The fall has flown by and we've had some really fun times together as a family.
I've got lots of pictures I really need to document, but to sum it up for now this is what we've been up to:
*Conference Weekend: A REALLY great and much needed family weekend at the cabin and in Grand Teton National Park. Awesome weather and just time with Adam and the kids.
*Grace turned 5 Oct 17th and we kicked it off with b-day festivities from a party with Flowers the Clown to a homemade birthday cake from Grandma J (aka Josie).
Can't believe it's been 5 years since I became a mother. Wow, what I have learned about life and myself. It's been a tough road for me and a lot of growing and stretching and overcoming depression, but I feel like a MUCH better person for it and I wouldn't take back these years for anything. I have my sweet Grace girl to thank for putting up with me and weathering the storms of me figuring out how to be a mom and a person again. I've made lots of mistakes that I hope won't scar her forever! I am VERY, VERY grateful to be a mother and especially to Grace and Max.
*A new addition to our family, the Pouf Pillow (compliments of Grandpa Moon visiting and thinking we needed something for the kids to jump on and to take out energy). See above picture. Crazy. Yes.
*We took Grandma and Grandpa Moon (Adam's parents) with us on a trip to Moab last weekend. It was their first time and it was a really good car trip.
*Fun Halloween stuff: Preschool Field Trip to Gardener Village, Pumpkin Walk in Stansbury Park, Dance HAlloween party. . .and more to come tomorrow at Usana & Trick or Treating.
*A little bit of an emotional roller coaster about my Dad's upcoming wedding. Nothing major. Nothing to do with Just a shift in relationships, friendships, and acceptance.
*The Big Day Saturday- Wedding! I've got to be honest, I'm ready for it to happen so I can quit having crazy dreams about my mom. A huge thanks to the women in my life who have always stepped in as a mother figure- JoAnn, Jill, and Susan. I love them so dearly and I know my mom does too and she left me in good hands. Josie is joining the ranks as well this Saturday and it's good.
So yes, it feels like things are crazy. I haven't been keeping up on pictures, let alone the pile of dishes in the sink and the floors that need to be mopped. . . and everything else. But it's been a really great fall and lots of fun. I do enjoy this time of year and can't believe is drawing to an end and headed for Christmas! I feel I have so much to be grateful for- so.very.much.