Tuesday, July 3, 2012

 My awesome sister Kristen took some newborn shots of Cohen last week. Aren't they adorable?!

Cohen Bryan Jolley is born!

 Cohen Bryan Jolley was born on 6/22/12 at 5:04pm weighing in at 7lbs 4 oz and 22 inches long. I came in for my induction that morning but started regular contractions the minute I got there. Crazy little guy wanted to come that day anyway :) SO they waited on the pitocin for a while and let my body do its thing. This delivery really was way too easy. I decided to get the epidural super early cuz the anesthesiologist was scheduled out with 4 c-sections and I didn't want to have to wait for it when I actually needed it. Best decision ever! Once I was all numbed up I just hung out and enjoyed the day... all the while starving! By 4:45 I was still only at a 6 and the nurse had me switch over to my other side, within 15 minutes I was at a 10 and ready to go. The doc got there and had me push 3 times and he was out. He was super blue for a minute or 2 but was cracking out little screams so we weren't too nervous. He so much lighter than my other two when they were born, blond eyebrows and lashes and light brown hair. He looks just like they do though... definitely a Jolley!

 The boys were SO excited to come see him the next morning.

I'm completely out numbered by the handsome boys in my life!!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

 With my first pregnancy I took a picture every month to document my growing belly. With my second I was lucky to get one every few months. So I wasn't surprised to realize I hadn't taken a single pic of this last little guy growing. Thankfully I have a very talented sister who took a few pics of me 2 days ago before I have him in 6 1/2 weeks... but who's counting right? :)

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Someone turned 2 last week!!
Powdered donuts for breakfast as requested :)
And I made him an Elmo cake that night (he's been asking for one for the last few months!)

I took a couple pics of him that day with his favorite treat in the world.. a sucker! He was thrilled at the size of this one!
What a fun guy he is... so much personality!! He makes us laugh all day long! What a blessign he is to have him in our family! Happy Birthday big Drewsers!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Baby #3

I'm a little late on this announcement as I'm already half way through my pregnancy but... another (and last) baby boy will be joining our family at the end of June! It has been an extremely difficult/sickening pregnancy so far but I know it will be worth it in the end!!! I'm so excited to meet this busy little guy! (As are his brothers who KNEW it was a boy!)

Friday, October 28, 2011

Gavin turned 4

I can't believe Gavin turned 4 already!! He requested an alligator cake and powdered donuts for breakfast.

We love this big guy!!


 On Gavin's birthday we wandered out to Cornbelly's with all his cousins and had a blast!
Cason, Drew, Brans, Gavin, and Ty
Belly of the beast... by far the scaries thing Gavin has ever done... every single one of this kids were in tears and screaming by the time we got out!

I KNOW we will be back each year! It had SO many fun things to do... we could have stayed there all day and night!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Look who had a birthday!

 I had a birthday... I turned 29. I don't know how time passes by so quickly! But I feel so blessed to be where I am in life! I had my creative older sister to coach me in a camping theme for the kiddos to enjoy! Here's my first "original" tent birthday cake! I was pretty proud of myself for making it :)

We headed up the canyon for a little campfire, hot dog, marshmallow roasting celebration!

Here's to one more year in my 20's!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

We moved.. just in case you didn't hear :)

We moved... 2 weeks ago to be exact.

(Forts were most of my way of entertaining while everything was packed)

This would make move number 10 in the 5 years we've been married. And unfortunately there will be at least one more move, and hopefully the last move, for a long time. This time there was a big change though... not just a change of towns, but a change of state and job. We've been longing for some real sunshine (as Seattle doesn't offer much of that!) and a little less time in the rain. We had an awesome opprtunity come up in Salt Lake City, Ut... we couldn't pass it up. Devin interviewed for over a month.. then bam.. 2 weeks later we moved to Utah. So here we are now in downtown Salt Lake and LOVING it! Sorry if we didn't get to say goodbye... we left in such a hurry we didn't get to see everyone we would have liked to! (But we're loving the sunshine!!)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Fourth Fun!

We started out our Fourth of July festivities at the Parade on the waterfront. The boys loved all the fire trucks, flags and balloons.

Then home for the little guys nap and a little time for mom to make some red, white and blue cupcakes!

After a little snooze, we headed over to our good friends to join in their block party BBQ.

Drew was enamored with the 2 dogs and made some awesome roars when he would get near them. (not barking.. a full on lion roar)

We ate ice cream while watching the street fireworks.

Our friends Reggie and Michelle and their ADORABLE baby Addyson.

Then we headed home for baths and bedtime for Drew. We kept Gavin up for the fireworks (they don't go off until 10:15 here) and took him up to the roof to watch them. It was pretty awesome!