RedChery Mobile application having more unique features compare with some other mobile application available on market. In this blog, I just wanna write some highlighted features of Redchery Mobile Apps.
Data Synchronization:
The most attractive enhancement feature in Redchery is the advanced data synchronization method, which enables an user completely synchronize the data in their mobile with their Redchery account. An user can sync data like address book, calendar events, to-do lists, appointments, remainders, alerts & other tasks. Your smart address book automatically updates your connected address books when linked members change their contact data; your contact information also stays updated in their address books. Keep contacts from all your favorite online address books in sync with RedChery’s address book.
Customer Relationship Management:
Redchery Mobile App is a boon to investors & business entrepreneurs. Redchery is capable of executing significant & most profitable CRM aspects like creating business leads, delivering customer requested information, retrieving business related queries and even, you can fix meetings and conferences with customers using Redchery! Using Redchery, corporates can leverage their business performances by keeping their employees always-in-touch. Employees can receive their company mails through Redchery at any time, new announcement can be spread easily among the employees. Totally, the connectivity between the employer & the employees becomes more open & easier.
Mobile Payment Options: Redchery has an another attractive enhancement feature which supports the advanced mobile payment options. Since the online payment gateways and Internet banking usages are peaking in this era, the need for mobile payment options are wider than ever. Redchery, Let's you to easily handle those on-line payment options by integrating your Internet banking accounts, payment gateways, credit card accounts & more with your Redchery user account and takes you to the next era of Hassle-free mobile payment options.
RedChery Games:
Redchery has the capability to emerge as a new platform for game developers, game publishers and especially, the players. Since, the Redchery's membership will constitute some big corporates, entrepreneurs, investors, technocrats and students, the game sector has a wide scope in Redchery. The game publishers can market their mobile games through Redchery and users can play those games, using their GPRS mobile, which is a more profitable marketing strategy for mobile game developers to deploy their new games in the market.
You can get all these, highlighted features on Redchery on its 30 Days Trial period too. Get Trial version now to use all these features on your mobile.
Hi guys, Here in this blog I gonna write about new mobile technology product called “RED CHERY, which is going to make a tough competition with Blackberry. This article will provide some details of Red chery product and its developers, enjoy and be updated.
India's southern city Madurai-based software firm AJ Square Consultancy Services Pvt Ltd has released , its very own application called Red Chery that pretty much does the same thing as BlackBerry. It fetches corporate e-mails on your mobiles.
Redchery Mobile Application is a patent protected data streaming technology by which mails from Gmail, Yahoo Mail plus, hotmail, rediff etc., (Private mail services) and MS exchange, IBM Lotus servers (Corporate mail services) were routed seamlessly irrespective of hand-held device, mobile operators and operating platform. Red Chery's advanced PIM (Personal Information Management) support allows the users to synchronize their mobile address book, to-do list, alerts, calendar events, tasks with their Red Chery account.
Red Chery users can retrieve their synced information at anytime and indirectly , it acts as a back-up for their information. When a user updates information, Red Chery updates the synced information, automatically and when an user changes his contact information, Red Chery updates them immediately to the other linked Red Chery users with that user. Redchery is developed with the vision “Device Independent, Platform Independent & Network Independent” and mission “World is playground”
High Lighted Features of Red Chery:
Get E-mails to your mobile
Monitor Multiple Email Accounts
Operator & Platform independent
Secure Synchronization & Data Transfer
Voice Mail
SMS Push
Synchronize Address/Events
Mail Signature
Send via Blutooth
Encryption Security
The most attractive enhancement feature in Red Chery is the advanced data synchronization method, which enables an user completely synchronize the data in their mobile with their Red Chery account. An user can sync data like address book, calendar events, to-do lists, appointments, remainders, alerts & other tasks.
Red Chery is a boon to investors & business entrepreneurs. Red Chery is capable of executing significant & most profitable CRM aspects like creating business leads, delivering customer requested information, retrieving business related queries and even, you can fix meetings and conferences with customers using Red Chery!
Red Chery has the capability to emerge as a new platform for game developers, game publishers and especially, the players. Since, the Red Chery's membership will constitute some big corporates, entrepreneurs, investors, technocrats and students, the game sector has a wide scope in Red Chery.
Have you excited with my new information on mobile(Redchery) world ? Hope you all waiting for quality services from Red chery than other service providers and of course me too. Get Free 30 days Redchery Trial for your Mobile Phones now with Free of cost.
AJ Square Inc has released, AJ Help desk software- a web based help desk script software on July 2009. Now AJ Square Inc announces that effective AJ Help Desk Services available in SaaS (Software as a Service) concept too. People can subscribe AJ Help desk SaaS service with more additional features.
The AJ Help desk software support product is a must-have for any new or existing on line business. Even if the majority of your business is off-line, many people prefer on line product and service support. Customers need their questions answered quickly and personnel need a way to effectively manage their work. Help desk software is an economic , easy-to-use and useful tool for the growth of your business.
It helps customers who can simply submit an inquiry to the appropriate department and expect a timely response. With the use of this product the customer and technical support staff are better able to manage troubleshooting.
