Quote of the Day, part XLIV

Me, during Family Home Evening: "How can we repent of 'persecuting your brother'?"
William: "Pick me! I just barely did it!"

Jacob, when I showed him the twin coverlet I had purchased for his bed right before we moved:
"I like that. Whoa, wait! Are we really going to get beds that big?"
Me, thinking that this boy has been sleeping on a camping cot on the floor for entirely too long.
This move didn't come a day too early!

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Happy New Year!


We have talked about it and have decided that the earth is actually turning faster than it was a few years ago.  Minutes are shorter, gray hairs sprout faster, and little babies are getting their driving licenses before our eyes!  We have enjoyed a tremendous and too short year!

Michael & Anna:  Finished building our home in the hills so all the kids now have space for a bed and we can send them outside to scream—no matter what they’re wearing!  Busy in various church callings and loving every minute of it.  Days filled with parenting some of the most interesting and unexpected personalities we’ve come across.
JM:  Sweet sixteen!  Enough said.  When did this runt get so tall, and why does he delight in reminding us that he has only one full year left of HS before he’s headed to college then mission?  Until then, Jacob dives into his choir, cello lessons, x-country, lacrosse and seasonal employment (as in blueberry season) with intensity and precision.
IJ:  Fun fourteen.  If you can’t find this guy, look outside.  You’ll find him with some kind of device designed to propel a ball: lacrosse stick, baseball bat, sling shot, gun.  If you still don’t see him, look down in the creeks or pond.  Isaac will be there with pockets full of something he’s just caught.  His most impressive catch of the year was a hummingbird out of mid-air, and the feeding apparatus he invented which hung from his bedroom light for exactly one day.
CM:  Lovely twelve.  This little lady began pointe this year and entered junior high after two years of homeschooling.  She has endeared her teachers to her with an attitude reflecting her assumption of what it must be like to teach tweenagers all day.  (Who thanks their science teacher at the end of each class?)  She feels sorry for herself for being a tweenager! Clara rarely misses a beat, and her mother isn’t quite sure how she will survive without her being at home! 
WC:  Tenacious ten.  If you can’t find this guy, look for Isaac.  He’ll be at the other end of the ball game, especially if it’s on the ground.  William scored the first three goals for his soccer team this year, a trend that didn’t let up.  The climax of the soccer season was the civil war between Will’s team and James’s team.  Both boys received penalties for playing too roughly with the other.  Both laughed about them and cheered the other on during their respective penalty shots.
JG:  Wonderful eight.  This is the age we all look forward to!  It was a magical moment for our family when, after lots of study and thoughtfulness, Jims decided to be baptized and asked Jacob to do it.  This one is a conscientious pianist, a devoted reader, is always missing teeth, rarely smells like soap, and is the reigning champion of scars and broken bones amongst his siblings—a title not uncoveted!
AA:  Spunky six.  This girl is usually wearing pink, some kind of skirt, and generally looks like she’s just been rescued from the wild Welsh moors.  Audrey started school this year in grade 1 after a year of ABC’s with her mother.  She is almost always leading the pack in the mile-long bike ride to catch the bus each morning.
PG:  Terrific two.  As we exited a local cabinet shop, Pippi, who had been occupied with laminate sample chips during the whole visit, matter-of-factly shelved her chips and announced generally that she was leaving.  Then specifically, “Bye Jeff.  Bye Randy.  Bye Lisa.” etc.  She named every adult in the shop, some of whom we had not even interacted with.  By the time we reached the door all eyes were on the small bediapered woman leaving with the wave of a dimpled hand and a polite request for her binky.  This is not a girl to be trifled with.  Fair warning.
JS:  Delightful 8 months.  Joss was born in mid-April, took the cake for weight and height by a long shot (foreshadowing, his brothers worry), and has been a pure delight since the beginning.  At age 6 mos while lying on the floor one evening, his older sister P stood over him and growled her fiercest.  He growled back even louder.  She screamed and ran away.  We are wondering how there was ever life without this blue-eyed babe!

Amid the bustle of our lives we enjoy the chance we take daily to gather as a family and reflect for a moment on the blessings of the scriptures, of prayer, of sweet relationships and the loveliness around us.  Throughout the year, but especially at Christmas, we are grateful for the source of these blessings, our savior Jesus Christ.  Our thoughts and love are with you as we all begin this fresh new 2016!

The Allens

Sunday, January 17, 2016

You know it's true love when the two-yr old, gesturing to the wad of blue gum that irrepairably stuck in her hair during naps, says sincerely, "Do you want it? You can have it if you want to, Mom!" When I politely decline she shrugs her shoulders and begins chewing it through her hair as she trots off. Oh Pippi! Why are you so yucky, and why does it make me even more in love with you?

