very nice, quiet place.. hp line pun takde..hahaha
the room also o.k.. tp resort kan.. so takde lah aircond and waterheater..
so BALI looks.. staff dia pun mostly indon.. tp a very good service (ramah melampau..hehehe)
3D2N- o.klah.. interesting combination of indoor and outdoor..
we been divided to 4 group's name=proton (+ve element o.k, not the national car) and 3 other groups (karisma, lega n al-falah)..
my team..
en.zulkhairi-team leader, abg isa, nizam telco, shah driver, kak ainul, kak su, kak engku, kak noey and has.. kepala giler2.. asyik nk gelak je..
some of the activities.. enjoy the pics ek..
"Taming the tsunami"
nmpk mcm senang.. susah oo.. nk bg arahan, kejap tarik, kejap lepaskan, kejap terckp salah nama.. yg tukang tarik tu pun, lenguh tangan beb..
"Boat Race"
ni the best activity.. tools yg diberi = pvc, kotak, plastik sampah n tapes.. sejam kena buat boat tu then kena race, 1st pendayung kak su, then tukar ngan nizam.. kitaorg menang.. cayalah nizam.. hahaha.. activity yg giler kelakar..
lepas tu pakat2 mandi sungai.. best.. sejuk..
"Building the tower"(ni tkde pics) and activity mlm mcm treasure hunt (solving clues)..outdoor mmg best.. takde lah mcm activity bdk2 kan.. yg penting everybody happy and team works.. hahaha
"Sketsa P.Ramlee" - ni kitaorg buat scene"cobaan" dari filem pendekar bujang lapok- giler lawak.. yg berlakon pun giler.. abg isa sbg pendekar mustar dpt actor terbaik... hahahaha
"Problem solver" - ni bosan sikit.. sbb kena solve masalah2 org bmi yg tak abis2..
"Reiki- self colour element"- ni best.. we can identify our own colour.. myself = BLUE.. so not me.. susah nk percaya.. but well.. aku mmg super ego.. bak kata has.. hahahaha
and of course dgr ceramah dr trainer
Overall performance = my team got 2nd place.. heheh.. not bad..
Yg penting.. enjoy the days.. hahaha..
Last but not least..saje letak walaupun kualiti gmbr and audio kurang memuaskan.. presenting the "agrotek band" dgn lagu jodoh yg begitu hangat bangat skrg ni..