Showing posts with label english. Show all posts
Showing posts with label english. Show all posts

07 October 2009

Moore is less

As some may have noticed I have moved more to a bit of commentary here and there and less to blog posts, but as I had done before and put down over-long comments, I continue to do.  So to capture some of that blather, I will hand you what I put down at Hot Air which had an article about Michael Moore being interviewed by Sean Hannity and the question of forgiving of al Qaeda in respect to WWJD was brought up by Moore.  Most of the interview was spent on such things as Moore's recent movie and how those NINJAs that took loans were, to Moore, equivalent of rape victims... because they entered into contracts as adults and couldn't meet their obligations.

Little does anyone suspect that these two things, forgiveness of al Qaeda and loans from contracts, are intimately entwined.

I just have to go back a bit to show why.

What follows is as posted in the commentary, and as I am pretty busy I probably won't be able to respond there as being a little bit better doesn't mean I'm at all physically well.

* * *

al Qaeda is not just a foe nor even normal enemy. Such is the view of Law of Nations as seen by de Vattel in Book III:

§ 67. It is to be distinguished from informal and unlawful war.

Legitimate and formal warfare must be carefully distinguished from those illegitimate and informal wars, or rather predatory expeditions, undertaken either without lawful authority or without apparent cause, as likewise without the usual formalities, and solely with a view to plunder. Grotius relates several instances of the latter.5 Such were the enterprises of the grandes compagnies which had assembled in France during the wars with the English, — armies of banditti, who ranged about Europe, purely for spoil and plunder: such were the cruises of the buccaneers, without commission, and in time of peace; and such in general are the depredations of pirates. To the same class belong almost all the expeditions of the Barbary corsairs: though authorized by a sovereign, they are undertaken without any apparent cause, and from no other motive than the lust of plunder. These two species of war, I say, — the lawful and the illegitimate, — are to be carefully distinguished, as the effects and the rights arising from each are very different.

By engaging in Private War, illegitimate to all of mankind, al Qaeda breaks with civilization entirely. They have declared themselves beyond the bounds of all laws and set themselves up as the only ones fit to judge their actions. Each and every member does this and, in joining with al Qaeda, steps away from the protection of the civil law prefering, instead, God’s Law of Nature which red in tooth and claw.

Nor is this isolated to just this venue, as de Vattel worked with Blackstone who wrote commentaries on the Common Law of England. Before the Revolution this is how Private War in the realm of Piracy, which is no different from any other sort of illegitimate war, was seen:

LASTLY, the crime of piracy, or robbery and depredation upon the high seas, is an offense against the universal law of society; a pirate being, according to Sir Edward Coke,10 hostis humani generis [enemy to mankind]. As therefore he has renounced all the benefits of society and government, and has reduced himself afresh to the savage state of nature, by declaring war against all mankind, all mankind must declare war against him: so that every community has a right, by the rule of self-defense, to inflict that punishment upon him, which every individual would in a state of nature have been otherwise entitled to do, any invasion of his person or personal property.

BY the ancient common law, piracy, if committed by a subject, was held to be a species of treason, being contrary to his natural allegiance; and by an alien to be felony only: but now, since the statute of treasons, 25 Edw. III. c. 2. it is held to be only felony in a subject.11 Formerly it was only cognizable by the admiralty courts, which proceed by the rule of the civil law.12 But, it being inconsistent with the liberties of the nation, that any man’s life should be taken away, unless by the judgment of his peers, or the common law of the land, the statute 28 Hen. VIII. c. 15. established a new jurisdiction for this purpose; which proceeds according to the course of the common law, and of which we shall say more hereafter.

Thus Piracy is a two-fold act in the Common Law. First and foremost it is a violation of the Law of Nations, which is that area of law that we create in our associations with others. The Law of Nations is NOT part of the civil law as noted by Bracton centuries before Blackstone when he wrote his commentaries on the Laws of England. It is one of the strongest views of how we create society via those associations:

What the jus gentium is.

[017] 33The jus gentium is the law which men of all nations use, which falls short of
[018] natural law since that is common to all animate things born on the earth in the
[019] sea or in the air. From it comes the union of man and woman, entered into by the
[020] mutual consent of both, which is called marriage. Mere physical union is [in the
[021] realm] of fact and cannot properly be called jus since it is corporeal and may be
[022] seen;34 all jura are incorporeal and cannot be seen. From that same law there
[023] also35 comes the procreation and rearing of children. The jus gentium is common
[024] to men alone, as religion observed toward God, the duty of submission to parents
[025] and country, or the right to repel violence and injuria. For it is by virtue of this
[026] law that whatever a man does in defence of his own person he is held to do lawfully;
[027] since nature makes us all in a sense akin to one another it follows that for one to
[028] attack another is forbidden.36

In creating families the basis for all other forms of human community are formed: without that basic understanding of the necessity to give up a portion of our liberty to sustain our children, we cannot create civilization. The civil law comes long after that basic association, which makes the law of nations, jus gentium, primary law even when it is unwritten. The writing of de Vattel was to help codify that unwritten law, to have a basis of common understanding solidified so that we could understand this thing we create called ‘nations’. Bracton continues on, and really Mr. Moore, by asking the question, raises the exact law that crosses from al Qaeda to loan holders, but he does not realize it:

What manumission is.

