Thursday, December 31, 2009

Hope you have a wonderful New Year!

I hope your New Year brings you lots of great things (such as the Barbie MP3 player you have begged for all year)

I hope this new year is not full of bumps along the way and if that so happens I hope you have lots of helping hands to reach those pesky itchy spots.

If your New Year is waiting for you with lots of new adventures (sniff sniff) I hope you are given all the tools you need to excel in every way!

Happy New Year from the Meyer family!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Happy Holidays!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Thanks Grandma!

for these adorable matching pjs! The girls both love them so much! We of course had an awesome time opening up all kinds of goodies from family and Santa Claus too. We wanted to tell everyone thank you so much for all the fun stuff you sent our way we loved it! Hope you guys are having a great time with all your fun goodies as well!

My present from Erin

Christian and I take the girls out and let them each buy a present for mom and dad of their choice. See what Erin chose to give mommy? Does she know her mommy well or what? Hope you got all your Christmas wishes!

I got my biggest wish I actually had my husband home for Christmas this year! That rarely happens at our house with his work schedule!

Merry Christmas everyone!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Hope you are having a happy and healthy Christmas!

Jordan is on the uphill swing. I took this picture of him the day after he had his surgery to remove his wisdom teeth. (yeah that's what all great moms do right ;) Poor kid it was like the day after a car accident he was suffering! See the little spot on the side of his lip yeah they actually cut his lip a bit with the device that is used to keep his mouth open during the procedure.

Now that is has been a week since his surgery he is looking much better that spot has healed up and he is looking less and less like a chipmunk every day. He actually ate a real dinner with us the other night that wasn't soup! He is down to only taking Advil for the swelling and no more pain pills. Thanks for the all the prayers we really appreciate it! On his follow up appointment the Dr said he was a good healer so I am thinking the prayers worked.

Hope all of you are having a happy and healthy holiday season!

Merry Christmas from the Merry Meyers!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Sing along at Erin's school

Today was the kids last official day of school before Christmas break. Erin's school had a Sing a Long that all the parents were invited to. In the first picture you can see Erin being led out by her teacher and of course she is just like her sister in having to be stylish now with a scarf every day!

The next few shots are of her and and a friend having fun doing all the actions to the songs they were singing. Aren't they fun?

The finale of the show was when they sang Santa Claus is coming to Town. Guess what Santa really came to their school for a visit! So generous of him knowing how busy he is this time of year!

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Just wanted to let everyone know Jordan made it out of his surgery just fine. He is pretty swollen, sore, and well down right cranky. They said the full swelling will not set in until day 7 so here's to hoping we are heading the downhill swing of healing soon!

Thanks so much for all the prayers, texts, and phone calls. He wanted me to let everyone know he appreciates the support ;)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I usually forgo the Gingerbread house b/c it always just falls and ends in disaster. I decided to go for it this year. Yep those cups there are holding the roof up! Oh well we had fun and yummy samples!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Christmas Concert

Today was the Children's Christmas program at church. Can you spot Regan in this picture? She's there....

This was Regan during the singing portion. Yeah I know I couldn't see her either. Whose bright idea was it to put a tall girl directly in front of her?

This is her trying to peak around and see.

Here is Erin so excited to finally get a chance to participate in her first ever Christmas program like a big kid!

And here is Erin clapping for herself. I think she thinks they did a great job ;)

They all did a fabulous job. Lots of lovely music with a wonderful message that although it is the same every year I never tire of hearing it and it becomes so magical when told through the eyes of a child and is a wonderful reminder of the real reason for the season!

Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Tis the Season to be......Busy!

Doesn't it seem like this time of year there is so much to do to get ready for the big holiday? Seems like every activity the family is involved in need to have a end of the season party.

We are enjoying all the of the festivities. In this picture you can see Michaels craft day I took the girls to. Fun day!

Hope you and your family are enjoying this holiday season! Please pray for Jordan this next week as he goes in to get all four of his wisdom teeth removed. They are all four impacted so you know fun fun. Poor kid hope he is feeling better by the time Christmas is here!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Conversation with Erin on the way home from school

Erin: Guess what mom Matthew has three girlfriends and I am one of them.

Me: What?! Who is this Matthew?

Erin: There are two Matthews on our bus one with blue hair and one has an ipod.

Me: And which one is this Matthew?