AJ Help desk is a product designated for use by corporate organizations to look after or handle the interactions with customers including the complaints, suggestions, clearing doubts etc. If the services of such a software is availed, then the organization can focus on its core business, to improve productivity.
Top Reasons to Select AJ Help Desk SaaS
1.The service of helpdesk is offered through 'SAAS' concept, freeing people from the problems inherent to hosting activity at reasonable and affordable rental plans. Source code will be replicated for each user and separate database for each user ensuring privacy and confidentiality of your business data.
2.Live customer support services cannot be omitted from mentioning, as our online help desk system supports multiuser chat, provides facility for rating of chat by customers and files may be uploaded by the staff during the course of chat operation.
3.A series of remainder mails could be sent to staff at regular intervals, as per admin settings, in case the ticket gets reposted due to non resolution.
4.Rollback facility is available, by default for articles. Therefore, if any important details were accidentally deleted, the staff may switch over to previous version.
5.We have integrated the Google Analytics API code in the coding so that the admin can have a clear idea on the browsing pattern of the site.
Users can get free 30 days trial of AJ Help Desk SaaS by filling simple sign up form and no credit cards required. Get your customers fully satisfied with AJ Help Desk (SaaS) Services.
Based on Successful Business Model:AJ Article directory is developed based on powerful ezine (e-magazine) business model. Online magazines are the most successful revenue model in Internet industry delivering five best in class revenue streams
Direct Revenue from Subscription
Direct Revenue from Advertisement
Increasing Subscribers base (Registration is FREE for reading selective category of articles or brief summary of articles)
Content Amalgamation : User generated content : In this information era, content is the king, the site allows you the ability to gather content, which could be used to merge with the document that you are preparing. Contents are as valuable as gold.
Search Engine Visibility, Brand & Traffic : In Internet business, the brand value is it’s search engine visibility & traffic. Article directory is one among the best option to generate traffic.
Powerful: A PHP- MySQL based script, allowing you create your ezine (online magazine). Developed with MVC framework focusing the extensibility and scalability.
User Experience: It’s user friendly. Our team followed the standard HFI (Human Factors International) standards for human computer interactions. AJ Article Directory having user friendly navigation which can grab more visitors to post and comment on your directory.
Robust Directory System: AJ Article Directory build-in with robust category & sub-category management system, making it easy for the user to navigate. In AJ Article Directory People will never find difficulty to post or comment. AJ Article directory options simply lead the user to find their way.
Six Layer User Definitions:Guest – Registered Member – Subscriber – Author – Editor –Administrator, six well defined user classification. Admin can easily handle the six layer of users and can provide authority to post, comment and approve.
SEO Friendly : When it comes to search engine optimization for a website, one of the Key strategies that you should be using is to make use of meta tags on every individual web page within your site, especially when it comes to the title tag. The AJ Article V3.0 greatly helps in SEO operation. Social Bookmarking options will help article to be bookmarked easily by the readers. AJ Article Directory Provide unique Title Tag for each article published, which make search engine to index your article soon.
Quick Loading: AJ Article Directory build in with CSS & XHTML, It provides short loading time for your article directory. Loading time is an important factor to attract visitors. High load time sites will get low ranking in search engines.
Sinkable: Complete customizable Design & in default comes with six style switcher and AJ Article directory is easily customizable upon any extend upon request. Administrator can use this property to customize article directory.
Subscription Model:Subscription Model offersbest possible way to revenue generation. In AJ Article Directory script Multiple plans can be offered. Supporting PayPal, bank wire, Google Check out, So that user can easily get any one of subscription plans among various plans.
Write for us (join us author ) model :AJ Article Directory has an option for readers to become an author. They can simply write their feed back and author request. Depends upon administrator approval, they can become a successful author in your directory.
Editor approval system: Editor Approval System let quality articles to be on top in directory list. No Spam will be allowed in article directory. This AJ Article is provided with Bad word Filter that automatically scans articles or comments as they are submitted and automatically changes. It will ensuring the quality of published articles in Article Directory.
Good Navigation Structure, Powerful Search Engine, A-Z index:Article Directory users can easily navigate from one place to other without any difficulties, Because AJ Article Directory provides you well formed navigation structure. Search engines will index A-Z contents of your article directory easily.
Keyword Search, Search by Author Name, Cloud Tags: User can be search for particular keyword or author name in very short period. Cloud Tags format of articles will help end user to select required article using tags.
Recent, Popular Articles, Most Commented, Rated as Useful:Articles can be categorized in Recent, Popular, Most Commented and Rated us Useful, so that end user can choose the articles from any one of the category.
User Comment System with build-in abuse controls:AJ Article Directory provides you built-in abuse control system for end user comment. It will automatically stop the comment which featured abusive words. It will ease the workload on admin to moderate those comments.
Print, View as PDF options: AJ Article Directory provide an option to print the article, you can directly print the document from site to printer. In addition users can view the published articles in PDF format.
Build-in advertisement system : AJ Article Directory extends support for Google Ads or similar ads system. It will let you earn more revenue via Article directory. The Ads can be placed in the article page. It supports text, banner ads too.