[030] 37Manumissions also come from the jus gentium. Manumission is the giving of
[031] liberty, that is, the revelation of liberty, according to some, for liberty, which
[032] proceeds from the law of

[001] nature, cannot be taken away by the jus gentium but only obscured by it,38 for
[002] natural rights are immutable. But say that he who manumits does properly give
[003] liberty, though he does not give his own but another’s, for one may give what he
[004] does not have, as is apparent in the case of a creditor, who [may alienate a pledge
[005] though the thing is not his,39 and in that of one who] constitutes a usufruct in his
[006] property.40 For natural rights are said to be immutable because they cannot be
[007] abrogated or taken away completely, though they may be restricted or diminished
[008] in kind41 or in part. 42It was by virtue of this jus gentium that wars were introduced
[009] (that is, when declared43 by the prince for the defence of his country44 or to repel
[010] an attack) and nations separated, kingdoms established and rights of ownership
[011] distinguished. Individual ownership was not effected de novo by the jus gentium but
[012] existed of old, for in the Old Testament things were already mine and thine, theft
[013] was prohibited45 and it was decreed that one not retain his servant’s wages.46 By
[014] the jus gentium boundaries were set to holdings, buildings erected next to one
[015] another, from which cities, boroughs and vills were formed.47 And generally, the
[016] jus gentium is the source of all contracts48 and of many other things. What long
[017] custom is will be explained below.49

Civil contract law comes from that basic law that we create amongst ourselves, the private law of jus gentium. Beyond families, when we build and create and live near to others, we have an understanding of property as the creative act is the exercise of liberty on our own behalf. It is with liberty that we create, that we do associate and that we create the very laws we live by. Liberty goes beyond property and to the very heart of all our rights: without liberty we have no rights. We yield a portion of our natural liberty, which is our negative liberty, to our associated creation which is society, the state and the Nation. In resuming these rights, those in any organization or, indeed, alone, who practice Private War are no longer bound to our loving grace. It is not we who absent them from civil society, but their actions which do so. Those who remain in the civil realm, who have exercised liberty and then are unable to sustain their contracts are bound by the jus gentium for civil penalties if such have been established and private ones if they have not. Still, via Bracton, those private ones are established by area and venue in the Common Law, and not created out of thin air but by common agreement in the local society.

The second venue is the civil law, of course, as that is part of the fruits of jus gentium. Here differing Nations decide venues for prosecution differently. Up to the time of Henry VIII the violations were those of either War or Admiralty, depending on venue for land and sea. The sea based portion, as it deals with the problems of contracts, was moved to the civil law save for those portions dealing with National Letters of Marque and Reprisal so as to harm those who have reverted to Nature and recognize no civil discourse. We withhold love and forgiveness until those who have become such enemies to all that is civilized realize their error and submit themselves to the civil law. As we are not God, not Divine and cannot hold all forgiveness in our hearts and are only mortal, we recognize that the boundaries of our very mortality guide us in creating jus gentium. We add penalties to both the civil and military realms for those who break that basis of civilization. Final forgiveness is for that which has it within them to hand out and we would presume too much and forget that we are mortal if we are expected to hand out forgiveness without seeing repentance and submission to the civil law so as to win back to the jus gentium.

In God we trust.

All others pay cash.

* * *

I'll say this much: Michael Moore doesn't realize the two topics are part of the same venue.

But then the modern Left has been trying to have us forget just how and why we do come together to each other.  And why the Law of Nations is not a description of 'international law'.

24 February 2009

Political Lexicon: early 2009 edition

Ah, a new President and a new vocabulary comes into play. For those of you not catching on to the Newspeak I'll do a bit of quick translation between the new word or phrase and its older meaning. It really is quite simple, once you listen for a bit! So, without further preface lets dive right in:

Accountability = Previously, oversight so as to hold institutions to account for funds and activities. New meaning is placing corrupt politicians at the head of institutions so as to ensure that political payoffs go directly to those favored by the Administration. Usage: 'I will make 'Accountability' of federal departments my top priority.'