Erin: The one with the ipod

(Okay should I be relieved?)

Me: Erin now why in the world would you want to be this boy's girlfriend?

Erin: He is my friend I - he is my best friend actually.

Me: I am doubting that Erin since this is the first time I have ever heard his name. Now you do realize you can be his friend without being his girlfriend. Beside you are waaay too young for such things. You just tell him thanks but no thanks let's just be friends.

Okay seriously people why am I having the conversation of Let's Just be Friends with my six year old? Oye I swear I could feel my hair turning gray from this conversation! Not even close to wrapping my mind around such things with my BABY!

Monday, November 23, 2009

I got burned

Okay for those of you that know the procedure I had done that title might make you giggle. I had my outpatient procedure done and it all went just fine. I was in and out pretty quick.

I am still trying to fight off the groggy after effects of the medications and feeling a bit nauseous this evening. Of course also a bit of cramping but I seriously thank the Lord for the invention of Ibuprofen it does wonders for me (plus my trusty heating pad)

I want to thank all of you for your calls, sweet words, and most of all your prayers!!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

I think I officially hit the point where I am not the youngin any more

It seriously seems like it was yesterday that I was getting that nod like"uh huh yeah, you know all about what, whatever you are just too young to understand." Something happened one night as I slept because I woke up and became the person on the other side of that nod. It all started with my own medical issues and the doctors discussing with me a possibly hysterectomy. Even though I decided not to go that route and for an ablation instead (scheduled for this Monday) it is like psychologically my brain said girl you just jumped from being the young one to the Over the hill crowd. I swear I was sitting in church the other day and all of a sudden out of no where I felt like some one had turned the heat ALL the way up. I grabbed my program and fanned myself furiously I looked around to find it was only me that was feeling like I was sitting in a wool sweater in the July sun. Yep I think I was experiencing a hot flash! After a couple minutes my internal thermometer seemed to be going back to normal but I was still a bit shook up. Seriously people is 35 over the hill?

I am so bummed I really feel like I am just starting to come into my own now. I am starting to get myself now. By that I mean I am more understanding of my weaknesses and learning how to cope with them. I am embracing my strengths and try to use those to their best advantages. I even feel like I am getting better with my relationships in trying to understand them and how we can improve. Hmmmm wait a minute maybe this getting older thing isn't so bad I'm also getting...wiser?

All right I guess the fact that our bodies just don't want to stay like they were when we were 18 all fit, tone, and well smokin hot (if I do say myself) ;) is definitely a bummer. Man do I still wish I had the insane metabolism I had at that age! There are some up sides to getting older. No more midnight feedings and still having to be up the next morning to be glamorous mom, starting to get a better understanding of myself and enjoying my life quite honestly and also realizing that boring is a good thing. Why oh why did we so love the drama? I seriously don't get my younger self!

I have to say though that even though I am starting to embrace this getting older thing the whole body wearing out thing does at times scare me. Just yesterday my friend who had let me know her 34 year old husband was going in for some testing for his heart had to rushed in to have a bypass of 5 arteries! Wow it really makes you think this is the time to really love those around you and realize this life we are given is a gift and what we do with it is our responsibility.

I am looking at today as a gift and during this season of Thanksgiving I want to let each of you reading this know I am thankful for you and what you are to me in my life.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Final shots from Football

Here are the last of the shots from Jordan's football game. (remember he is #29) Those boys had such a hard time just planting their foot in a stable spot. That ground was muddy and SLICK! Yep one of the boys (thankfully not Jordan) twisted his ankle hard in that mud mess. It was almost humorous watching them try to run around and see through the pouring rain and the ball itself was like grease lightening as well! They moved Jordan to defense and he got some good hard hits in, but when he came home that night let me tell you he was FILTHY. He took a hot shower and went straight to bed!

In hind sight I was so nervous about him trying out football especially since he didn't join the team until his Junior year. But now looking back I am so glad he tried. I am actually quite proud of him for putting himself out there and sticking with it! He made a lot of great friends and definitely got in shape. His coach is an amazing man that really makes sure the boys that leave his program leave with the values he wants to instill. On the last Thursday night dinner he asked each of the boys to stand up and repeat a quote that they thought captured what they had learned from their football experience. Here is Jordan's:

"It's not about winning the game, it's about wanting to win the game."