Simple & advanced Search:Our AJ Article Script has some advanced search features , Filter by article title,author, published date and also categories . It will recommend keywords , authors and title options. This search facility brings down the time spent on searching article on a particular topic.
Archive Feature, minimizing the delay in search:This is also an advanced search option, this search is normally used to find articles which have been relegated to the 'Archive' section. The member can easily opt for Advanced Search so that articles in the Archive can be retrieved. This feature, thus reduces the delay in search.
Social Bookmarking, HTML embedding option, email to friend:This option helps to increase the traffic to your site. These widgets helps the end users to share the article and hence the traffic to the site can be increased. In addition the end user can mail the particular page to his/her friends using 'Email to friend 'option in AJ Article directory.
Editor’s Pick Option for front page display: The editor can pick a article for displaying it prominently in the front page display. The article with unique and cogent content may be picked for this purpose. This makes the valuable articles available for the end user without searching for it.
Top Articles based on no. of readings: An article which has been most read by people will snag top position in the list. Hence, quality articles will automatically find their way towards the top.
Built-in Poll Publishing System: Poll system is vital to carry on a lively and interactive session. AJ Article directory script possesses this most useful feature. There is no restriction for participation in polls, it is open for all members.
Built-in CMS for managing about us & related content pages: This feature is 100 percent browser based and it is easy to use the WYSIWYG editor. AJ Article directory will let admin to manage the contents of the article directory.
Video Profile for authors: Generally ,to join as a author he has to enter his name, his bio-data, any URL blog site of his presentation & Profile video with self presentation. Apart from entering the above details he has to sign up the Terms & Condition and then submit. The admin verifies the same taking the help of sub-admin or Editor. Video profile creates more exposure to authors.
HSA game studio. It is a part of AJ Square Incorporation, commenced with the purpose of developing top quality online casual games. A consequence of this commitment was the development of ‘HSA Game Studio’ project. Aim to present a game portal for the growing community of online gamers.
Now Hill stone animation studio has released the beautiful hidden object cum adventures game “My Beautiful Vacation” which has more fun and thrill. In this fabulous game, you are going to play the role of Jack who is gonna find the hidden things by crossing more adventures stages.
Play the role of Jack, the fun-loving teenager, and experience a Colorful Carnival! Travel with him to witness a new world full of wonder in My Beautiful Vacation. The journey includes adventures in a bird’s sanctuary, an amusement park, a studio, a magic tent, an aquarium and many other fun locations! Use your Hidden Object talents to help Jack, known for his enthusiasm and bravery, relive some of his favorite memories.
Game Features:
Multiple mini games
Perplexing puzzles and riddles
Enjoy a Beautiful Vacation!
System Requirements:
OS: Windows XP/Vista
CPU: 1.6 GHz
RAM: 1024 MB
DirectX: 9.0
Hard Drive: 119 MB
Hill Stone Animation Studio is a Apple authorized game developers, PC games as well as Iphone games. You can get My beautiful Vacation game on Apple Store too. Have fun with the game “ MY BEAUTIFUL VACATION” and enjoy the vacation.
AJ Square Inc's Hill stone animation studios has started , it's new wing to develop iphone and ipod touch game. They have developed and released few games on Apple store which break record in sales and got more and more positive reviews from customers.
After, the successful game Bewilder and Relic hunt for iphones, They have released Park- In game for iphones and ipod touch devices. The game has wonderful features and would be the feast for iphone freaks.
Game Description:
Park In is a challenging puzzle game that will keep the players absorbed in it. Use your logical skills and park the boat in the right place, use the colors as guidance. With about 25 levels to play on, gain maximum points with minimum moves and prove your wit. Warm up your brain & sharpen your puzzling skills. It will definitely the gift for people who crazy about cars and driving.
Hi Folks, This blog definitely going to be great one for iphone game lovers and this is about the iphone game release of Hill Stone Animation Studio. HSA game studio. It is a part of AJ Square Incorporation, commenced with the purpose of developing top quality online casual games. A consequence of this commitment was the development of ‘HSA Game Studio’ project. Aim to present a game portal for the growing community of online gamers.
Hill stone animation studio has started a new iphone wing , few month before and it released it first iphone game Bewilder which has broken more sales record. Now the studio has designed and released the awesome hidden object game “RELIC HUNT”, on apple store. Definitely it will gonna be a great fun for iphone freaks. The simple story line of Relic Hunt game given below.
“ Enact the role of Marcus, who is determined to gain possession of all the riches his late grandfather had kept concealed across seven strange islands. The adventurous expedition will offer wholesome entertainment. In between the hidden object location levels, you will also come across levels presenting puzzles, which you could solve using your intellect and move on to explore other mysterious islands. Themes provided are enormous in number and each takes you to a relatively new and exciting world.”
AJ Square Inc – Global Software development company focus on business applications and IT Services. Our competence & experience ensure that we deliver excellent services and products to our customers. AJ Products like Auction Software, Matrix Script, Shopping Cart Software, HYIP Script, LMS, Redchery Mobile Applications, Classifieds Ad Script and Article Script.