Anthropomorphic Global Warming (AGW) = Ancient, the idea that humans putting another log on the fire during the Little Ice Age helped to keep a real Ice Age from forming. Previously a misunderstood concept of the dynamics between atmosphere, solar radiation, insolation, albedo, and gaseous chemical compounds on a planetary scale. Currently, a religion that puts man at the center of all things bad happening on Rock 3 from the Star Sol, and aims to eliminate humans via 'Regulation', 'Accountability' and 'Oversight' with the help of 'Social Activism'. Soon to be an extortion phrase used against government, private institutions and individuals to make them conform with the religious beliefs of its adherents. Usage: ''AGW' is a threat to all of humanity and we must do something to stop this global phenomena.'

Bailout (or bail out) = Previously, jumping from a plane at high altitude with a parachute as a means of descending safely to the ground, originally used to imply the aircraft was headed for an uncontrolled ground vector. Currently, handing money out to institutions that had much 'Regulation' and 'Oversight' and are now being made 'Accountable', to the point where the amount being given is more than the cost of the institution itself. Usage: 'We will have to bail out GM and Chrysler and add more 'Regulation', 'Accountability' and 'Oversight' to them so they succeed.'

Carbon Dioxide = Previously a chemical compound that is utilized in the biosphere and naturally occurring, with some current uses of fuels producing it as a byproduct. Currently a pollutant that can be 'Regulated' due to worries about 'Anthropomorphic Global Warming'. Usage: 'The EPA will 'Regulate' the amount of carbon dioxide you can emit by breathing, with a special tax for hyperventilation.'

Crisis = Previously on the domestic side, anything that one could drag their feet on and have worked out by the time a solution full of 'Regulations', 'Accountability' and 'Oversight' was drafted. Currently a rhetorical means to coerce people to give up their money, liberty and freedom for fleeting problems. Usage: 'This 'crisis' requires the largest change in the government of the United States, ever.'

Deadbeat = Ancient, one who does not keep up with paying off their debts or defaults on them. Previously in the credit card industry, anyone who paid off their balances in full and on time so as to incur not interest charges. Currently, an American Taxpayer. Usage: 'We have to get those 'deadbeats' to pay out by new 'Regulations' and 'Oversight' with the help of 'Social Activism' to give money to those who took out larger amounts than they can pay off.'

Depression = Previously economic for a long term Recession. Currently it is any Recession. Generally talked about for years before it arrives so its presaged arrival seems much worse than it really is. Usage: 'We are headed into a Depression.'

Fascism = Ancient, meaning an authoritarian government instituting National Socialism so as to control banking and private industry while allowing for individuals to have some private property. Also an early form of Transnational Progressivism. Currently, a catch-all by the Left to impugn anyone they disagree with based on firm 'Political Convictions'. Usage: 'Those right-wingers wanting to remove 'Regulation' of the banking sector are a bunch of 'Fascists'.'

Great Depression = Older meaning - the financial downturn starting in 1928 that neared recovery in 1937 until government taxes and programs kicked in to prolong it to 1942. Currently, a 'Depression' that is widely predicted during other Recessions, and will be as bad or worse than the 1979-83 Recession. Usage: 'This 'Depression' will turn into the 'Great Depression' if cardigan sweaters go on sale.'

Greatest Mistake in US History = Ancient, the Civil War. Previously, creating a Progressive government that was able to tax 'deadbeats' to pay for those who lacked means to become stable citizens. After that a term used by the Left to denote the Viet Nam conflict. Just after term is used by the Left to denote the election of Ronald Reagan. Just after that the term is used by the Left to denote the election of 2000. Just prior to the election, the Iraq War by many on the political Left. Currently, trusting the federal government to do anything right and spend more money than was spent on the just prior usage of this term by the Left. Apparently whatever today's problem is, is the 'Greatest Mistake in US history' to the Left. Usage: ''The Greatest Mistake in US History' is to believe in the omnicompetence of government to get us through the current 'Depression'.'

Hope & Change = Previously a political slogan (cf. Hot Air). Currently being wiped from the MSM in attempt to have people forget that those we elect provide more the of same old, same old. Usage: 'I will use 'Hope & Change' to guide my 'Political Convictions' and know that I am right, even when things work out in ways that I don't expect.'

Indulgences = Ancient, the practice of paying money to the Roman Catholic Church to get time off in purgatory in the after-life. Current, purchasing carbon credits to reduce one's carbon footprint so that one feels better about all the pollution they do. Usage: 'Soon we will be purchasing 'indulgences' from the federal government due to 'regulations' on 'carbon dioxide' so that we may breathe without undue taxation involved.'

New, New Deal = Previously a social compact to drain money from the rich and industries to give to the poor while enriching 'Regulators' and those performing 'Oversight'. Currently, something twice the size of the old New Deal and that by a minimal factor of two if not larger. Usage: 'To avoid the next 'Great Depression' we need a 'New, New Deal' to prolong it!'

