wondering if it was really that great of a plan...
This is the part where I was wondering if it was that great of a plan...
It turned out pretty cute if I do say so myself. In my defense I wasn't going into this project totally green-- I have cut Tim's hair since we were dating, and the kids hair since they were born. She was a little more nerve racking for me because she is a woman of style. I figured if it when really wrong... we still had those Tuesday appointments. What a brave woman.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Otis and his sweet ride...

Otis came for a visit. He was in town on some business and showed up in this-- sweet! I wanted to get this posted so that his boys could see how cool their dad really is...

This car could be spotted from miles around... no hiding from the cops in this bad boy.
He just looks cool-- huh!?!
Here is the top going down...
still going...
still going...
He looks quite at home in this ride--- Father's Day is coming up... just a thought...

We have a tooth...

Chloe has officially gotten her first tooth. YEAH CHLO CHLO BEAN!! I am so excited because this means cook-outs, chips, cookies-- who knows, maybe even a steak every here and there. I am in love with this little pumpkin and I've got the pictures to prove it....

Here she is giving her little happy grin.
Chloe just playing around-- getting ready to take a swat at the camera.
Here it is her first little tooth.
(she was slightly annoyed with Jo and I for pinning her down all of 2 seconds-- this girl really likes to move it) Here is the last little glimpse at her new pearly white. If you notice she looks a lot like her mommy looks in pictures-- eyes almost closed... another generation infected with the blinking picture disease. (other wise known at BPD) (we are still hopelessly searching for the cure)

Monday, May 28, 2007

Mom and Dad Update...

Here is Dad and his newly dug hole. He is all ready for footings. He spent the day digging it and also hauling stone for the driveway. For those of you who don't know, Dad and Mom are adding on to Yaya's house.
Here is a better view of how it will be attached. This is the far left side of Yaya's house. (the shed is to the left) This is where the garage and family room will be added. He as taken out a few trees and moved all of Yaya's plants and things are in motion. (in all fairness-- Dad was deep in thought and didn't realise that I was still taking pictures-- but the angle was better on this shot-- sorry Dad)

Happy Memorial Day...

We had the most amazing holiday weekend. Today we spent the morning at our ward pancake breakfast hosted beautifully by Jodi. Tim won the milk chugging contest bringing much honor to the Taylor name. When we got home Tim went and picked up a new toy for the family... a double-seater GO-CART!!!! It has a gas engine, remote start and stop, seatbelts and a roll bar for safety. The kids had a blast and so did we. My dad has two that he lets the kids use so we busted them out and had so much fun. That's what I call some good QBT. (quality bonding time)

Rugs was a great driver (except he has to have a pillow to reach the pedals)

Even little Emmy gave it a try (he's going to need a little practice and we have two very sad looking bushes to prove it) Tim's favorite feature is the electric start with a remote start and stop. The power went to his head-- every time he wanted to get the kids attention he would kill the engine with the remote. He had a little too much fun with it.
B and Z rode it so long during the boys nap they asked for ear phones to cancel out the noise. The sunglasses were purely for style. They all rode a total of about 5-6 hours straight--- yeah they were pretty excited.Breckyn and Zoey were probably the best drivers and kept out of trouble. The boys found a few bushes, a tree stump, and Yaya's house. (no they weren't hurt-- remember Tim followed them around with the remote poised in his hands all day) (he got quite the workout)
We also finished cleaning up the pool today. The water was only 72 degrees and it was only in the high 60s outside but the kids were ready to go. Breckyn took a while to get use to the cold water-- but her dedication was clear.
They were all way too excited to get summer going-- I don't think they even remembered how cold it was after they jumped in. I had to drag Zoey out to come in for dinner. The Taylors are officially ready for Summer. Only 8 days of school left!!! Yeehoo! Then you'll be seeing pool pictures for the next few months. What a great day! Remember you are all invited for some fun Taylor style whenever you want to stop in for a visit-- we are ready and waiting.

Friday, May 25, 2007


We were out with Dad and some new equipment. Kirk got this new "scoop" and Dad was the first to use it-- he was pretty excited. The kids were even more excited that Grandpa would give them a ride. It was better than Disney (ok, maybe not... but they sure did have fun)

Hands up-- the little dare devils!
every good ride must come to an end...
Grandpa and the kids... it's a toss up who is happier.
Tim and Dad taking down a tree-- do not try this at home these are trained professionals-- ok maybe not...
Tim before... the thick...
and after (see the two of them in the back ground staring at their newly fallen prey) Notice that they are really small in these pictures-- it's because I didn't want to die. You never know what you're going to get with two men, a skid steer, and a couple of chainsaws.... YIKES!!

Here is the spot where the new addition will be. Dad has already peeled back the dirt and is all ready to go.

the big outdoors...

I know-- more nature pictures-- ugh! I promise I'm not a nature "freak" or anything-- I just love how spring makes me feel. After the success of the last post, I wanted to capture some more spring magic for my screen saver.

The boys outside next to one of my beautiful bushes.
a close-up shot of that amazing bush (I'm still working on the camera focus-- I haven't quite mastered it yet)
Rugby picked these at the store because he thought they looked like stars.
While I was trying to take a picture a butterfly came and landed right by me-- perfect! The kids really dig this picture-- pretty huh!?! I doesn't get much better than this.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Spring is Amazing...

I was outside today and loving my flowers. I thought I'd take a few shots so I could remember my beautiful backyard even through the snowy winter months. I just love love love the sunshine and warmth these little blossoms bring to me. I wanted to share my joy with you...

This is a new flower I found and just had to have--
I love the orange and red mix.
My usual pretty purpley white flowers that I have to have every year.
Something new and dramatic.... wow!
Same thing--- different color
My garden... it doesn't look like much now-- but oh baby it's going to be great in a few weeks. I have 16 tomato plants along with cucumbers, zucchini, squash, carrots, basil, cilantro, peas, yellow peppers, lettuce, green peppers, watermelon, mini pumpkins, and big pumpkins. I can't wait!