Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Swim Camp

This week I signed both the girls up for Swim Camp. It is not too far from our house and is very nice pool. It is from 10 am to 5 pm each day. They start the day out with 2 hours of swimming lessons and then have lunch, that I have packed for them. Then they have the rest of the day free to play in the pool.

When I come to pick them up this is often the scene I find. . .them lounging on the Lazy River or going down the water slide.

We are now on day three of swim camp and I love that both girls are having so much fun and getting lots of exercise. But I gotta say they both have an interesting tan/burn line that resembles a raccoon from their goggles. . .and are VERY tired/cranky at the end of day.
Let's see if Erin makes it to her 8:00 bedtime. Last night she made it to 6:30. . .he he. That works for me!

Splash Park

I had a friend tell me about this really great Splash Park. What a nice place to bring the kids on a lazy afternoon when it is sunny out. Best part is - it's totally FREE! 

Check out this really fun Zip Line too. 
If you look hard enough you can see Regan in one of the above pics. She is wearing a purple suit.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Happy 8th birthday to Erin

When I asked Erin what she would like for her birthday she said I want gummy worms, gummy bears - I want a GUMMY birthday!! So here is the cake I made for her:

Here is her reaction: 

We also took her to Chuck E Cheese for the day and everyone had a great time!

That is maybe for daddy as he had just gotten back from the dentist getting a cavity filled. Half his face was still numb from Novocaine. 

Regan hit the jackpot on this one and got 100 tickets! 
Here is Erin opening her presents: 
Erin got the wallet she has been asking for for months now. 
Now Erin has her very own CLAW machine! 

Big brother Jordan got her the new Mater Wii game! 
Pretty new Disney Princess doll set 
Then the end of the day I think we had one very happy birthday girl!

Good grief - look mom I gave myself a hickey

This picture is actually a couple months old but one I had to share. I noticed this strange mark on the bridge of Erin's nose and I said what in the world happened to your nose Erin? She said she got it from this toy.

So apparentley she put this toy on her nose and the suction created a - hickey right on the bridge of her nose. Ugh!

Happy 19th Birthday to Jordan

Jordan just had his 19th birthday this weekend. We took him and Arielle to his favorite restaurant Black Bear diner. Then came home to eat some birthday cake. 

Wasn't it nice for Noah to join us for Jordan's birthday party? 

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Field Day

I went to help at Field Day at the girls' school. I ended up working a bean bag toss game. Because I was stationed at this game I did not get to go around and see what other things the girls were up to. This was the only shot I got of either of the girls playing in the MANY activities there were provided for the kids. Regan didn't even make it over my way.

Then I stayed and ate lunch with Erin. Look at this little bitty baby hot dog they gave me for lunch. Isn't it cute?

Cheap fun

One day the girls and I were having some cabin fever but I didn't really have the money to spend on an outing. So instead this is what we did, believe it or not one of their favorite things dropping the glass into the recycle bin. Who doesn't love to have permission to throw a jar in a bin and hear the CRASH as it hits the others?

Then I had two coupons for a free doughnut thanks to our local grocery stores summer peel it game. I also had some free Jamba juice smoothie certificates thanks to a deal I had purchased the month before. So other than the price of gas this whole treat was FREE!

Miss Nelson is Missing

Erin (or shall I say Olivia because all of her 2nd grade class knows her still as Olivia but this will soon change come 3rd grade) went on a field trip one of the last weeks of school. We went to a local theater production of the book Miss Nelson is Missing. Here is Miss Olivia before the show started.

Can you tell she was a little excited? 

Then this is the kids lining up to meet the actors in the play after the show. It was a really cute show that taught the lesson on why it is important to behave in school. 

Erin with her classmates and Miss Nelson herself.

We then went to a local beach to eat lunch. Goodness it was a gorgeous day. We ate and then the kids lined the short tossing rocks into the ocean.

5th grade party

I know I am back tracking a bit but I wanted to share these cute pictures from Regan's 5th grade party. They went bowling. Then we had a big pep assembly that I put together that was the game show Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader? It turned out really cute. Here was Regan's group of friends she bowled with:

This is her best friend Marlena. 

by the way one of the ways we saved on cost was to have them bowl in their socks. We didn't have to pay for the rental of the bowling shoes. We also had a crazy sock contest. The kids thought that was a lot of fun!

This is Regan's other favorite friend Taylor. 

This is the kids dancing at the Pep assembly. Then below are shots taken of the game Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader. This is my friend Michele who also has a 5th grader that was the host of the show. We played it a little differently than the game show in that we had four contestants and the first to ring in got a chance to answer the question correctly. Our contestants were three of the 5th grade teachers as well as the school principal.

We put in lots of hard questions such as - What are the names of Harry Potter's parents. Can you believe none of them knew that one? No worries the 5th graders definitely did!

Then at the end we had one winner Mrs. Winkelman. She was wearing her prize with pride!

Then true to the game show we made each of the other contestants say I am _____ and I am NOT smarter than a 5th grader on the mike in front of the entire 5th grade class.

and yep that would be the school principal who was such a good sport and played right along. 

 It was a really fun day and a great way to have the 5th grade class celebrate their last day in elementary!