Sunday, December 19, 2010

Ellisa May Rogers

Our sweet little girl was born December 15, 2010 at 2:34 in the morning. She weighed 7lbs 3 oz. and was 21 inches long. We all love her so much and are happy to have her here so that we can all enjoy Christmas at home as a family.

Sam, Garret and Ellisa
The boys are both great big brothers and love to kiss and hug on their little sister.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Visit to my parents

Fall is one of my favorite times of the year. I love the cool crisp air, the pretty colors, leaves crunching under foot while being outdoors with my family. This year Aaron went to San Diego for a week for some work training so I thought that it was a perfect time to go and spend a week with my parents. We drove over the mountains so that we could see all the colors, and it was beautiful. I also wanted to get a few pictures of the boys while on my trip, so I got a few that I love.

Every time we go to my parents the boys like to go and see this helicopter, at the veteran's park, so I snapped a few pictures.

We also went downtown, where they have lots of cool shops, and some fun places to get pictures. The boys loved climbing on this HUGE bike.

I love Sam's little toothless smile, although he is not really smiling here.

One of the boys favorite things about the trip was going to Smash Burger, this makes me laugh because I had no idea that they would like it that much. But, what little boy doesn't like getting a chocolate shake and a good hamburger.

The boys also loved going to Cabela's and looking at all of the animals, playing in the tents and all the other fun stuff.

There mall also has a fun little indoor play place that the boy always have to go to.
Garret and his funny faces

Also on our trip I wanted Sam to learn to ride his bike without training wheels, and he did! My parents live in a great neighborhood that doesn't have a lot of traffic, and it is pretty flat, so I thought it would be a great place to learn. After a couple times trying he caught right on. Thanks to my dad for helping me, since Aaron wasn't there.

Sam and Grandpa

We also had fun going to the Dinosaur museum, it was really cool the boys loved it.

They had lots of hands on activities throughout the musuem for the kid to do.

Thanks Mom and Dad for making it such a fun week!

Road Apple Rally

This year Aaron had fun doing the Road Apple Rally mountain bike race and loved it, he was not able to do any triathlons this year due to his bad knees, but was excited to do this race. We went and watched the start and finish and he did great. I love that Aaron loves being outdoors, it is fun for us as a family to be a part of the fun things that he does.
The start of the race
After the race with his proud boys

Garret's Fourth Birthday

This year of Garret's Birthday we started the day off by going to IHOP to have breakfast since he loves pancakes, but much to my suprise he didn't want anything to do with pancakes that day. All he wanted was a bowl of mac and cheese or just mac at he calls it, and a bowl of fruit. I let him have it since it was his Birthday, and he loved it!

My two little boys and I

Garret and Sam, I don't know what Garret is doing but I still liked this picture

Garret, Kammie, Sam and Gran
This is while we were waiting to be seated, and believe me it was a wait, they only had on lady covering the half of ihop that we were on.
Garret and his Mac
Later that night we had a little Car's party for Garret, he was so funny and said that he was not four until he had his party and blew out his candles, which made me laugh. Also earlier that week I took him with me to the party store to get his decorations and thought that I would also get him a VANILLA ice cream cone at sonic because that is his favorite, but then he said
G: I also want some of that hot lake water to drink.
I was so confused and had no idea what he was talking about, and then he said,
G: You know that blue drink, the hot lake water.
I said oh you mean ocean water.
G: yep that is the one
Garret is so fun to have in our family and always keeps things exciting. He will sit and talk to anyone that will listen. He is so sweet and thoughtful.
The following pictures are of his little party