Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Father Day

We are so lucky to have such a great man in our lives.  Aaron is such a great Dad some of the things that I wanted to post are what Aaron does for our family.
-reads to the kids every night that he can,  right now he is reading the Narnia series to the boy and he reads in all the different voices, I love the english accent.
-gathers us together every night for family prayer and scriptures
-takes me on a date whenever he can
-goes swimming and on bike rides with the boys 
-wrestles with the boys and now Ellisa(she thinks that she is one of them) everyday.
-makes us laugh everyday 
-is going back to school to provide better for his family
-still works full time 
-calms me
-does almost all the handy man work around the house to save money
-teaches me to be frugal 
-loves his children
-Believes in me and my dreams 
Aaron is all of this and more, I am grateful that Heavenly Father let our paths cross so that we could enjoy our journey in live together.

A couple pictures of Aaron and his munchkins

18 Months Old

What a sweet little girl we have been blessed with she is so fun and full of energy.  I feel so blessed to be her mother!  Ellisa is definitely going to challenge me in a new way that I have never been challenged so far.  I want so badly for her to be sweet, soft spoken, Honest, kind, thoughtful, musical, adventures, athletic, tough, strong, be able to hold her own, and so so much more, I feel like I know a little bit about boys,  but girls that is a different story.  As Ellisa starts to talk and really develop her personality I am really trying to be better at trying to use more of these attributes that I want her to have,  it is a challenge and a blessing at the same time.  

Ellisa is starting to get interested in potty training  but I am not.  She gets to sit on the toilet for a little bit before getting in the tub and that is enough for now.  My mom did tell me the other day that my two older brother potty trained around 2 and a 1/2 but I potty trained in my 18th month pretty much on my own so maybe she is trying to be like her Mommy.

A few thing that I want to remember about her at this age is that she......

...says, daddy, mom, baby, cat, ball, grampa, papa, hat, shoe, here go, go, pease (for please), tankuw, Jesus,
...folds arms for prayer,
... she does not say no, but shakes her head and say something that I can't even make up a way to spell it, but it is cute!
...she love her little heart bear (I need to get a picture of it)
... when she is mad she jumps up in the air and then plops herself down on her bum (crazy little girl)
... she love to see her brother in the morning, until they come over to snuggle with mommy too and then she wants nothing to do with them and tries to push them off my lap.
... I don't think that she has every really not wanted to see my grandma, they share something special that's for sure.
... she loves her Aunt Meme

Kammie's Mission Call

My sweet sister just got her mission call,  on the day that we thought it would come we had already been expecting it for a few days so I took her out for a little mountain bike ride to take her mind off of everything, but of course it came in the mail while we were gone so we made a made dash for the house so that she could open it.  

Here are a few pictures of the day

Kammie made me laugh so hard when she said that we had to wear out helmets in the car on the drive to the trail.  Kammie said that she wished that she had a bumper sticker that said "Super Safe Citizen" I was so embarrassed she kept putting her head out the window and waving to people,  I laughed so hard and was surprised that I played along and kept my helmet on the whole way, I was also surprised when we got there and it really wasn't as bad as I thought, people don't really look at  other people in there car as much as I thought that they did.

 Aaron left her call in the mail box so that she could be the one to pull it out.

 Kammie is going to Guatemala Retalhuleu Mission, she is going to be a great missionary!  We are going to miss her so much.  It has been so fun to the boy to see and be a part of her putting her papers in and getting her call. 

The other night during scripture study we talked a little bit about missionary work, which led to questions about how missions are paid for, and Garret said "Kammie won't be able to go for a long time because she would have to keep working for a long time to pay for it, and then have to go on a different mission".  We let him know that other people (like family and friends) would help pay for some of it since she probably wouldn't have enough money to go. He was ok with that.   Later that night after we had put the boys to bed Sam came out and said that he wrote a little note to Kammie, I asked what it said so he read it to me, it was so cute he had 1$ and 10 cents and said that he was going to give some of his money that he had earned to help Kammie on her mission it was so sweet.  My boys loves her so much and will miss her in our home.

memorial day hike

Aaron had to work this weekend, but Kammie and I still wanted to go and do something fun together and I had heard about this hike to some petroglyphs.  We started our day off by going out to Gran's to have breakfast with her and hang out.  Then off we went out to find all of these petroglyphs with the kids, it was a ways out of town but lots of fun! It was so pretty out there and fun to see something new. 

The collard lizard that we saw, the boys thought that it was so cool

The cactus was blooming and so beautiful

 After our hike we went back to Grans and took her to my Grandpa's grave to clean it up and put a bouquet of peonies on it, which were his favorite flowers.  They were so beautiful!
