I've been working on a slide show with a bunch of pictures of these cuties getting ready for their big dance recital last week.
It's been taking forever, so I better get something down before I forget.
A big night for Grace!
My great friend Laurin did Grace's hair and makeup.
I am so grateful for good people in my life- Laurin is amazing and I have so much to learn from her. She makes being an awesome mom look so natural- probly because it is for her.
Well lots of the pictures turned out fuzzy from Grace's dance, but luckily Adam snapped this one of Grace and Maycie as they were in the hall waiting to go onstage-
I love it.
What girls!

Grace's dance was wonderful and I LOVED being there.
Fortunately (for Max) Grace's dance was really close to the intermission.
Just before Grace's dance hit the stage, Adam and I realized how lethargic and labored Max's breathing had become.
Max had had croup for a couple of days but he got it a lot last winter, so in a way we are used to it.
As soon as Grace's dance was over we had to surprise her, whisk her away from Santa early, and headed to the nearby instacare. The guy there immediately sent us to the hospital- he told us to hurry because Max's blood oxygen saturation level was really low.
Adam zoomed us to Primary Children's Hospital, where we spent the next 15 hours.
Breathing treatments, O2, and some steroids fixed this little guy up.
His throat was so swollen, he wasn't getting any air in but the great staff fixed him up and then he was in observation for the night.
Yep, Grace at another wonderful friend's house, Me and Max sharing a hospital bed for the night, and Adam back and forth (I tried sending him home to catch a few zzzz's but he was hesitant to leave Max).
Things worked out just fine.
I swear angels work at that hospital (more of my thoughts about that to come later)- and our case wasn't even as traumatic as many others.
We still have our little boy.
We were home by noon the next day with a sleeping Max and a Gracegirl with leftover mascara under her eyes and hair product galore- would have thought she was 16.

Max had a little oxygen detector on his finger the whole time. He couldn't quite figure out the red light that would come on when it would measure.

Our sweet boy.
No parent wants to be in the hospital with their kids.
Adam and I decited that was a wierd stay because we've never been in a hospital together without bringing a baby home. Glad we got to bring Max home, glad he didn't have to stay too long.
Lately when I'm in the car or somewhere I keep getting the urge to write.
Write about all sorts of things running through my mind- most of which are great things as a result of the holidays and the past year.
Then I sit down at the computer and ----------------------------- nothing.
Just a minute ago as I turned on the ipod and got ready to fold the mounds of laundry in my room, the urge came again- so here I am hoping to start on something to make up for some lost time and lost posts that are dusty and cobwebs strung in the back of my brain.j
I am hoping to to put together some of the fun times we've had this year that I didn't fully document. It's crazy how fast time goes- how good time is and how challenging it can be.
There are so many things I love about Christmas.
A few of them I am loving today are:
-James Taylor Christmas CD
-Singing along with Grace to Taylor Swift's Christmas album (thanks Danni and Jason :) while driving to the dentist.
-Thoughts of my mom, happy ones. Time really does erase the pain and suffering we (and she) were experiencing 2 years ago at this time. Today is happy, comforting, a grateful feeling in my heart for her. I'm pretty sure she's in my life today- though I haven't seen or felt her for a while now.
-Candy Cane JoJo's (Charity, Adam's sister is a saint)!
*Mailed first from New York a few years ago, Charity sent everyone a box of them. I LOVED them so much she sent us another box that same year. Then a surprise package showed up on our steps Saturday and low and behold- the Christmas goodness was back!
They are mostly like a candycane filled oreo but WAY better.
I love them, it's a silly treat but I do.
-My beautiful, healthy children.
-The Plan of Salvation all brought on by the birth of the Savior Jesus Christ.
And His mercy- oh how merciful He is, how merciful He is to me. How incredibly amazing that He can heal me, He can hold our little ones in times of crisis, how because of the atonement things are ok. They are ok. I don't know how, and the more testimony I gain of the atonement the less I feel I know or understand about that great act, but one thing is for sure- He works in many lives and in many ways to reach me and He makes things work, and He orchestrates it all and by some miracle life is good and doable and sweet for me. All because of The Savior of the World.
Further more, I know He does the same for each person's life. We just have to reach out and touch it. It's there. It's hard to find sometimes, but it's there. I know it.
Merry Christmas!