perjalanan hidup seringkali buat aku berhenti sejenak dan terfikir, panjang....
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tamat sudah pesta konvo kali ke 44.
khemah urusetia hampir kosong.
kemas2 sudah.
mlm pergi meeting bendahari.
pagi, pagi2 buta untuk lebih tepat, bergerak dengan eryika ke McD.
* seriously, nk wat stiker nama "eryika" letak kat moto*
Walaupun banyak masalah...
Namun, masalah tu selesai bila sama-sama atasi.
sepanjang seminggu nh..
mmg banyak pahit manis sekali lah~
hahaha..*touching ar~*
walaupun baru2 kenal..dah banyak benda buat sekali.
Pendek Kata.
Terlibat dengan pesta konvo bukan lah satu pengalaman yang menyedihkan.
Memang bermakna dan amat2 beruntung sangat dapat join pesta konvo nh.
KAwan2 ajk lain mmg best~!
harap dapat berselisih selalu dan dapat borak2 lagi.
*bukan senang nk jumpa dorang nh, masa gerak kerja ngn pesta ja baru jumpa*
Saya rasa saya dah sebati dengan pentas.
p/s: mood sedeh sebab pesta konvo dah habis.Nak jumpa dorang lagi~!
lg sedey bila tak bnyk amik gambar~! dgn ajk2..dengan RAMLI SARIP ngn A. SAMAD SAID, DATO LAT~! padahal dah duduk sebelah dah..waaa~!
Friday, March 26, 2010
sengaja cari nahas
ye la..
pagi2 dah lesap.
balik pkul 4 pagi.
balik bilik pon untuk tuka baju.kalu kena tuka baju.
next week dah stdy week.
hehe..blom ar~!
unit pentas dan persembahan..ok.enjoy.pengalaman bnyk la.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Test your emotional intelligence (EQ) You scored 60% correct! |
Your score indicates that you have an average EQ. |
People who typically score in this range are usually able to recognise and understand their feelings and to express them in an appropriate manner. They are fairly comfortable with who they are. In most circumstances they are not afraid to show love, empathy and compassion for other people. In general, they are comfortable with intimacy, and giving of themselves to other people. They are pretty good communicators. They are fairly in tune with themselves and those around them. They generally know how to say the right thing at the right moment. They are good friends and partners. They are normally able to show anger in appropriate ways. More often than not, they are able to stand up for themselves when necessary, but also are not afraid to cry if they are hurt. They are able to admit when they are wrong and take steps to correct their mistakes. They are rarely unable to say they are sorry. They are generally happy, well-rounded people. They accept challenges. They can stay motivated and focused in the face of setbacks. They are able to set goals for themselves and often achieve them. They are positive and optimistic about themselves, others around them, and their future. However, just because people with an average EQ have a pretty good grasp on their emotions they still have plenty of room for emotional growth. They can continue to be introspective. They can continue to communicate with the people around them and continue to work on their goals. They can utilise what they have and continue to identify areas within themselves that need work. Remember that a person's emotional intelligence never stops growing. Because we are always evolving as people, EQ is something that must be nurtured. If it isn�t cultivated, emotional intelligence will disappear. We wish you the best of luck with your future EQ. |
above is my EQ test result...
Monday, March 22, 2010
While I was Rhyming
while sitting here, worlds looks gloom,
Fond memories looping endlessly,
signs of stopping barely see,
cause don't want to forget whatever we've be.
Time and tide will fall,
Challenges and endurance might call,
sometimes we have to act like a doll,
whatever it is, stick together and victory will roll.
If only knew,
what is going trough,
feels what in others shoe,
Then, you know what should do.
Having a lover never enough,
Its not the true love,
Cause it might be a bluff,
Making hearts cry a pretended laugh.
late at night typing,
words that don't come out in speaking,
Read only by seeing,
More comfortable writing than saying.
I might be poetic,
but not pathetic,
Fingers dancing on letters if something tick,
Share for eyes that seek.
p/s: haha..mencabar vocab aku betul~!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
.::Salah aku::.
Friday, March 12, 2010
bila mampu mendengar tapi tak boleh bercakap
aku terfikir-fikir,
macam mana situasinya apabila kita bekerja nanti.
apabila berada di dalam kumpulan yang berbeda-beda bahasa,
latar belakang,
kemahiran berfikir,
dan bermacam-macam ragam dan perangai?
sebagai jurutera perisian, memang tiada istilah KERJA SORANG-SORANG
so, we need to develop communication skills and how to work as a group from this moment onwards.
Bila mai bab bahasa pertuturan, aku pun berkira-kira nak sambung balik belajar Mandarin.
Mereka tahu berbahasa Melayu dan Mandarin.
kalu mereka bercakap bahasa Melayu, aku faham la.
Kalu mereka bercakap bahasa Mandarin? terkebil-kebil mata aku.
Tak salahkan mereka bertutur bahasa yang aku kurang faham.
Mereka selalunya akan berbincang dalam bahasa lain dulu,
bila dah jumpa solutionnya atau dah jumpa ayat yang lebih mudah, barulah mereka berbincang sekali dalam bahasa Inggeris atau bahasa Melayu.
Mungkin ini jalan yang terbaik untuk mencari jalan penyelesaian.
being in a group when only you do not truly understand what they are saying is not easy.
When you become the minority, you can't expect the majority to follow you, you must follow the majority.
So, you have to learn their language.
Because you are the minority.
Is this the same feeling as the international student?
Patut lah kalau nak pergi Jepun, kena belajar bahsa Jepun dulu.
Mereka sangat daulatkan bahasa Jepun.
Kalau kita ke sana, harus belajar bahasa Jepun,
kerana kita minoriti, mereka majoriti.
Kalau tak belajar, itu namanya, cari kesusahan sendiri.(aka cari nahas sendiri)
p/s: esk kena submit RE. Thanks a bunch to hong, ring, wei hong and hock lye for completing the SRS.
saya menyumbang sedikit sahaja.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
bukanlah jenama motosikal yang ditetapkan oleh syarikat penjenamaan motosikal honda..
Harap maklum~
Monday, March 8, 2010
jerit kuat2?
bunjee jumping?
orang ramai-ramai baling dalam air?
tumbuk2 punching bag sampai punah beg tu?
dan tak rasa nak rempit laju2?
selagi tak buat benda-benda nh,
tersa seperti ada yang tak kena lagi.
AD masih tak siap.Dateline 70% done: Selasa RE-SRS document- Domain Viewpoint + Server Viewpoint + User Charasteristic Dateline:Selasa. Tutor RE pon tak siap lagi,Dateline:Rabu. OS- Assignment 2 : Pra Test-Mem Management:Dateline:Rabu. Namelist + Surat2 yang Ravin mintak tak siap lagi.Dateline:Minggu nh(secepat mingkin) Pesta Konvo- Meeting bersama Pengarah:Isnin. Poster Amar:Isnin. Kol STF: Belum (minggu nh). Kol Adib: Belum lagi(Minggu nh).
Kerja-kerja nh, saya dah tahu dah sebelum ahad.
Untuk menambahkan lagi kepeningan dan ketensionan saya..
JPJ bhgian II gagal-TITI.
Presentation BI dah lepas tadi.
untuk 15% carry mark.
memang present on da spot.
sebab last minit siapkan slide.
[weekend saya habis dengan latihan terakhir moto dan buat AD]