So hoping that means he is saying you need to have a positive outlook on life? Anyway this chapter is now closing and even though I am relieved this football will no longer be taking over our lives I am feeling a bit sentimental about the fact that we are beginning to see a lot of Jordan's chapters ending and his adult chapters will be opening soon....

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Senior Night

Jordan's high school football is now over. His last game was on Friday night. They honored the Seniors that night and had the parents come out on the field with them. It was a very nice little ceremony. Can I just insert in here that it was literally POURING sheets of rain that night. So yeah only in the Seattle area does the show keep going on. I had to laugh as Jordan came out to greet Christian and I at the end of the line he was suppose to present me with the rose. We walked on and his coach had to say not so under his breath Give the flower to your MOM! He just giggled and said oh yeah here mom. That kid you gotta love him, I know we sure do! ;)

Anyway after the ceremony Christian I went back to the car two very wet parents and turned on the heat full blast to dry off. Thankfully we got a great parking spot and could see the game from our car!

They unfortunately lost the game but I still enjoyed getting to see Jordan get some good hits in! Poor Jordan was just soaked to the bone. I think he had a good time but suffered for it the next day as he slept on and off all day and coughed his lungs out.

Thanks to Arielle who took the pictures for us from the stands!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Extreme fun

How do you turn it up a notch and have even more fun at an old classic like pillow fights? Blind folded of course! Yep this is what I saw when I came in to see what the ruckus was about in the other room. Erin with the stocking cap over her eyes and Regan with a scarf tied around her eyes. Lots of laughter and noise. Oye...

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Trick or Treat 2009

Here are our two girlies all dressed up for Halloween. Regan is Hermoine from Harry Potter complete with the fantastic wand that the Lamb family sent her for her birthday. Erin is Hello Kitty. Aren't they just so cute?

We went to the Harvest Fest at our church they had a chili supper, games, and trunk or treating. Jordan and Arielle helped with the games so we all went and had a great time! Erin made me laugh as she was so excited and ran to go do the trunk or treating and looked at me really nervous and said Mommy I just don't know what I am suppose to say Trick or Treat or Trunk or Treat. I assured her either way would work just fine ;)

Friday, October 30, 2009

Happy Spider Day!

We cannot celebrate Halloween at schools any more so Erin's 1st grade class decided instead to celebrate Spider Day. Leading up to today her class learned all about spiders in their Science class so this was also a fun way to end this section of learning. They made these adorable spider hats (yes us moms got the pleasure of blowing them all up). Then they made some fun snacks with Ritz crackers icing and pretzels to make their own spider looking snack. I always love and appreciate the opportunity I have to help in my kids classes. I left right before lunch Erin was not happy to see me leave. I told her mommy has to go home because I am very hungry she got puppy dog eyes and told me she would share her lunch with me. It almost worked....almost.

I also need to add the tshirt was a gift from Grandma Meyer. Erin loved it as the question mark so appropriately had a spider on it!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Fun in the mud

Thought I would share with you where our family has been most Monday and Friday evenings. Watching Jordan play in the mud! Let me tell you I am not sure I have ever cleaned dirtier clothes than after his games!

If you look at the players he is #29 with the white Under Armor shirt on. (those Under Armor shirts are the best things to get for your kids if they play sports! They wick the moisture off them keeping them dry and warm!)

These pictures are from a home game that they beat the other team 7-0 and Jordan got in a lot of good plays. They had him playing defense which is not where he usually is. I was a little nervous as he was going against some of these REALLY big boys but discovered what the coach was thinking when I saw him in action he is small and fast so he is hard to catch!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Hi Regan!

Just a heads up to friends and family who blog. Regan reads all of these blogs every day and if she could figure out how to comment she would. So just keep this in mind while blogging she loves them and reads them every single day!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Corn Maze

We have never done the Corn Maze before with our kids and decided this year to give it a go. Regan was really pumped and excited. Erin decided she would pair up with daddy and Regan went with me. I decided to let Regan be in charge of the map. Yeah I know...

We seemed to keep going round and round and at one time I swear we ended back up at the start but Miss Regan was very determined. It reminded me a bit of the Harry Potter movie when they were stuck in the Labyrinth of shrubs. If only I could get someone to come in and help us out. I was starting to get really hungry as this was very close to our dinner time and it was starting to get dark.