Incidentally, here's the twerp at dinner tonight drinking her water in a newfangled way. It didn't work out so well...

Friday, January 1, 2016

Monday, September 14, 2015

Jimmy P

Me:  "James, what is all that doing in your bedroom?"
Jims:  "I don't know.  It seemed like fun."
Me:  "It's not gatorade though, is it?"
Jims:  "Nope.  I don't think you should drink it.  Or anybody really.  Except maybe Isaac."
Me:  "That's mean.  Get rid of it."
Jims:  "What?!  But that was a lot of hard work!  Besides, it's convenient since the bathroom is all the way across the hall from my bedroom."
Me:  "That's about 6 feet.  I don't feel sorry for you.  It's also a health hazard so please get rid of it."
Jims:  "Okay."  [mumbles when he thinks I can't hear: "Sheesh!  This is a waste!"]

Sunday, July 26, 2015


The following is The Scotsman's report on the 1924 Olympic 400m final, which Eric Liddell opted to run after discovering that the qualifying heats for his race, the 100m, were to be held on a Sunday.  Nobody was able to persuade him to race.  Instead he chose to run a distance he had never run before with very little time to train:  "The Union Jack flew in proud majesty over the Colombes Stadium today, for the only Final down for decision, the 400 Metres, which resulted in a great victory for Great Britain.  The brilliant running of E. H. Liddell, the Edinburgh University sprinter, was responsible.  There was a gasp of astonishment when Eric Liddell, one of the most popular athletes at Colombes, was seen to be a clear three yards of the field at half distance.  Nearing the tape Fitch and Butler strained every nerve and muscle to overtake him, but could make absolutely no impression on the inspired Scot.  With 20 yards to go, Fitch seemed to gain a fraction, but Liddell appeared to sense the American, and with his head back and chin thrust out in his usual style, he flashed past the tape to gain what was probably the greatest victory of the meeting so far.  Certainly there has not been a more popular win.  The crowd went into a frenzy of enthusiasm, which was renewed when the loud speaker announced that once again the world record had gone by the board.  This remarkable achievement confirms the view that the quarter mile is Liddell's best distance."

Twenty years later in an interview with Frank Wright of the Aberdeen Press & Journal, Liddell was asked how he had managed to keep his fantastic pace with such a curious style:  "The secret of my success over the 400 metres is that I run the first 200 metres as hard as I can.  Then, for the second 200 metres, with God's help, I run harder."

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Psychological Warfare

I'm fast asleep in my bed in the cool early hours of dawn...

Gradually from the recesses of my mind I begin to hear something...

I can't quite make it out, but I know I've heard it before...

I begin to wander into consciousness as I try to understand what it is...

No, I don't want to know what it is, it's too early and I want to sleep...

But my mind has been stirred, and it won't let me go back, besides...

I am still hearing that familiar sound.  I feel inexplicably irritated, but why?...

I begin to recognize that it's my husband's voice, softly whispering something to me...

What is he saying?  I feel even more annoyed but am confused by my feelings...

I snap into consciousness and I realize what he's murmuring into my ear:

"Mele kalikimaka.  Mele kalikimaka.  Mele kalikimaka..."

"Honey," I say as sweetly as I can, "why are you saying that to me?"

A wide grin breaks across his face and he finishes tying his second shoe.  "Oh, I just thought it would be funny to get that stuck in your head today."

Irritation.  Then brilliance!  I'm going to plunge that song right down into his brain!  I break into song!

"Mele kalikimaka is the thing to say on a bright Hawaiian Christmas day.
That's the island greeting that we send to you from a land where palm trees sway.
Here we know that Christmas will be green and bright,
The sun to shine by day and all the stars at night.
Mele kalikimaka is Hawaii's way to say merry Christmas to you!"


"That'll show him!" I think.

I've been singing it all day.  Gah!!

Monday, May 4, 2015

Joseph Soren

Can't get enough of this little critter.

And speaking of critters, a congratulatory email from my younger sister Bethany included this picture with the note, "Just reminded me of Mama Allen."  Yep, it's how I feel and I wouldn't change it for anything!  And now I need a nap.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Journal Entry

My journal entry from 17 April 2015 says something like this:

I'm 6 days overdue.  Go figure.  They always tell me I'll go into labor earlier this time.  I never do.  Being induced at noon.  Guess I'd better get Clara to take a picture of 41 weeks before I go.

Journal entry from 18 April 2015:

In shock.  Yes, complete shock.  Just had a 10 lb, 22 inch toddler!  I would be hating life at this exact moment if it weren't for the most beautiful--or at least I think he will be soon--little boy sleeping next to me.  It never gets old.  Even by #8 it is still just as exciting and wonderful.  How in the world did I get so lucky?

