Thursday, December 15, 2011

Watch Me Grow

Newborn in the stocking they sent her home with
1 Month
2 Months
3 Months
4 Months
5 Months
6 Months
7 Months
8 Months
9 Months
10 Months
11 Months
12 Months

1 Year!

I had a rough night so this morning Kammie came and got the kids, and fed them breakfast. She made Ellisa a piece of toast and put a candle on it and let her blow it out. (this was the only candle that she could find) Ellisa loved it and blew it out all by herself.

I thought that I would get a few pictures of her in these cute little clothes.
Ellisa with her tennis racket
Then of course the boys wanted one with Ellisa on her Birthday,
and I got carried away and took a ton.

The boys wanted to do a silly face picture and Ellisa wasn't sure what to think at first.
Ellisa eventually had fun trying to join in on the silly faces

Later in the day we did a little shopping and I had to get a picture of her in this cute little chair that I want for her.
Today was her first day to have an official taste of sugar or something sweet. (because I know that people have given her something sweet, that I don't really know about) She didn't even love the ice cream, and just wanted the strawberries.
Just before bed and done with the party and pictures.
Tonight when I put Ellisa to bed I rocked her a little longer, and enjoyed the sweet moment of holding that beautiful sleeping baby. I can't believe how fast this last year has gone by, it seems that time just keeps going by faster and faster. I am going to try and enjoy all of the little moments with my children that really matter more. Ellisa has been nothing but a joy to have in our family. She is so sweet and has the best personality.

Just a few things that Ellisa loves.....
....singing row row row your boat with her dad dolls (which she got today)
...all food and dancing
...her brothers

Ellisa is learning sign language very well.
she can sign, please, thank you, mama, dada, more, bye bye, and is still working on other signs.

Ellisa says, mama, dada, santa, papa,

Monday, December 12, 2011

It's a wonderful life

Ellisa loves to sit up to the piano and play, she is wearing a little apron that I found for her. I think that next year she will love to be cooking Christmas goodies with us
Making sure that everyone is watching and clapping for her
Ellisa and Gran
So Sweet
My Little Baby Doll

Rollerskating Field trip
The kids had a lot of fun skating they had never been to a skating rink before, and Sam loved the freedom. Garret had fun once we got his skates a little slower, thanks to Kammie for skating with them so I could hangout with Ellisa.

Christmas Tree Hunting
This year we thought that it would be fun to take the kids out and hunt for a special family tree for our family room. I remember doing this as girl and loving the day outdoors. Aaron and I did this our first Christmas and have always wanted to do it with the kids, but it seems like most years we are traveling, and this year we aren't going any where so we told the kids what we were thinking and they said "no way, I don't want to do that". I had it in my mind that we were, so we did. The kids actually loved it!

Garret making a snow angel

Snowball fight

Bum sledding
The best tree (at least the best that we could find)

I love the smell of a fresh tree
Cutting it down

Sam did so good and helped carry the tree back to the van

Kammie was able to be here and go with us, the kids love having her around.

$5 tree tag+fun hiking through the sand to find the best tree+an evening stringing popcorn
=great family fun