I know I am back tracking a bit but I wanted to share these cute pictures from Regan's 5th grade party. They went bowling. Then we had a big pep assembly that I put together that was the game show Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader? It turned out really cute. Here was Regan's group of friends she bowled with:
This is her best friend Marlena.
by the way one of the ways we saved on cost was to have them bowl in their socks. We didn't have to pay for the rental of the bowling shoes. We also had a crazy sock contest. The kids thought that was a lot of fun!
This is Regan's other favorite friend Taylor.
This is the kids dancing at the Pep assembly. Then below are shots taken of the game Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader. This is my friend Michele who also has a 5th grader that was the host of the show. We played it a little differently than the game show in that we had four contestants and the first to ring in got a chance to answer the question correctly. Our contestants were three of the 5th grade teachers as well as the school principal.
We put in lots of hard questions such as - What are the names of Harry Potter's parents. Can you believe none of them knew that one? No worries the 5th graders definitely did!
Then at the end we had one winner Mrs. Winkelman. She was wearing her prize with pride!
Then true to the game show we made each of the other contestants say I am _____ and I am NOT smarter than a 5th grader on the mike in front of the entire 5th grade class.
and yep that would be the school principal who was such a good sport and played right along.
It was a really fun day and a great way to have the 5th grade class celebrate their last day in elementary!