We find a look out and we can see nothing but corn in front of us. Oh boy! Let me tell if I heard it once I heard it hundred times. "I think if we just cut through the corn we will make it right here." NO we are NOT cutting through the corn!

Thankfully after what seemed like an eternity and was beginning to creep me out as I started to remember what other this movie made me think of "Children of the Corn" we made it out and got to go home to some nice warm dinner I made for everyone while daddy rinsed off everyone's muddy boots.

You may have noticed Jordan wasn't with us. He is now a Senior in high school and is so busy with his own activities we feel lucky when he is able to do things with us now a days. Awww he's growing up :(

Monday, October 26, 2009

Happy Fall Y'all!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Picking the perfect Pumpkin

We went to the pumpkin patch this week to pick our pumpkins. We are a little late in the season this year to get this done but the awesome thing about this is that our two pumpkins together were marked down to less than $2!

The girls have very different techniques in picking our their pumpkin. Regan walked around stood there and ah ha found the perfect one right away. Erin on the other hand ran from aisle to aisle saying awww look at this one it's so cute I think I will name this one Plumpy. I would say is that the one you want? Noooo I don't think say awww look at this one I am going to name this one Stumpy because he was such a nice stem. Is this the one you want Erin? Noooo I need to keep looking. Then she spotted a bunch of tiny pumpkins. MOMMY mommmy mommy look at the baby pumpkins! I want one of these! So we have a baby pumpkin for Erin this year. It's so hard to choose isn't it?

Friday, October 23, 2009

They are going to drive me to the Parent Pick up Line!

I recently read a post on someone's blog about what a nightmare parent pick up line can be at school. It made me glad that my girls ride the bus. Let me tell you that lately it has been a down right nightmare! You all know it rains A LOT here so most of the winter months I drive the girls down to our bus stop. We live at the end of a very narrow one way street so narrow there is no place for a bus to turn around the bus picks them up at the end of the road. Yes thats right, right on the highway. Imagine us being picked up on W (this may be something only a few can relate too ;)

Anyway since the road is so narrow last year I parked in this guy's over abundance of a driveway waiting with the girls for the bus well this year he decided no more of that and said it was his property and he didn't want us parking there any more. So that is fine we parked on the other side of the road which happens to be a business that sells windows. This guy came out and asked us not to park there either as apparently the 10 minutes we park there it is hindering his business. Whatever! So we end up parking right on the road and yep cars just have to go around us. They have learned to deal with it the 10 minutes it takes for the bus to get there.

The last couple weeks the city has decided to do construction on our road. So if the congestion problem wasn't bad enough we have now added huge construction equipment and holes they have dug that would swallow a grown man! Today I was sitting there as usual waiting for the bus it was raining so hard you could hardly hear the radio. One of the construction workers asks me if we can move the van. I said um we are waiting for the bus. I explain why I can't park any where else. He says can the kids just wait outside while you move? Okay yeah right you crazy man. Let's just have the kids get drenched to the bone and stand here right next to this mammoth sized construction truck you are operating that is actually tearing up the asphalt on this road. What exactly about this sentence sounds like something a mother would agree to? I told him I DON'T THINK SO. 5 seconds later the bus pulled up and all was happy again.

I am telling you this is all about to drive me to the parent pick up line though!

The opposite Sex

Jordan came in and told Christian and I he had a project he needed to do for his church youth group. First he asked me What do you think I should know about women?

I said hmmm how about if a woman asks you if I look fat in this the answer is ALWAYS no!

He says okay - I look over his shoulder and he writes women love flattery. I say HEY that is not what I said! He said yeah it is.....ugh!

Then he asks Christian the same question What do you think I should know about women?

Christian says Even if you are right always let her win and let her be right its just easier.
I look over Jordan's shoulder and he writes this word for word!

I look up and say I don't think I am happy with the men in my life today! Christian says I don't blame you I wouldn't be either.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Note I found

I hate this!

Wow this is the worst day!!

I hate silent bus

Me too

It's boring

Why can't we get jet packs and fly home?

Because we don't have any and that was a stupid question

Well it would be nice

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Homecoming 2009

Jordan went to his first Homecoming dance this weekend. Doesn't he look snazzy in his new suit? His date Arielle looks awful pretty in her dress too! They just make the cutest couple. Awww puppy love ;).