Oversight = Previously a term used to demand 'Accountability' by having 'Regulators' called before Congressional panels. Currently, a witch hunt to browbeat individuals to conform to political dictates of the members of Congress. Usage: 'Barney Frank performed an 'Oversight' function on federal regulators of the banking system in 2003-04 when they complained of the unsound fiscal policy embodied in 'Regulations'.'

Political Convictions = Previously a firm set of ideological work that was the underpinning of one's understanding of the role of government, the citizenry and the Republic. Currently it is The End Justifies The Means for those elected to high office. Usage: 'My 'political convictions' are firm and will always have the right process in mind to achieve them.'

Regulation = Previously the act of ensuring that certain criteria of financial standards, product safety and other items of interstate trade held to federally set norms. Currently, the utilization of corrupt politicians to create laws to place money into the hands of lobbyists to write bills that regulate their industry. Also, economically, the call for more of the previous so as to enact transfer payments to individuals with No Income No Job or Assets via the banking system via Congressionally passed law, so as to meet a political end. Usage: 'The financial system is corrupt and needs more 'Regulation'.'

Regulators = Previously those individuals who had oversight duties on federally mandated regulations and their enactment. Currently, corrupt political cronies put in charge of oversight so as to avoid 'Oversight' by conforming to political beliefs of the Congress or Administration or Both. Generally, those who utilize no sound standards of judgment and kowtow to political goals and aims while in a position of 'Oversight'. Usage: 'We will have the smartest 'Regulators' ever in the history of the United States.'

Social Activism = Previously and Current - Using thuggish means to extort money from politicians, banks, industries or any other viable institution in a poor region so as to 'help the poor' by making private institutions flee the area. Usage: 'That was not a riot with looters, but productive 'Social Activism'.

Socialism = Ancient, a system where everyone owns everything and all are beholden to a central government. Also an early form of Transnational Progressivism. Currently, the advocacy of National control over the banking sector and private industry. See: Fascism, ancient. Usage: 'The banks need to be Nationalized so that they don't fail so that we can have a more 'Socialist' economy.'

Sound fiscal practices = Ancient, to utilize means testing in the area of banking to ensure that borrowers are fiscally able to carry loans or are generally credit worthy. Previously handing out loans to NINJA borrowers due to 'Regulation' and 'Oversight' plus 'Social Activism' used against them. Currently this term has no meaning at all and is a null phrase that is chucked out at whimsy by those promoting schemes of any sort. Usage: 'It is 'sound fiscal practice' to hand out money to those who cannot pay it back and we must give them a 'bail out'.'

We need unity = Previously used as a political stump speech concept for 'Hope & Change'. Also a thing disdained by those who put dissent as the highest form of patriotism while the Nation was fighting a Congressionally sanctioned set of wars overseas. Currently, those who held dissent as the highest form of patriotism now wanting others to conform to their political beliefs. Usage: 'In this country 'we need unity' to confront the banking crisis so as to get 'deadbeats' to pay for those who took out larger loans than they could afford.'

Even though the lexicon is evolving very quickly, the general outlines can be seen with a number of phrases now taking on exactly opposite meanings than they have previously had. In no time at all you can just hear the phrase, substitute in its exact opposite meaning and be properly oriented for our modern times.

With the removal of some words and vowels, we will soon move to the very Progressive form of speech known as 'Duckspeak' and be done with meaning completely.

16 June 2007

Learning English... so simple...

Learning English: So simple, a Barbarian can do it

Photo Courtesy: Grudge-Match

No one ever said anything about speaking it well, mind you....

Plan for the Improvement of English Spelling
by Mark Twain

For example, in Year 1 that useless letter "c" would be dropped to be replased either by "k" or "s", and likewise "x" would no longer be part of the alphabet. The only kase in which "c" would be retained would be the "ch" formation, which will be dealt with later. Year 2 might reform "w" spelling, so that "which" and "one" would take the same konsonant, wile Year 3 might well abolish "y" replasing it with "i" and Iear 4 might fiks the "g/j" anomali wonse and for all.

Jenerally, then, the improvement would kontinue iear bai iear with Iear 5 doing awai with useless double konsonants, and Iears 6-12 or so modifaiing vowlz and the rimeining voist and unvoist konsonants. Bai Iear 15 or sou, it wud fainali bi posibl tu meik ius ov thi ridandant letez "c", "y" and "x" -- bai now jast a memori in the maindz ov ould doderez -- tu riplais "ch", "sh", and "th" rispektivli.

Fainali, xen, aafte sam 20 iers ov orxogrefkl riform, wi wud hev a lojikl, kohirnt speling in ius xrewawt xe Ingliy-spikingwerld.