Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Signs of Crawling Tortilleeth Treasure and Swimming Garden Bubble Pirates

Tortillas work well as teeth in a pinch. Actually, no they don't. But they are edible. We were feeding these little tortilla squares to Addie one day and she grinned in the middle of eating. I laughed because it looked like she had teeth (which she doesn't actually have yet) and I tried to demonstrate to Jason what I saw (he was in the other room when she smiled). This is what ensued: goofy pictures of nasty tortilleeth. Go ahead, use it as your screen background.

I introduced Addie to Bubbles the other day ( no, Bubbles is not a clown or a fish. Or a clown fish). I said, "Addie, meet Bubbles," and one popped on her face. It's an uneasy relationship right now, but it does keep her pretty entertained. She likes to poke them (and glare at them).

Addie thought it was high time to start crawling a few Sundays ago. She's into everything...especially garbages. She's kind of like a puppy that way, knocking over garbage cans and looking for stuff to put in her mouth.

After a few days of her new crawling routine she thought she'd spice up her act with some standing. She loves spending time in the bathroom...she throws her toys in the tub and then looks in and laughs. She's started taking some steps while hanging on to stuff, too. It's crazy how fast babies learn. I kinda think she's known how to do this stuff for awhile but decided to take advantage of getting carried around for a bit longer.

We planted our garden last Saturday. Addie sat in her high chair to oversee our work and eat some dirty sticks.

We dug up the ground a bit to till it before we planted, but what began as an innocent act of gardening soon turned into a thrilling pirate adventure. We started uncovering treasures from the '70s buried right in our garden. We were so close to finding a chest of gold coins, we could feel it. That's why we spent four hours digging a huge hole. Jason was shoveling and thinking up newspaper headlines in case we ended up in the news from our finds.

While in pursuit of gold, we uncovered tons of orange shag carpet and carpet padding (remnant featured on the left), a pair of size 5 1/2 ladies shoes (this is where I started getting creeped out and afraid we were going to find a body in our yard), candles, marbles...

...piles of super-old and falling apart electrical wires ( which make awesome photo subjects. This one's going above the mantle and maybe on a few t-shirts. Let me know if you want one)...

...fake logs, wax chunks, molding pieces, tons of painted wood chunks, and newspaper fragments. Here's the photo of all our finds (minus the tons of shag carpet that went straight into the garbage can).

We soon grew weary of our digging and still hadn't planted our garden, so we started filling in our hole (even though there's probably some gold in there still). We still have some halibut and salmon from J's Alaska fishing trip from three years ago in the freezer, so we switched from playing pirates to playing indians. J had the idea to bury the smelly fish in the garden for plant nutrients. After that exciting job, we finally planted our vegetables. Next year we'll bring up the chest.

My mom gave me two beautiful hanging baskets for Mother's Day! They hang on our porch and make our house feel loved and homey. I love them! I can't stop admiring them and passing them secret winks.

Monday was hot here, so I got out Addie's new pool and let her go for a swim in the yard. After a few laps and some ball-tossings, she was ready to get out at take a luscious nap.

Here is the last remaining non-black, double-scoop, giant spinning ice cream cone in this city. I finally got around to photographing it. Isn't it glorious? On a hot, dark night I may sneak over to climb up it and take a lick. It will be even better if its spinning.

And here's just another awesome sign for your optical pleasure. The costume company is long gone and now its a kitchen cabinet store. I'm glad they left the sign up because its pretty magical.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Happy Lumpy Rug Day

Today is Lumpy Rug Day! Here's everything you need to know to successfully celebrate this holiday:

"Lumpy Rug Day is intended to appreciate a good rug. A rug should be smooth, even, and definitely not lumpy. Many of us stretch out on a rug to watch TV, play games, and even catch 40 winks. If the rug is lumpy, you'll know it.

There are a number of ways to enjoy Lumpy Rug Day:

  • If you have a lumpy rug, toss it out and get a nice, lump-less rug.
  • If you once had a lumpy rug, take a minute to remember the soft, comfortable feel of the new rug when it arrived.
  • If you never had a lumpy rug, count your blessings. You don't know what you're missing."
To be honest, I've never had a lumpy rug and wasn't even aware that rugs could ever be in that condition. So, I will celebrate today by just being grateful for my three lump-less rugs. Life is so much better with those rugs because they give us a nice place to play with Addie, and they cover the ugly spots on our floors. Thank you, rugs.