Saturday, March 21, 2009

River Walk!!!

We went down to the river for a little walk and the boys loved it, it is so nice that the weather is getting pretty, our boys love being outdoors! I hope that they always like going doing things outdoors. They are so much fun right now Aaron and I both love the ages that they are at.
Here are a few pictures of our adventure!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Happy 5th Birthday Sam!!!

I have been so busy and just can't seem to get any posts done very fast, so here is Sam's Birthday post one week late!
We are so blessed to have such a sweet boy in our family, Sam is nothing but a great pleasure for Aaron and I. Sam is so kind and caring, and is learning so much about the big world that he lives in, we love him so much and are grateful to have him in our family.

(Sam put on Aaron's glasses and told us that now he looked like a "Old Man")
It is so funny the things that he comes up with

I was leaving town the week of Sam's Birthday and Aaron was going to have a busy week, so we had a little family party the Sunday before his Birthday. Sam wanted to have a cowboy party

(this is his cake, not great looking, but it was tasty and Sam loved it)

Sam had fun helping me frost the cake as you can see in the picture

That is a big blow for one candle, he must have made a good wish!He loved every thing that he got, thanks for the love that everyone has show him.

On Sam's actual Birthday he got to go to the children's museum and play, he loves it there

Then we went on a little family hike to Jackson Lake. We all had a lot of fun spending time together, I can't believe how fast time seems to fly bye

It wouldn't be a trip to the lake if the at least one of the boys didn't fall in, Sam ended up slipping in and the bottom of his pants and shoes were all wet, then of course Garret thought that he had to get all wet also!

Sam wanted to go and have PIZZA for his Birthday dinner, so we went to a new little family owned pizzeria in town Bernardone's, it was really yummy and as you can see Sam was on cloud nine. Pizza is Sam's favorite!
Then later last week we went up to Utah for the weekend and enjoyed a little vacation. My Grandma and I wanted to go up for a baby shower for my cousin so we had a fun little trip together. I was sad because my camera was having some problems while I was there so I didn't get very many pictures. I guess that I will have to get some from my sister in-law.
Sam was so spoiled this year and was able to have another little party with my family in Utah, My niece's Birthday is four days after Sam's and she is one year older that him so they had a party together, my sister in-law made a pinata that looked like a beach ball that they loved and a sandcastle ice cream cake, it was so much fun to spend time with my family.
Below are some of the only pictures that I got, they are at the discover park, the kids had such a fun time together.