Introducing Joseph Soren Allen, reigning champion of the siblings, commanding respect from the first moment he breathed and striking fear into the hearts of all would-be challengers!  When he's not snuggling with his momma.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015


"Hey William, I need to you to gather and take out all the garbage for me."  Two shakes later I'm about to call him again when he appears saying he's ready.

A week later...
"Hey Audrey, I need you to grab this garbage for me and take it out."  Two shakes later, I'm about to call her again when I turn around and involuntarily scream.  She says she's ready.

And I'm left wondering:  Is there something wrong with our garbage or our children?

Monday, February 2, 2015


MJ and I went on a date.  You know, dinner, a movie, a run to the grocery store to get stuff for the next morning's Sunday breakfast.  We come home, tidy up, check on sleeping kids and animals and head up for bed.  In the bathroom I turn on the hot water to wash my grimy face, put my hair in a pony, and lo and behold!

 What's this tucked into my sweater?

Come to think of it, I had been playing hide and seek with Penelope and her little toy before we left, and she had been reaching for me and fussing when I walked out the door, and I had felt just a little uncomfortable sitting against that theater chair back for those two hours...

Gentle Readers, what is wrong with me?  I'm thinking if I dig around in the toy box enough I just might find my brain.

Monday, January 12, 2015


Somebody I know just started point.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Cabbage Patch Pippi

Love this little chub!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

During Sunday School a couple of weeks ago I was asked to read a scripture from the Old Testament.  I replied I could not, my dog ate my scriptures.  They laughed.  I did not.

Alas, I spoke truly.  My dog really did eat them.  Swallowed several pages.  In an effort to save her from certain destruction, Clara pleaded, "Mom, please try hard not to kill Gretel.  She didn't mean it! They just looked so tasty to her!"  This is especially sad for me because these were the set my folks gave me at my baptism nearly thirty years ago, and there are markings and thoughts contained in them from my childhood venturing into the world of doctrine, manifestions of real spiritual work and study.  Now is my opportunity to get another set of scriptures, introduce myself and make some memories with it...

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


What an honor to have a younger sibling for an artist.  Free portraits and everything.  Below is entitled simply "Clara," by Audrey.  She said that it is of a sad Clara, lost because "she din't stick where her family was."  This is usually accurate.  Minus the sad part...

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Allen Family Picture

Audrey walked in whilst I labored over house things, "Mom, I have a present for you.  It's a family picture that I drawed."  Then, in a scandelous whisper, "It's us being ladybugs!  Can you find Pip?"

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Driving down the driveway with James next to me (one of the advantages of a mile-long driveway), he pointed out rather academically that he knew what all those letters and numbers mean.
Me:  "Oh yeah?  What do they mean, I've always wondered."
James:  "Okay, I'll tell you:
          100 years old.
"It's pretty easy.  You just have to know stuff."

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Stop & Smell

Ironic.  Either the designer of this cute little shirt had no forethought or a devilish sense of humor.  I think the flowers featured here are a Dead Horse Arum Lily, Carrion Flower, Spit-Up Creeper, and Skunk Cabbage respectively.  Nuzzle in. I dare you...

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day

For all the Valentines in our lives (you know who you are!), the Allen ladies have prepared a festive visual snack:

Happy Valentine's Day!  With love from your ladies.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


It has been an eventful 2013, complete with location and personnel changes in Michael's endo practice, preparations for moving to a new house--including building the darn thing, having a baby (how did we ever live without this little lady?!), changes in callings at church and being welcomed by so many new friends in our new ward, trying out new sports (lacrosse? Yikes!), ballet and piano lessons out the ears, new puppy Gretel, new scars, new places visited, scores of beloved visitors, new stories to tell.  

We cherish the challenges and opportunities 2013 afforded us and hope that as a family we have shown the Lord through word and deed our gratitude for his blessings to our family: "What shall we give to the Lamb who was offered, rising the third day and shedding his love?  Tears for his mercy we'll weep at the manger, bathing the Infant come down from above."

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year Resolution

For my 2014 resolution, I, Anna, am committing to more faithfully update this blog--not necessarily for the amusement of the occasional cyber nomad who may stumble onto my blog accidentally, like a tourist happening upon an Indonesian train wreck, and who is compelled to stay for the same reason--but because some day my children may wonder about the thoughts of their mother and the workings of the simple life in the Burg from which they hail.  Additionally, I will more faithfully write in my personal journal all the things that aren't really of general interest.  (Not to imply that this blog necessarily is.)  Okay.  I've said it.  Now I have to do it.