We spent Christmas at my parents house in Coalville. It was a good day especially because my mom was there and able to come in for a minute to watch the grandkids open some presents. This is also the first Christmas Grace has really been excited for so she had a lot of fun. Here are some pics:
Grace shows Max the ropes to opening a present on Christmas Eve. We always get a new pair of p.j's to wear to bed that night.

Max and dad ready for high adventure.

Grandpa Higgins and his two glitzy grandaughters, Chloe in her party dress and Grace in her 'Dora splora' dress.
Hope everyone had a good Christmas. I'm especially grateful for the Christmas we had this year. I'm mostly grateful to celebrate Christmas and the Savior's birth. It is because of the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ that we can be families forever and have the hope that we can be together always. Merry Christmas!